
Showing posts from March, 2022

Holistic Therapy in El Cerrito

  Saying "I'm fine" when we're not might seem harmless, but when we do it too often, we may begin to lose touch with the way we truly feel. Instead of saying "I'm fine," practice honesty with your loved ones by saying "Actually, I'm feeling ___" today. By acknowledging your own feelings, you create a safe space for others to tell you how they feel in return 💛

Brain Fog and Anxiety

  BRAIN FOG AND ANXIETY: WHY IS IT HARD FOR ME TO FOCUS? As a result of the Covid pandemic, and its impact on our day-to-day lives, many of us have been experiencing increased levels of stress over the last couple of years. These heightened stress levels may have impacted or exacerbated areas of our lives related to our physical and mental health. For individuals that experience anxiety , high levels of stress can make anxiety levels worse. This increase in stress and overall levels of anxiety can affect our ability to focus, or create “brain fog.” WHAT IS BRAIN FOG?  “Brain Fog” is a term used to describe a lack of mental clarity, the inability to focus, feeling confused, or simply feeling “scatter-brained.” Brain fog can make it difficult to complete tasks that you previously may not have had any issues completing. It can also present itself as forgetfulness, or being easily distracted. Other characteristics of brain fog can include feeling fatigued, or having a hard time organizing

Social Media Sadness

  SOCIAL MEDIA SADNESS: THE LINK BETWEEN DEPRESSION AND SOCIAL MEDIA Have you ever found yourself feeling particularly sad, frustrated, upset, or just overall drained after browsing through Instagram or Facebook? There’s a reason for that. Recent studies have shown a correlation between social media use and depression . While Social Media apps themselves may not be causing depression, the amount of media that we consume may leave us feeling more insecure, exhausted, and socially isolated due to a lack of direct social interaction with others. All of these factors can directly contribute to feelings of sadness and depression .  Spending an increased amount of time on Social Media apps can affect us in more ways than one. Depending on the accounts that you usually follow, seeing an influx of seemingly “perfect” individuals can affect how we perceive ourselves and our overall self-esteem. Constantly checking social media apps may also be creating disruptions in our day, which in turn cre

Online Anxiety Therapy

If you are seeking real relief from anxiety and want to gain essential tools to help manage the specific ways anxiety shows up in your life, our holistic therapists can help.   Life by Design Therapy is dedicated and committed to helping you heal and build a new foundation for growth and transformation. We offer holistic and somatic therapy and counseling for anxiety because we know that our history, our culture, and our unique life experiences shape us. If you’re ready to work on your anxiety in a healing, open, and honoring way, contact our Berkeley and Richmond holistic therapists for a free consultation .

Abandonment Issues

  "Abandonment issues," a.k.a. an insecure attachment style, can make a person fearful or avoidant in romantic relationships. They may find it difficult to trust others and struggle to get close to people as a result. Overcoming abandonment issues takes time, effort, and healing interpersonal connections. By learning to trust others and get your emotional needs met, you can rewrite your brain's unhelpful thoughts about attachment and relationships.

Somatic Therapy in Albany

  Somatic experiencing is a somatic therapy technique that involves gradual exposure to traumatic memories. As you recall elements of the traumatic event, you will be asked to observe your body's physical reactions and "pendulate" (or shift your attention) between this trauma response and a state of calm. To learn more about somatic therapy or try it for yourself, contact Life by Design Therapy today.

Recognize Your Emotions

Acceptance can help you "ride the wave" of challenging emotional experiences . You can achieve emotional acceptance in three steps: 1️⃣ Naming the emotion. 2️⃣ Recognize your emotions as normal. 3️⃣ Stop fighting them and allow them to pass with time. By practicing emotional acceptance, over time, you can come to a place where you can overcome any obstacle with resilience.

Couple Therapy in Albany

  Trust is an essential ingredient in any successful relationship. Building trust takes time, but a relationship with a strong foundation of trust is one that has the potential to last. Clear communication, empathy, and respect are important ways to build trust in a relationship. Owning up to your mistakes by apologizing, without making excuses, is also key. What else would you add to this list of ways to build trust with your partner ? Let us know in the comments below!

Worrying About The Future

  If you have anxiety, worry may be a constant soundtrack to your life -- but it doesn't have to be! You can take back control from your worries by being mindful of and interrupting unhelpful thoughts. Next time you notice yourself worrying , put an end to those thoughts by thinking "3-2-1-STOP!" or picturing a stop sign anytime you notice your mind straying into worry territory. It might sound silly, but the mental cue can help you steer your mind back to the task at hand and stop fretting over what you cannot control!

Symptoms of Mental Illness

  Dating with a mental health condition is rarely easy. Mental health stigma impacts all of us, and even the most well-intentioned partners can have knee-jerk reactions to disclosing a mental illness. For this reason, it's important to wait until a point when you feel sure you can trust a new partner before opening up to them about your mental health concerns. When you do decide to have "the talk," make sure you do it during a time when you are not actively experiencing symptoms of mental illness , such as mania or psychosis. Your partner will likely have a lot of questions, so be prepared to refer them to resources where they can learn more about your mental health condition. Above all else, try to communicate what they can do to be most helpful to you in your recovery.

Self Awareness

  "Intentional" is a word that is often used on social media and among mindfulness professionals. But what does it mean to do something intentionally? Having intention, or being intentional, means acting with a clear purpose. It means you understand the 'why' behind your choices and making those decisions deliberately. In other words, intentionality is a way of practicing mindful self-awareness . By being more intentional, you encourage yourself to reflect on the underlying motivations explaining why you do what you do.

Mental Health Treatment Near Me

  Acceptance of your painful past is the first step toward healing from it 💙 Let us know in the comments below if you agree!

Life by Design Therapy

  Social media has its pros and cons for mental health. While it can lead to unhealthy comparison and fear of missing out ("FOMO"), it can also foster supportive connections with others around the world. Whether social media is helpful or harmful to you largely depends on your relationship with it. While occasionally browsing Instagram or sending a Facebook message probably won't kill you, constant consumption can be a recipe for poor mental health. It's important to set healthy digital boundaries to protect your mental health online. Make sure to schedule periods of screen-free time throughout your week to unplug and reflect on your relationship to social media!

Couples' Therapist

  An emotionally safe person is someone with whom we have a trusting, caring relationship and feel free to show up as our most authentic selves around. Emotional safety is an essential component of a healthy relationship, and it requires you to offer your partner the same type of support. Emotional safety is built through relationship skills like trust, healthy communication, active listening, non-judgment, and compassion. A couples' therapist can help you and your partner strengthen these skills in order to enhance the quality of your relationship. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about how we can help you nurture emotional safety in your relationships.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Treatment

  Psychological trauma describes a reaction, not a particular event, that individuals may experience when they go through something scary, dangerous, or otherwise impactful. Most people will experience some type of trauma response in the aftermath of a traumatic event. Common emotional responses to trauma can include denial, anger, anxiety, and depression, while physical responses can include sleep changes, hypervigilance, and chronic pain. When this response lasts longer than a few weeks to months after a traumatic event, the individual might be experiencing post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD. If you suspect you may have PTSD, it's important to reach out and seek help before your symptoms get worse. Remember, you can always contact Life by Design Therapy to talk to a caring, non-judgmental professional about your experience.

Relationships Not Working Out ?

  The COVID-19 pandemic has placed a strain on many of our relationships. Unfortunately, relationship issues -- including breakups -- remain an important concern in our lives, despite the many other things going on in the world around us. It's okay and normal for some relationships not to work out, but that doesn't make it any easier to cope with the psychological stress of a breakup -- especially during these uncertain times. Bob Taibbi, LCSW shared some tips for coping with breakups for Psychology Today. Here are four of those tips to help you get through the challenge of ending a relationship during COVID-19: 💙 Avoid rebound relationships. During the vulnerable phase after the end of a relationship, you may be tempted to dive into something new. Think deeply about the consequences before entering a "rebound relationship" with an ex or new lover. 💙 Seek social support. Your friends and family play an important role in helping you get through challenges such as br

Relationship Counseling in California

  Communication is potentially the most important ingredient in any healthy relationship . Unfortunately, many of us are not taught the skills we need to communicate in a productive way. Some tips for healthy communication in your relationship include: 💙 Have important conversations when you are both feeling calm. Whenever the conversation becomes heated, step away and resume the conversation later when you are feeling more in control. 💙 Speak using "I-statements." Take responsibility for your own emotions by saying "I feel  when you  " instead of making accusatory statements like "you make me so ____!" 💙 Practice active listening skills so your partner feels heard, too. These skills include using positive body language, like nodding and making eye contact, as well as reflecting what they say back to you. For example, "It sounds like you're saying you feel underappreciated. Is that right?" What advice would you add to this list? Let us kno

How to Become More Resilient

  Resilience is a desirable trait -- one that protects against depression and anxiety and helps us cope with adversity. Why not make 2022 the year that you practice building your resilience? Here are four ways to get started with becoming more resilient: ⭐️ Look back on previous successes. We can all think of at least one time when we were resilient in the past. Think back on your previous experiences with resilience. What did you do to cope? Why did it work so well? Try to replicate those successes in the face of future setbacks. ⭐️ Practice radical acceptance. Distress often comes from fighting reality or our refusal to accept the situation we are in. Radical acceptance is the act of accepting the things you cannot change and releasing control over the things outside our sphere of influence. By practicing radical acceptance, you can learn to make peace with challenging situations. ⭐️ Focus on logical problem-solving. While it's easier said than done when we are feeling overwhelme

What is Self Care?

  The term "self-care" has been popularized by influencers and other media sources. However, the media has warped its meaning by commercializing the concept of self-care. In reality, you do not need expensive beauty products or yoga studio memberships to practice self-care. Self-care is, simply, the act of taking care of yourself. It means ensuring that all of your needs are met, including your basic needs (such as eating, sleeping, and showering) and more complex ones (like the need for connection, hobbies, or sex). Contrary to what you might see on Instagram, self-care looks different for everyone! How do you like to practice self-care? Let us know in the comments below!

Mental Health Services

  Next time you are feeling triggered, remember the word H.A.L.T. and remind yourself to take a pause! Ask yourself: Are you hungry, angry, lonely, or tired? When these basic needs are not met, we may be more likely to experience low mood, anxiety, and other emotional challenges .

Negative Thoughts

  Negative thoughts are unhelpful ways of thinking that increase our anxiety levels . Most of us have one or two of these thoughts occasionally, but some of us are flooded with negative thoughts nearly all the time. Regardless of how intense your thoughts are, it's important to know that you can change them. Changing your thoughts starts by challenging the logic behind them. Try asking yourself these questions next time you have a negative thought: ❓ Is this thought true? ❓ How do I know it is true? ❓ How realistic is this thought? ❓ What is the worst thing that could happen if this thought is true? ❓ What would I say to a loved one who was having this thought?

Holistic and Somatic Therapy in California

  Having a strong network of supportive friends, family, peers, teachers, coaches, bosses, mentors, and more is protective against mental illnesses like anxiety and depression. Strengthening your social bonds can also help you get the support you need when you are experiencing mental distress . It's important to build a strong support system before experiencing a full-blown crisis situation. Using social media to reconnect with old friends, or joining a peer support group, can fortify your social bonds and help you feel more connected. Reaching out to others can be intimidating, but chances are that they want to talk just as much as you do!

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)

  In many places, the winter months bring gloomier weather and less daylight hours compared to the weather and sunlight we get during the spring and summer months. These seasonal changes can lead to a type of depression called Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD. If you’ve experienced Seasonal Affective Disorder in the past, or are currently experiencing SAD-related symptoms, our latest post shares some tips to help you prepare for this winter. Link in bio to read more!