Therapy for Trauma Survivors


What happens to our bodies when we go through trauma?

Trauma activates our sympathetic nervous system, also known as our fight-flight-or-freeze response. Our bodies might...

⭐️ FIGHT: we may physically resist (or want to physically resist) what's happening to us, even if we don't succeed.

⭐️ FLIGHT: we may try to escape the situation (or want to escape), even if we don't succeed.

⭐️ FREEZE: while we still experience symptoms of fight-or-flight, like a racing heartbeat, sweating, or dilated pupils, we may find ourselves paralyzed.

None of these responses to trauma is "better" than the other. They are all valid ways that our bodies react to dangerous or threatening situations.

If you have experienced trauma, you may still experience symptoms of the fight-flight-or-freeze response, whether in response to a specific trigger or without any warning, to this day.

Life by Design Therapy can help you deactivate your hyperaroused sympathetic nervous system and get back to feeling "normal" again. Contact us to learn more about somatic therapy (therapy involving the body) for trauma survivors and how it can help you end the fight-flight-or-freeze response.


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