
Showing posts from March, 2023

Trauma Memory

  Trauma is more than just a memory.  It's a way of responding to our environment, and can impact us on a physical, mental, and emotional space. We want you to know that although trauma can resurface, it doesn't have to control your life. It’s important to recognize the signs and give yourself permission to heal from trauma. One step at a time.⁣⁣ We, at Life By Design Therapy , would love to be a part of your healing. If you’re interested in beginning therapy, click the link in our bio for free resources and more information to schedule.

Therapy Services in East Bay Area

  Just Breathe 🧘‍♀️ Our breath is our life. Noticing your breath can make you aware of what you are experiencing in the present moment. So today we invite you to notice your breath and where it’s flowing. If you see that your breath isn’t flowing in the direction you want, you have the power to shift. For more mind-body healing tools, click the link in our bio to download your free eBook , The Mind-Body Tool Kit.

Holistic Couples' Counseling in Bay Area

  Relationships are such important parts of our lives that we're often willing to go to great lengths to make them work. But even for the strongest of couples, there are so many challenges that can get in the way of the bond you share with your partner. You may compromise too much, or too little. You may have certain beliefs or habits that are so difficult to break free from and restrict you from having a strong bond with your partner. You may carry old wounds into a new relationship, and have trouble forgiving or loving yourself making it almost impossible to truly love another. You may have struggled to understand your needs and wants, and that indecision is leading to mixed signals for a lover that needs clarity and healthy boundaries. You may suffer with poor communication, sometimes wanting to open up when the other person shuts down. Or get accused of things you do not believe are fair. Perhaps it just leads to stubborn arguments where neither partner is willing to back down?

Emotional Eating vs. Food Addiction

  Not all cravings are created equal!  Have you heard the difference between food addiction and emotional eating?⁣⁣ The line between the two can get blurred sometimes. So let’s talk about it! When we eat something that we find highly palatable we set off a feel-good hormone in the brain called dopamine. For those who emotionally eat, anytime there are “negative” feelings, food becomes a coping mechanism. Eating your feelings isn’t the problem, it’s the solution your brain requires for “survival mode”. Whereas someone with a food addiction uses food as a drug to survive. They are physically, mentally, and emotionally dependent on it. Both of these coping skills, however, can wreak havoc on your physical, and mental health. Getting to the root cause of these actions can help you begin to live your life at more optimal levels. ‌ If you feel as though you struggle with one of these, having someone to walk you through next steps can be helpful. If you live in California and are interested i

Trauma Counseling in California

  PSA: Everyone experiences trauma in their life in one way or another! Trauma is an emotional and mental response to an experience or distressing event, that can potentially damage a persons sense of safety or ability to regulate emotions. Here are 5 types of trauma… Developmental Trauma  - During your childhood or teen years you may have experienced things that radically altered your thinking and feelings. Family & Cultural Trauma  - The powerful forces of the family, you were raised in, the neighborhood you grew up in, and the world we live in has a major influence on your life. Relational Trauma  - Relationships are a defining point of our existence. We all experience some really good relationships – and some really hurtful ones. Generational Trauma  - You are a product of the generation you were born and raised in. Racial Trauma  - This is the emotional impact of stress that's related to racial discrimination and systems of oppression. If you relate to any of these, having

Depression & Women

  Did you know that depression affects 15 million people every year? Did you also know that women are twice as likely to develop depression than men? Why is that? It’s believed that depression affects women more than men due to the major hormone shifts that begin occurring in a female during puberty. Women can have depression that starts at an earlier age, lasts longer and has a higher probability of reoccurring. However, while depression affects more women than men, it doesn’t discriminate. If you are struggling with depression, we acknowledge your struggle and want to support you. We have free resources on our website and a link to schedule a free phone consultation with a qualified therapists. So head to the link in our bio to find these resources and more.

Online Therapy for CA Residents

  Krystal Williams, Somatic Therapist — Holistic and Somatic Therapy | Berkeley & Richmond Krystal provides individual, teen, and family therapy in our downtown Berkeley and Richmond offices. Krystal specializes insomatic therapy and expressive arts therapy.

Licensed Clinical

  Leah Kaplan , Online Clinical Social Worker for CA residents — Holistic and Somatic Therapy | Berkeley & Richmond Leah provides therapy for adults, couples, teen, and families online. Utilizing a truly holistic approach, Leah blends expressive arts therapy and mindfulness practices in her work. Offering free 20 minute phone consultations to get started.

Life by Design Therapy

  Tiana Brawley, ASW — Holistic and Somatic Therapy | Berkeley & Richmond Tiana works with Black, indigenous, POC communities as well as LGBTQ+ communities who are deeply impacted by societal, historical and systemic oppression and marginalization. In therapy, we do not shy away from discussing the impact race, culture, privilege and discrimination in our communities.

Anger Management


The Mind-Body Tool Kit

  Are you constantly on the edge, feeling overwhelmed, and just not in control?  That could be a sign that you live in a perpetual state of fight or flight. This is a survival mechanism that stems from past trauma. It’s used to protect yourself in a state of what you feel may be negative. However, living in this state all the time can cause your cortisol level to stay elevated. This could lead health issues and mental distress. If you find that you are living in a state of perpetual fight or flight, it may be time to seek help. A great place to start is with our free downloadable eBook The Mind-Body Tool Kit. This will help you begin to make the connections between your mind and your body’s response. Another beneficial step would be to speak with a qualified therapist. You can find both options in the link in our bio!

Somatic Psychotherapy in California

  "Got your coping skill!" Dissociation is a coping skill that is unknowingly triggered by trauma and chronic stress that allows us to keep moving forward with life or what some would call "survival mode". Those who struggle with dissociation experience it in different ways. Some may experience feeling numb or detached. Others may have gaps in their memories or even change the memory altogether. Dissociation is a great example of trapped body trauma in which Somatic Therapy can support with. If you feel as though you struggle with dissociation and would like to find out more about Somatic Therapy, we would love to work with you. Head to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation with one of our therapists. P.S. We also have a list of our top therapist products in the bio as well! Check it out!

Benefits of Crying

  The power of tears can be underestimated  Crying is a natural and necessary part of our lives and has many physical, mental, and emotional benefits. Check out the list below to learn the benefits of letting it all out. It improves your mood. It’s a self-soothing technique. It supports restoring emotional balance. It helps relieve pain. It releases toxins and helps detox the body. As you can see crying is more than just a way to just release emotions, it’s a great way to connect with your body and gain clarity on what you might be experiencing. If you want to know more about mind-body healing , head to the link in our bio to find the link for our free Mind-Body Toolkit.

How To Developing Self-Awareness

  Feeling lost in your journey? Here’s the way out! 💡 It’s time to take a pause and reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Self-awareness is a key factor in personal growth and development. It involves understanding your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors, as well as how they affect the people around you. Developing self-awareness can help you to become more mindful of your actions and reactions, and to better understand yourself and the world around you. Create space for self-reflection by tuning into yourself and becoming aware of your innermost thoughts, desires, and intentions.⁣⁣ What are some other ways you can become self-aware? Let us know in the comments! P.S. To support your journey we have created a list of “ Therapist Top Picks ” just for you! Head to the link in our bio to check it out!

Racial Trauma Psychotherapy

  Now that we’ve put a name to the invisible foe of Racial Trauma, we can begin to find ways to acknowledge the pain and heal. If you’re curious as to what we are talking about head over to the previous blog Racial Trauma - Acknowledging the Invisible Foe as a prerequisite to this read. Racial Trauma can be a confusing and painful experience to endure, and as we mentioned in the previous blog, you are not alone. Your feelings and experiences are valid. In this blog, you will find ways to cope, resources, and learn new ways to heal. Head to the link in our bio to read the full blog.

Mental Health Awareness

  🧡Take a moment to tune in with what your body is communicating to you today. 🧡 There may be times when our physical bodies give us clues to what we may be experiencing on a mental and emotional level . What is your body telling you today?

International Women's Day

  “Feminism isn’t about making women strong. Women are already strong. It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.” - G.D. Anderson Happy International Women’s Day! We want to celebrate and embrace equity for every woman everywhere! We encourage you to find a woman in your life and empower her in all that she is today!

Coping with Burnout

  Feeling drained 🥵 and overwhelmed 🤯 with too much on your plate? We know how it feels. Burnout can take a toll on your mental and physical health, but it doesn’t have to last forever. By managing stress, setting healthy boundaries, and renewing motivation, you can find balance again. You can take steps towards feeling better today! We have created a “Therapist Top Product List” that has tools, and resources to help you cope with burnout and regain peace of mind. We also have a Mind-Body Tool Kit which is a free downloadable eBook to start your journey with Mind-Body Healing. Head to the link in our bio to find links for both resources !

Mental Health Therapist in California

  We've all seen the viral reels about "letting your intrusive thoughts win". However, for those who may experience intrusive thoughts, it's no laughing matter. Intrusive thoughts are an incredibly common experience, yet they can be difficult to talk about. Those with PTSD and anxiety tend to experience these thoughts more than others. For some people, these thoughts can be very distressing. It is important to understand that intrusive thoughts are not a sign of weakness or something to be ashamed of; however, they might be an indication that it's time to reach out for support. With the right therapy and support, it is possible to manage intrusive thoughts and lead a healthy life. If you are struggling with these thoughts, please know that you are not alone and there are resources to help you overcome these moments. Having a qualified mental health therapist to support you is one of those resources. Life By Design Therapy has an incredible staff of therapists rea

Trauma Bonding

  “Someday they’ll change and love me for me” or “If I just change (fill in the blank) maybe they’ll be happy”… I’m sure we’ve said this or even heard one of our friends say it…This could be a sign of someone who is in a trauma bond. Trauma bonding is an attachment that is formed between an abuser and the one being abused. Typically the one being abused, based out of childhood trauma, mistakes being mistreated as a sign of love. The mistreatment could be blatant or it could be subtle. The person being abused often stays in “survival mode” to keep a sense of safety in their environment. Trauma bonding can be found in romantic relationships, familial relationships and friendships. The effects of trauma bonding vary from person to person, but it’s important to create awareness of these relationships due to the effects on your overall wellbeing. Awareness can also be the first step in finding freedom from the “bond”. If you feel as though you may be experiencing trauma bonds, having someon

Affirmations for Empaths

  Dear Empaths, We see you. You are not alone. We honor your heart and your ability to feel the world around you. We also acknowledge the weightiness of being an empathic person and we want to provide you with some affirmations to support the weight you carry. With love, Life By Design Therapy P.S. If you're interested in 50 grounding activities, download our free Ebook , The Mind-Body Toolkit: A Beginner's Guide To Connecting With The Body. Link in Bio!

World Music Therapy Day

  Happy World Music Therapy Day!  Many people have never heard of music therapy . So what is it exactly? Music therapy is a modality in which music is played to help you explore emotions that you may not have the words for. Music has always transcended the limitations of language. We want to challenge you to explore music today and become aware of what your body is experiencing as you listen to different styles, lyrics and melodies. Let us know in the comments what your experience was!