
Showing posts from March, 2021

Trans Day of Visibility

  On National Trans Day of Visibility, in addition to showing solidarity and support, we want to draw attention to the mental health challenges faced by the transgender community. According to Yale University, transgender individuals are: ⭐️ 6x more likely to have a mood or anxiety disorder ⭐️ 3x as likely to be prescribed antidepressants or antianxiety medications ⭐️ more than 6x as likely to attempt suicide Life by Design Therapy is dedicated to serving the transgender community not just today -- but every day. Contact us today to learn more about our LGBTQ+ sensitive mental health services .

Relationship Therapy in California

  It's challenging to be in a relationship with someone who is a narcissist or has narcissistic behaviors -- but it's also important not to mislabel or pathologize someone's behaviors. That means understanding the difference between toxic or unpleasant behavior, and truly narcissistic behavior. Our latest blog post is meant to provide reflection and tools to help you identify narcissistic behaviors, as well as things to consider if you think you are dating a narcissist. Check out the link in the comments to see how to tell if you might be dating a narcissist -- and what to do about it if you are dating one.

Tips for Communicating With Your Teen

  5 TIPS FOR COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR TEEN by Nia Saunders, PhD There are many reasons for conflict between teens and their parents/families. Teens are starting to be more independent, they become increasingly more oriented towards their friends, and they can make impulsive decisions. For parents, there can be conflict around teens challenging adult authority and exploring their identities. All of these factors make it a common time for increased tension in families with teens. The following tips will show how to improve communication with your teens and build stronger relationships.  1. LISTEN AND SHOW RESPECT FOR THEIR VOICE:  As a psychologist who works with teens, one of the most frequent concerns that teens share with me is that their parent or caregiver “doesn’t listen.” The examples they share include: parents judging, dismissing their opinions, or giving unasked for advice.When talking with your teen, listen attentively and hold judgment. Listening means actively trying to under

Feeling Mentally Drained?

  Feeling mentally drained? You might be experiencing symptoms of burnout, a normal result of experiencing prolonged stress. You might experience burnout when it comes time to handle responsibilities at work or at home. Extreme fatigue, decreased productivity, and cynicism can get in the way of being able to accomplish what you need to get done. Some types of burnout, such as career burnout, may be preventable -- for example, by choosing a job we find rewarding and that offers work-life balance. But sometimes, it may not be possible to change careers, or burnout may surface in other responsibilities (such as caregiving or parenthood) that cannot be neglected or changed. When experiencing any type of burnout, it's important to evaluate what in your life could be causing it and if it is possible to change. When the situation causing burnout cannot be changed, it's time to amp up your self-care game to help you cope with feelings of mental exhaustion. Our trained therapists can t

Holistic and Somatic Therapy in Bay Area

  4-7-8 breathing is a simple grounding exercise we practice with our clients in somatic and holistic therapy . The idea is simple: ⭐️ Breathe in for 4 counts ⭐️ Hold for 7 counts ⭐️ Exhale for 8 counts By regulating your breath, you can regulate your autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the fight-or-flight response -- and all those uncomfortable symptoms of anxiety and panic. For more mind-body grounding strategies, keep an eye out on social media for our upcoming (FREE) e-book!

Lack Self-Confidence & Self-Love

  Self-sabotage describes behaviors that you participate in, despite them standing in the way of your success. Substance abuse, over- or under-eating, procrastination, or starting arguments are examples of ways that we might self-sabotage. Many people who self-sabotage do so because they subconsciously feel they do not deserve success. Whether that "success" takes the form of a healthy relationship or a career you love, you might become an obstacle to your own goals if you lack self-confidence -- and self-love. Life by Design Therapy's clinicians can help you build confidence, explore the ways society and systems of oppression may play a role and support you in stopping self-sabotaging behaviors. Contact us today if this is a behavior you struggle with!

College Students Mental Health

  Big life changes -- like going to college -- can deeply affect your mental health. Mental health challenges are becoming more common among college students (and young adults in general). According to the American Psychological Association: ⭐️ 95% of campus counseling directors said the number of students with mental health issues is a growing concern ⭐️ 70% said the number of students seeking help on campus increased in the past year ⭐️ Anxiety, depression, and relationship issues are the most common problems college students present with Life by Design Therapy uses a blend of holistic and somatic therapies to address mental health concerns like anxiety and depression. Contact us today to learn how we can help college students cope with the transition to living on campus -- especially during a global pandemic!

Postpartum Depression

  No matter how much you have been looking forward to having a baby, the process of pregnancy and birth is stressful, bringing many changes to you and your partner's life. Mild depression and mood swings are normal during this period of transition. Known as the "baby blues," these mood changes occur due to sudden drops in hormones after pregnancy, and usually pass by the second week of the postpartum period. But, if you experience symptoms lasting longer than two weeks, symptoms that interfere with your ability to care for your newborn, and/or suicidal thoughts, you may be struggling with a more severe condition called postpartum depression. Postpartum depression hurts, but it affects up to 20% of new mothers, according to the Illinois Department of Public Health. If you are struggling with postpartum depression, you are not alone -- and Life by Design Therapy can help .

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy DBT

  Lately, we've been talking about Dialectical Behavior Therapy , or DBT for short, over on the Life by Design Therapy blog. One of the core elements of DBT is the belief in three distinct states of mind: ⭐️ Emotion Mind is a state of overwhelming emotions where our actions, guided by those emotions, become impulsive. ⭐️ Reasonable Mind is a state where logic reigns supreme, solving problems -- and pushing away emotional experiences. ⭐️ Wise Mind incorporates both reason and emotions, drawing upon our intuition. To learn more about DBT, check out the latest blog post written by our therapist Ashley Gregory LMFT -- link in bio ❣️

Tips on Navigating Friend Breakups

  Sadly, not all friendships last a lifetime. It's normal to grow and change as a person, but that sometimes mean we grow apart from the friends we used to enjoy spending time with. Breaking up with a friend is difficult for everyone involved -- but as with any breakup, your friend deserves an explanation. Just as you wouldn't break up with a partner over a text or phone call, friend breakups are best performed in person. Be assertive but respectful while explaining your reasoning for ending the friendship. You both deserve to end a friendship -- especially a long-lasting one -- on a high note, so you can leave with fond memories rather than animosity. For more tips on navigating friend breakups, schedule an appointment with one of our trained therapists who can help you through this challenging experience.

Holistic Therapy in Richmond

  Many of our holistic therapists at Life by Design Therapy practice "inner child work." But what does it mean to heal your inner child? Your inner child is the part of your subconscious that represents the child you once wore. If you experienced childhood trauma, this part of you may be more prominent, causing old wounds to resurface. Healing your inner child means spending time getting to know and understand what you needed as a child -- and taking the time now as an adult to ensure that those needs are met. No matter what your childhood looked like, we believe that it is never too late to play, grow, and nurture yourself the way you should have as a child. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about our holistic approach to inner child work.

Experienced Therapists

  Few things are as difficult as sheltering in place with a roommate during a global pandemic. Roommate conflict is natural, but even more natural when you are spending most (if not all) of your time together. One of the best ways to alleviate roommate conflict is to communicate clearly and effectively. This requires you to be assertive in setting and enforcing boundaries, while also respecting your roommate's boundaries. Ideally, you should come to agreements about expectations prior to moving in with someone, but it is never too late to have this conversation -- especially if you are experiencing roommate conflict. If you need help identifying and asserting your boundaries, Life by Design Therapy is here to help you learn to stand up for yourself. Contact us today for a free consultation with one of our experienced therapists.

Therapy Near Me

  Meghan Markle made waves when she sat down with Oprah and confessed to wanting to take her own life during her period as a royal. She also expressed how challenging -- and how courageous -- it is to seek help for your mental health. Whether you are a current client at Life by Design Therapy , are about to start therapy, or are even contemplating it, we want to take this opportunity to remind you how brave you are. It does take courage to admit you need (or want) help -- and it can be intimidating to ask. If you are having thoughts of harming yourself, call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or text HOME to 741-741 to chat with the Crisis Text Line.

Expressive Arts Therapy

  Expressive arts therapy is a holistic, multidimensional approach to therapy that incorporates elements of the arts. This includes the visual arts, like painting and drawing, but also the dramatic arts, dance, music, and even journaling. Expressive arts therapy is used to treat conditions ranging from anxiety, to depression, to PTSD. In truth, it can be helpful to anyone who is looking to express themselves artistically and gain a more detailed understanding of their emotional landscape. Our therapist Krystal Williams LMFT incorporates expressive arts therapy into her work. Contact us today to learn more about her immediate openings.

Therapy for Young Adulthood

  So, you've graduated college, you have a full-time job (or go to grad school), and you live on your own -- but you still don't feel like a "real adult." You might be wondering when that "adult" feeling will kick in. The truth is that many of us continue to struggle with Imposter Syndrome well into our 30s, 40s, and beyond. You may not feel like a "real adult" or feel like you are faking it, but that does not mean you should neglect your adult accomplishments. Anytime you pay a bill, make a doctor's appointment, or buy your own groceries, you're "adulting" -- and that's something worth celebrating! If you find yourself struggling with the transition from college to young adulthood, Life by Design Therapy can help. Contact us today to learn more about our holistic approach to therapy and how it can serve you during this important life transition.

Therapist Approved Tips

  As you have probably learned, frequent procrastination can cause serious problems at work or school. Thankfully, this behavior can be changed using the principles of psychology. Here are some therapist-approved tips to help you stop procrastinating for good: ⭐️ Remind yourself of your goals and weigh the amount of effort necessary to meet those goals. ⭐️ "Eat the frog." In other words, start with your most dreaded task. After completing the most challenging task first, your remaining tasks will seem easier by comparison. ⭐️ Break large tasks into small, manageable steps. Give yourself a small reward each time you complete a step, such as a piece of candy or a short break. If you still struggle with procrastination after implementing these tips, it's worth asking whether perfectionism and anxiety could be to blame. Sometimes, we dread starting a task because we fear our work will not meet our own impossibly high standards. Does this sound like you? Life by Design Therapy

Therapy for Mindfulness

  Do you take on the emotions of others? When we have poor emotional boundaries, we may find ourselves feeling angry when others are angry or sad when others are sad. Or, alternatively, we may find that we are unable to feel happy when people we care about are not. Absorbing the emotions of others can be both a strength and a weakness. It can be a sign that you are an empath, gifted with the extraordinary ability to empathize with nearly anyone -- but it can also become exhausting and frustrating to constantly feel what others are feeling. Therapeutic techniques such as grounding and mindfulness can help you learn to create a healthy distance between your emotions and the emotions of others. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about how we can help you set stronger emotional boundaries.

Women's Mental Health

  Happy International Women's Day! Today, we would like to not only celebrate the accomplishments of women around the world but also to highlight some of the mental health concerns unique to women: ⭐️ 1 in 5 women in the United States has experienced a mental health condition in the past year (Office on Women's Health). ⭐️ The percent of women treated for a mental health disorder is nearly 50% higher than the percentage of men (Regis College). ⭐️ Some mental health disorders occur only in females. These include premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) and postpartum depression (National Institute of Mental Health). ⭐️ Other mental illnesses occur in both sexes, but are more common in women. This includes Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), which is 70% more prevalent in women (Anxiety and Depression Association of America). Life by Design Therapy is here to support people of all gender identities, including those who identify as women. Contact us today to learn more about how w

Somatic Therapist in California

  Somatic therapy is a form of psychotherapy that integrates the mind and body. Because chronic pain has mind and body components, somatic therapy is a promising solution for managing it in your everyday life. That isn't to say that chronic pain is "all in your head." Your physical symptoms are very real -- but the way we think about and fixate on pain can actually worsen our experience with chronic pain as we move throughout life. Somatic therapy can increase your tolerance for discomfort by teaching you to acknowledge and sit with your body's sensations, even when they are painful. By refraining from judgment of your body's sensations, you learn to no longer view them as good or bad, but to simply tolerate them, whatever they may be. To learn more about our somatic approach to helping chronic pain patients thrive, contact Life by Design Therapy today.

Traumatic Stress in Children

  Children are not impervious to the effects of trauma, but those effects may look different in a child than in a fully-grown adult. It's important to know how to recognize the different signs of trauma in a child following an impactful event, such as a move or a death in the family. According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, children who are experiencing a trauma response may: ⭐️ Fear separation from parents or caregivers ⭐️ Be colicky or throw tantrums ⭐️ Eat less and/or lose weight ⭐️ Have nightmares or fail to sleep through the night ⭐️ Exhibit sexualized or developmentally inappropriate behavior ⭐️ Regress to an earlier stage of development It is essential to recognize the signs of traumatic stress in children, since trauma is a risk factor for nearly every mental health disorder. If you recognize these behaviors in your child following a traumatic event, contact a skilled mental healthcare provider who specializes in treating children and families

Childhood Trauma Therapy

  When children grow up with a physically or emotionally absent parent, or otherwise experience trauma to do with a parent, they can grow up to develop a "mother wound" or "father wound." Parental wounds can form when: ⭐️ We were emotionally or physically abandoned ⭐️ Our physical or emotional needs were not met ⭐️ Our relationships with caregivers suffered early conflict Parental wounds can be healed through a process called "reparenting," which asks you to get in touch with your inner child and provide them with the love and care they did not receive from a parent. A skilled therapist can guide you through the reparenting process, helping you heal from parental wounds. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about how we can support you through childhood trauma.

Therapy for Trauma Survivors

  What happens to our bodies when we go through trauma? Trauma activates our sympathetic nervous system, also known as our fight-flight-or-freeze response. Our bodies might... ⭐️ FIGHT : we may physically resist (or want to physically resist) what's happening to us, even if we don't succeed. ⭐️ FLIGHT : we may try to escape the situation (or want to escape), even if we don't succeed. ⭐️ FREEZE : while we still experience symptoms of fight-or-flight, like a racing heartbeat, sweating, or dilated pupils, we may find ourselves paralyzed. None of these responses to trauma is "better" than the other. They are all valid ways that our bodies react to dangerous or threatening situations. If you have experienced trauma, you may still experience symptoms of the fight-flight-or-freeze response, whether in response to a specific trigger or without any warning, to this day. Life by Design Therapy can help you deactivate your hyperaroused sympathetic nervous system and get back

Dialectical Behavioral Therapy

DBT stands for Dialectical Behavioral Therapy , and was developed by Marsha Linehan in the 1970s to treat acutely suicidal patients. The treatment is most known for treating borderline personality disorder (BPD), though Linehan's intention was to address suicidal and self-harming behaviors (which many people with BPD struggle with). Now, DBT is widely accepted as applicable for a variety of mental health conditions, including Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), depression, anxiety, substance use disorders, obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), and more. To learn more about DBT, check out our therapist Ashley Gregory LMFT's blog post on the Foundations of DBT -- link in comments ❣️