Emotional Eating vs. Food Addiction


Not all cravings are created equal! 

Have you heard the difference between food addiction and emotional eating?⁣⁣ The line between the two can get blurred sometimes. So let’s talk about it!

When we eat something that we find highly palatable we set off a feel-good hormone in the brain called dopamine. For those who emotionally eat, anytime there are “negative” feelings, food becomes a coping mechanism. Eating your feelings isn’t the problem, it’s the solution your brain requires for “survival mode”. Whereas someone with a food addiction uses food as a drug to survive. They are physically, mentally, and emotionally dependent on it.

Both of these coping skills, however, can wreak havoc on your physical, and mental health. Getting to the root cause of these actions can help you begin to live your life at more optimal levels.

If you feel as though you struggle with one of these, having someone to walk you through next steps can be helpful. If you live in California and are interested in services, head to the link in our bio to schedule a free phone consultation with a qualified clinician.



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