
Showing posts from February, 2023

Boundaries vs. Walls

  PSA: Boundaries and Walls are the same !!  Ok, not really! However, they both hold a deep desire to remain secure and respected. Boundaries and walls are two concepts that often get confused with one another. So do you have boundaries or do you put up walls? Check out the list below to find out! Walls - Geared toward avoidance of vulnerability They can be forceful or rigid feeling Isolation is a coping skill Design to maintain “control” and keep people away Boundaries - Clearly defined expectations around the way someone can treat you. Ability to say “no” with confidence when something doesn’t feel right. Only needing a temporary moment away rather than isolating completely. Designed to maintain safety in relationships. So…are you a wall builder or a boundary holder? Let us know in the comments!

Areas of Self Care

  Improve your self-care routine! 🛀🏽 Self-care is more than just meeting physical needs such as skin care and rest. There are other areas of YOU that need nurturing. Consider how you can meet your emotional, social, spiritual, and physical needs. Look at it as self-care for your whole self. A great place to start is with our free tool - The Mind-Body Tool Kit. You can find the link in our bio for your free download !

What is Racial Trauma?

  The Invisible Foe... There is an invisible force that has been silently affecting the lives of those with extra melanin in their skin. The force is racial trauma... Racial trauma is physical, emotional, and mental distress experienced by the BIPOC community due to racism in society. The reason we are calling racial trauma the invisible foe is due to the fact that it is not something that is experienced during a single isolated event, but rather something that stacks over time by continual exposure either directly or indirectly. We want to acknowledge that racial trauma is also something that is seldom recognized as a valid human experience. If you have experienced racial trauma we want you to know that you are seen and your experience is legitimate. We would also love to be a secure space for you to process. We have a mission to empower and encourage this generation of cycle breakers to do just that...break the cycles. If you are interested in working with us, head to the link in ou

Affirmations for Grief Carousel

  We want to hold space for those who may be grieving today. We understand how difficult this season of life may be for you, and we want to support you with where you are at. Here are a few affirmations to hold you up in your process. Sending you light and love, Life By Design Therapy Team P.S. For those who might be interested, we are holding an online grief workshop on 2/26 called Moving Through Grief. It will be facilitated by our very own Tiana Brawley , ACSW. If you would like more information, head to the link in our bio to learn more .

Grief Workshop Near Me

  It’s completely natural to feel a range of emotions during times of grief. But you don’t have to go through it alone. Life By Design Therapy is here for you. We understand what it’s like to experience the ebbs and flows of grief. Whether you need someone to talk to, or just need a listening ear, our team is available and ready to provide the help and support you deserve. For more information and free resources click the link in our bio! P.S. We are hosting an online grief workshop called Moving Through Grief on 2/26 and there are still spots available. You can find all the info you need when you click the link in our bio.

Hosting an Online Workshop

  Grieving is an incredibly difficult and unique experience for everyone. It is important to remember that it is okay to take time to care for yourself while you are grieving. There are many ways to do this… Give Yourself Permission  - you have permission to feel what ever feelings that may be arising. Eat Well & Move Your Body  - this could be a tough one for some, however, eating a balanced diet and moving your body will promote beneficial endorphins and dopamine releases to improve mood and help you cope. Write a Letter  - Some people who have lost loved ones regret not being able to express something to that person they lost. Writing them a letter is a great way to express those things you might not have been able to. Spend Time Outside  - changing your scenery helps with grounding and provides beneficial Vitamin D to support with mood balance. Find Others Who Are Grieving  - having company that can relate to what you’re experiencing can support with your journey. We are hostin

Life by Design Therapy

  WE UNDERSTAND THE IMPORTANCE OF THE MIND-BODY CONNECTION Work with us to find new ways to integrate well-rounded healing in your therapy today. SCHEDULE YOUR FREE PHONE CONSULTATION

Therapy Reflections

  Gratitude ☀️ It's like the sun coming through on a cloudy day. It gives a sense of warmth and peace. What are you grateful for today? Let us know in the comments!

Racial Trauma Therapy

  There is an invisible force that has been silently affecting the lives of those with extra melanin in their skin. For centuries many people have felt this force in their day-to-day lives, yet they haven’t been able to name it. Some have described it as a cloud that follows them and never seems to lift. Others feel as though they must question their own thoughts and feelings with simple daily tasks. So what is this invisible foe? The answer is racial trauma. Head to the link in our bio to read the full blog!

Mental Health Services

  Catastrophic thinking can lead to feelings of powerlessness and hopelessness, negatively affecting our mental health and well-being. Fortunately, there are a number of coping skills available to help us manage our catastrophic thinking. These skills include cognitive reframing, relaxation techniques, problem-solving strategies, and more. By learning these coping skills and practicing them regularly, we can take back control of our thoughts and reactions to difficult situations. You can support yourself through catastrophic thinking patterns, by having a trained therapist who can provide guidance and help you develop strategies to manage your thoughts and feelings in a more productive way. Head to the link in our bio to connect with one of our therapists on staff. We are offering telehealth and in-person session for those who live in California.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy

  Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) is a type of psychotherapy that focuses on helping people understand and manage their emotions, thoughts, behaviors, and relationships. It can be used to support individuals who are experiencing mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and substance abuse. DBT helps individuals learn healthy coping skills to better manage their emotions and distress. It also teaches them how to communicate in more effective ways with others so they can build healthier relationships. With the help of a trained therapist or counselor , DBT can provide invaluable support for those struggling with mental health issues. If you would like to explore DBT or other mindfulness therapies, head to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation!

Online Grief Therapy

  JOIN THE CONVERSATION! Register for the Moving Through Grief: Processing Grief, Loss and Transitions online workshop today. REGISTER NOW

Mind-Body Healing

  Awareness is a key component of Somatic Therapy. 🙏 Bringing awareness to the mind and body allows the opportunity to become intentional with shifting perspectives and engaging in personal growth. If you would like to know more about bringing awareness to the mind and body, check out our free Mind-Body Tool Kit . You can find the link in our bio.

Communication Tips

  "We’ve all been there at one point or another. Glued to our couch, calling our friends with tissues galore, mindlessly scrolling, and doing whatever we can to try to feel a little better. Another relationship. Another heartbreak. The pain is real. The loss is present. It hurts so bad. During this difficult time, it's normal to question “what went wrong?”. There are three things that can never be returned: time, words, and love. And while it is easy to get caught up in the moment you're falling for someone, it's important to know what your dealbreakers are from the start. Being in a secure, connected, enjoyable and emotionally safe relationship is key, so before stepping into your next relationship determine what your absolute dealbreakers are." Head to the link in our bio to read the blog and find out why it's important to know your dealbreakers. P.S. We support adults, teens, couples, children and families in CA so schedule a Free Phone Consultation today

In-Person Sessions in Bay Area of California

  🆘Have you ever tried to communicate your heart to someone and your efforts are shot down? Maybe you felt that you were the guilty party at the end of it all. It's possible that you were a victim of gaslighting. Gaslighting is a form of psychological manipulation in which a person or group, through the use of deception, false information, and the withholding of facts, attempts to make another person doubt their own reality. Gaslighting can occur in any kind of relationship but is most commonly seen in intimate relationships such as romantic partnerships and family dynamics. Sometimes gaslighting is used as a form of self-preservation by someone who may be feeling insecure in the relationship. It is often done in subtle ways that are hard to recognize and even harder to prove. Victims of gaslighting may feel confused and frustrated as they struggle to make sense of their reality while the abuser continues to deny or distort the truth. The effects of gaslighting can be long-lasting

Relationship Tips

  Did you love them? Of course...Did they love you? Absolutely. So why didn’t work out? This is a question so many couples have asked themselves. And maybe this blog will help give you some understanding and fresh eyes on your situation. Unfortunately, what it comes down to is love and compatibility are two different things. We, as emotional beings, tend to mix these two things up. To read more on this subject, check out our blog ! You can find the link in our bio!

Virtual Grief Workshop

  Moving Through Grief and Loss Online Workshop — Holistic and Somatic Therapy | Berkeley & Richmond Grief has affected all of us in different ways. If you’re struggling with grief, loss, transitions and change, join us in this online grief workshop.

Grounding Techniques

  Have you ever found yourself swimming in a sea of thoughts, unable to focus, maybe even to the point of feeling the need to shut down? During those moments, are you aware of what your body is saying? If not, grounding techniques can be a beneficial tool to support with centering in and finding out what your mind and body are saying. Grounding techniques are a form of somatic therapy that can help to increase body awareness. These techniques involve focusing attention on the physical sensations of the body, such as the breath, sounds, and other sensations. Paying attention to these sensations can help bring awareness to the present moment and reduce stress and anxiety. ⭐️Here are a few grounding techniques to increase body awareness... 5-4-3-2-1 Method - this grounding method helps to remove the focus from the anxious thoughts to things that are in your grasp. Find 5 things you can see, 4 things you can touch, 3 things you can hear, 2 things you can smell, and 1 thing you can taste. B

Grief Online Workshop

  ⚠️PSA: Grief might not feel the way you think it should! ⚠️ There is a stigma around grief. When someone is grieving they might feel like they are supposed to feel depressed and weepy. However, many people experience a different side of grief and often feel guilty about it. Say a person has cared for a loved one during the final days of their life, this is an emotional position to be in. Not only is it physically demanding but these people might experience an emotional roller coaster as they care for them. After the loved one has passed people have described feeling a sense of relief or freedom after the loved one is gone. And that's OK! Grief is not a one-size-fits-all, it's an individualized process. We, here at Life By Design Therapy , understand that grief can be difficult to process. Join our Moving Through Grief Online Workshop on February 26th . For more information please go to the link in our bio.

Black History Month

  February is Black History Month! It's an important time to recognize the contributions of African Americans to our society and celebrate the resilience of the Black community. It is also a great opportunity to bring awareness to mental health issues within this community. Mental health disparities in African American communities have long been overlooked and it is essential that we take this month as an opportunity to begin addressing these disparities. Mental health issues such as depression, anxiety, and PTSD are all too common in African American communities and can often go unnoticed or untreated. Let's take this month as an opportunity to raise awareness about these issues, provide resources for those suffering from mental illness, and reduce the stigma surrounding mental health in minority populations.