Hosting an Online Workshop


Grieving is an incredibly difficult and unique experience for everyone.

It is important to remember that it is okay to take time to care for yourself while you are grieving. There are many ways to do this…

  1. Give Yourself Permission - you have permission to feel what ever feelings that may be arising.
  2. Eat Well & Move Your Body - this could be a tough one for some, however, eating a balanced diet and moving your body will promote beneficial endorphins and dopamine releases to improve mood and help you cope.
  3. Write a Letter - Some people who have lost loved ones regret not being able to express something to that person they lost. Writing them a letter is a great way to express those things you might not have been able to.
  4. Spend Time Outside - changing your scenery helps with grounding and provides beneficial Vitamin D to support with mood balance.
  5. Find Others Who Are Grieving - having company that can relate to what you’re experiencing can support with your journey.

We are hosting an online workshop called Moving Through Grief. If you or a loved one is needing support with their grief journey, join us on 2/26/23 and surround yourself with those that understand what you’re going through. You can find more information by clicking the link in our bio.


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