
Showing posts from November, 2022

Support our Youth

  ⚠️Attention!!⚠️ We are raising the next generation of functioning members of society! Unfortunately, the way the world is going our youth's mental health has taken a back seat and it's our job to support them well. Head to the link in our bio to read the blog on how to support our youth and the impacts on adulthood.

Giving Tuesday

  It's #givingtuesday! This generosity movement is of global proportion. We want to encourage you to be intentionally generous to someone you come in contact with today. Here are 4 benefits of giving ! Giving makes you happy. Giving benefits your health by reducing stress levels. Giving promotes social networks Giving is contagious. Let us know about your experience with giving in the comments!

Highly Trained Therapists

  When given an opportunity to apologize, be sure that it's not just a hollow expression of remorse but a true commitment to making amends" - Glynnis Koda Apologies can be full of empty words if not stated correctly. Here are some ways to ensure a correct apology in a difficult situation. Let go of defense and directly say why you are apologizing. Make sure they know you are aware of the impact of the situation. Acknowledge how you will work on the issue in the future. Create an opportunity for them to respond or ask questions. Ask them how you can help heal the situation further. How do you know when someone is sincere in their apology? Let us know in the comments below!

Internal Communication

  Have you noticed that when something goes wrong in your life, you automatically think it’s your fault or even talk to yourself in harsh ways?⁣ The reality is, everybody feels some level of self-doubt from time to time, but it's up to you to figure out your own healthy life talk.⁣ Your internal communication is influenced by your subconscious mind which reveals beliefs, thoughts, and even ideas about you and the world around you. Healthy internal communication promotes confidence, worth, and grace over your mind, your body, and your emotions. Remember you hold the power to change your perspective. Negative internal communication can be caused by trauma as well. If you feel as though you are struggling to love yourself or redirect your thoughts, consider reaching out to our clinicians to help you process and find the root of the internal battle.

Happy Thanksgiving Day

  Happy Thanksgiving from Life by Design Therapy ! We encourage you to use this time to engage with your loved ones, create a space of gratefulness and honor the indigenous as this day could be a reminder of what they have endured.

Forms of Communication

  There is power in personal connections and understanding what someone needs based on the way they are communicating. Learning the different forms of communication and how to practice them in a healthy manner can benefit your relationships throughout your life. Here are 5 different forms of communication Verbal - spoken communication Nonverbal - body languages like facial expressions, eye contact, and touch Written - letters, emails, and captions. Listening - the act of listening and being present. Visual - media, posts, or videos are set out to convey a message. Healthy communication is key to any type of relationship. If you are needing support with communication find someone who will create a compassionate space and give you the tools to develop your communication skills.

Benefits of Therapy

  Today we want to center in on relationships. Are you keeping relationships around that are toxic or hindering your personal growth? Ask yourself today, why you might be keeping them around and how you can move forward with creating health boundaries .

Gentle Parenting

  Have you noticed that when something goes wrong in your life, you automatically think it’s your fault or even talk to yourself in harsh ways?⁣ The reality is, everybody feels some level of self-doubt from time to time, but it's up to you to figure out your own healthy life talk.⁣ Your internal communication is influenced by your subconscious mind which reveals beliefs, thoughts, and even ideas about you and the world around you. Healthy internal communication promotes confidence, worth, and grace over your mind, your body, and your emotions. Remember you hold the power to change your perspective. Negative internal communication can be caused by trauma as well. If you feel as though you are struggling to love yourself or redirect your thoughts, consider reaching out to our clinicians to help you process and find the root of the internal battle. P.S. We support adults, teens, couples, children, and families in CA so schedule a Free Phone Consultation today if you're interested

Native American Heritage Month

  November is Native American Heritage Month. 🍂 We want to encourage you to honor the Native American communities around you! You can do this by investing time in educating yourself about the true history of the Native American people. Learn about the art, the music, the traditions, and how you can support the communities around you. How will you celebrate? Let us know in the comments!

Grief and Loss Psychotherapy

  Anticipatory grief is something people experience when learning devastating or terminal news, usually about a loved one. Anticipatory grief is something that, oftentimes, people don’t expect. It comes with all the feelings and thoughts that you would expect with grief after a loss. Because there is so much unknown during this season of the in-between, it can cause a lot of anxiety, and depression and you may live life in hypervigilance. The weight of all the thoughts can zap your energy, and cause you to be distractable or lack concentration. You may even find yourself putting your own needs on the back burner. If this is something that you feel you may be experiencing, having a safe space to talk out the grief could be beneficial to you, your mental health, and even your loved ones. Consider speaking with one of our clinicians today.

Depression Therapist in Bay Area

  Sometimes depression can go unnoticed by some because they’ve learned to live with it. What people may not realize is there are physical manifestations that occur when dealing with depression. Those who are experiencing these physical symptoms typically see their doctors only for the symptoms so the depression goes undetected. These symptoms can include: 1. Pain 2. Gut Disturbances 3. Fatigue 4. Insomnia Somatic therapy can be a beneficial modality to use in circumstances like this because of the mind-body connection. Learning to tune into what your body is trying to tell you is a great way to heal. Everything is connected, what our bodies are trying to tell us is its way of giving us a tool to use to promote optimal health overall. Meeting with a Somatic based therapist could be a place to start on your health journey. Here at Life By Design, we have qualified Holistic and Somatic therapists who can assist you with learning how to partner with your inner self for healing. Reach out

Relationship Counseling in Berkeley

  A trigger can be defined as a strong emotional response to just about anything you can think of. In relationships, triggers pop up frequently and typically are the cause of most friction. If you feel strong emotions toward the situation, take a moment to center in. Most of the time, it’s not them hurting you but rather them pulling out an old wound you still carry. It could be past trauma or it could be a belief you hold about yourself. If you are having trouble navigating these feelings or communicating with your partner about what you are feeling, consider meeting with a therapist to help you engage these negative feelings and process them to find healing.

Box Breathing

  Box Breathing is a deep breathing technique that allows you to clear your mind, calm your nervous system and destress. This technique is uniquely helpful for those experiencing high levels of anxiety . The need to concentrate on the count of the breath distracts the mind from anxious thoughts and centers the person back to regulated thoughts. You can think of it like a square. Every count is the same, just like all 4 sides of a square are the same. How to Box Breathe: Inhale - 4 count Hold - 4 count Exhale - 4 count Hold - 4 count Keep this practical tool in your pocket for a time you mind just need a minute to regulate.

Walk and Talk Therapy

  Today we want to remind you that you cannot pour from an empty cup. Today reflect on how you can promote healthy boundaries for yourself and your relationships.

Is This Anxiety or Trauma?

  When talking about mental health with others, you might notice that some of the signs and symptoms of Anxiety and Trauma may sound very familiar despite stemming from different events or diagnoses. For individuals wanting to learn more about their own mental health, or experiencing symptoms that may be related to anxiety or trauma, it can be very helpful to understand where their current symptoms stem from. Check out our latest blog to find out more.

Life by Design Therapy

  Friendly Reminder Tune in and figure out what you are feeling. From there, find the outlet and allow yourself the time to move in it. You are worth that!

Trauma Therapist in Berkeley

  Do men and women respond differently to trauma? Find out in our recent blog! Go to the link in our bio to read more .

Anger Management

  Anger is an intense emotion that someone usually feels when someone has wronged them, or something has gone wrong. The emotion can range from mild to intense and can be felt along with other emotions depending on the context (frustration, impatience, sadness, etc.) While anger can be a very normal and natural emotion to feel, there is a lot of misinformation regarding anger and people who experience anger. Check out our latest blog to find out the myths about anger.

Mental Health in Berkeley

  Sometimes you need to take a minute to check in on your mental health . Here are 4 ways to know when it’s time to take a break… You are not enjoying your favorite things You get easily overwhelmed You’re having a hard time concentrating. You feel like you’re on autopilot What are some ways you know you’re ready for a break?

Vitamin D is Essential for Mental and Physical Health

  Did you know that the lack of the key nutrient, Vitamin D, has been linked to depression? Vitamin D is essential for mental and physical health . Many people experiencing depression have been found to have low vitamin D. The best way to get Vitamin D into your system is through the sun. Go for a walk for 15-20 mins a day a great way to clear your mind and soak up the sun. The coming seasons of fall and winter, don’t always allow for much outdoor time…so another way to get your Vitamin D in is through food! Fish, beef liver, and egg yolk are packed with vitamin D. Liposomal Vitamin D is another great way to meet those daily vitamin D goals . Choosing a liposomal vitamin will ensure that you are getting quality and it’s easily absorbed throughout the body. What are some other ways to get your Vit D in? Let us know in the comments!

Self Care Awareness

  When you hear the word self-care your mind probably goes to meditation , exercise, or a bubble bath…but did you know that self-care can also look like: 1. Ending Toxic relationships 2. Being honest with yourself about your feelings 3. Saying no 4. Being kind to yourself What are some other ways you can support yourself? Let us know in the comments!