
Showing posts from April, 2023

It's okay to tell your Therapist

  PSA: It’s okay, to be honest with your therapist! When attending therapy, it should be a place of security where you are allowed to be your most vulnerable self. It’s okay to tell your therapist if you feel like something isn’t working for you, or that you don’t want to discuss a specific topic. Therapy is a space where you are allowed to dictate what is said and what isn’t. Your therapist is there to hold space for you and allow you to process how you need. For more information on therapy services, head to the link in our bio to find all of our resources.

Grief Recovery

  Grief…it’s an unavoidable part of life that can be incredibly painful and potentially debilitating for some. It isn’t linear and there’s no timeline to be followed. Grief can be described as a singular emotion and yet there are many emotions involved making it feel like a whirlwind. When someone is on the roller coaster of grief recovery they may find it easy to place their own needs on the back burner or have thoughts of “what’s the point?”. Our goal in this blog is to support you in your pain and provide resources to help you find relief. In this blog, we will provide you with simple coping tools to support yourself in this season of your life. You can find the full blog in the link in bio !

Types of Intimacy

  Believe it or not, there’s more to intimacy than just physical closeness! Intimacy is a complex concept that includes many different types of connections such as physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, and sexual. Physical intimacy can be hugs, holding hands, or even snuggling during a movie. Spiritual intimacy involves an understanding of the person’s spiritual outlook and you are able to feel safe connecting, having conversation or even meditative times together. Mental intimacy is the ability to communicate on a deeper level without feeling judged or misunderstood. Emotional intimacy involves an understanding between two people that goes beyond words and allows them to share their feelings with each other safely. If you would like to explore ways of connecting with your partner on a deeper level, consider meeting with a qualified counselor to take your relationship to the next level. Head to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation! https://www.lifebydesignthe

Childhood Trauma Therapy in California

  Trauma is a deeply personal experience. We are learning that our worldview and relationships are based on experiences from our childhood. Many of us have encountered some form of childhood trauma that has shaped who we are today. So what are some causes of childhood trauma that affect us today? Witnessing or experiencing abuse Having to “grow up” at a very young age Instability around your basic needs (shelter, food, clean clothes) Suffering the loss of something/someone you love Having a caregiver who struggles with their own mental health issues. If you relate to any of these, you might be seeing the repercussions in your day to day life. Having a safe place to discuss these issues can encourage healing and growth. If you live in California, go to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation with one of our therapist.

Licensed Therapist in Bay Area

  Doing the same thing, expecting a different result? The cycle can become exhausting. Take a moment today and reflect on what some of your “old ways” might be. Are you expecting a different result from it? If you feel like you might need support figuring out a way out of your old ways, connect with one of our therapists today by scheduling a free phone consultation via the link in our bio.

Grief Therapy in California

  If you have ever grieved anything, you understand that the process is personal and complex. It is a unique experience that cannot be compared to anyone else's, and it can manifest differently for each individual. Grieving timelines, methods of coping, and the emotions experienced by the person can be completely different than another person's experience. It’s important to remember that there is no right or wrong way to walk this process out. It can be helpful to understand how people cope with grief so that you can be better equipped to support yourself or someone else who may be going through this difficult process. To continue reading this blog , head to the link in our bio!

Begin Your Healing Journey

  Here is your sign, it’s time to heal those wounds! It can be challenging to acknowledge the wounds and make the decision to heal, but we want to be here for you as a resource of positivity and light. 🕯 If you would like to work with one of our therapists and begin your healing journey, please connect with us. You can do so by scheduling a phone consultation via the link in our bio.

Finances & Mental Health

  “Money makes the world go round” - Scarface If you’ve ever dealt with struggles around finances, you are not alone. Financial stress is, unfortunately, very common. In fact, according to CNBC, 73% of Americans rank finances as their number one source of stress. Stress around money can lead to feelings of inadequacy (around not earning enough or not being "good with money"), anxiety (about where your money will come from or if you will have enough), and other mental health challenges. Money worries can be a major source of stress, leading to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. We, at Life By Design Therapy , are here to support you with your mental health needs as well as support you with alleviating some financial stress around having the ability to come to therapy. Some of our therapists offer sliding scale rates for those experiencing financial hardships and needing access to quality care. if you live in California please reach out today to schedule your

Mind-Body Tool Kit

  Take a moment to reflect on what you’re experiencing at this moment. Where is your headspace and how is it affecting your physical body? Awareness is a key to healing and growth, so taking 5 minutes in your day to recognize what your mind and body are telling you, can support you in propelling forward in a positive way. If you are interested in learning more about mind-body healing, head to the link in our bio to find our FREE downloadable eBook “Mind-Body Tool Kit”.

Couples Communication

  Communication is key 🗝 To create secure relationships communication is number one. Consistent “check in’s” with your partner can spark clear and intentional discussions between those involved. This shows your partner that you are considering their needs, and desire to create a safe space for the both of you. Checking in may sound like… “Is there anything that needs to be done this week? How can I help?” “Is there anything you are currently struggling with? If so, what can I do to help you manage the stress of that?” “Tell me something positive about your day today. Tell me a low point of your day” If you would like more information on couples communication, we have blogs that are directed to many areas that couples may need support with. Head to the link in our bio to find these additional resources.

Life by Design Therapy

  Desiring changes in our lives is a very normal thing! 👣 Today we want to support you in making those changes by having you reflect on those desires. What changes are you wanting to make? WHY do you want to make these changes? Finding your “why” can be a motivator to boost you forward to make these changes. This “why” could also show you the changes you desire may not be beneficial in the long run. Taking 5 minutes to reflect can be the key to your change. If one of these changes is toward self-growth or inner healing, having someone to talk with and gain tools from, can support your journey. Our therapists at Life By Design Therapy are a great resource to have. They can provide you with tools and help expose more profound things that may be holding you back from making these changes. Head to the link in our bio to schedule your FREE phone consultation!

Secure Attachment

  What type of relationship do you strive for? Secure attachment is a relationship style where the foundation is strong which creates a sense of safety and trust.⁣⁣ A secure relationship is one where both partners utilize direct communication, and self-regulation and the needs for space and closeness are balanced. We understand that relationships are complex and it takes work from both partners. If you are needing support with communication or any other aspect of your relationship, we have a staff that is equipped with tools to support you and your partner. Head to the link in our bio to schedule a phone consultation to learn more .

Childhood Anxiety

  We understand that being a parent can be a complex task, however, being a parent of a child who struggles with anxiety can be overwhelming and challenging. It's important to recognize the signs of anxiety and understand how to support your child in coping with it. Anxiety can take many forms, from physical symptoms such as stomachaches or headaches to emotional symptoms like fear, worry, or sadness. For children who struggle with anxiety, it’s important to create a supportive space and help them find healthy ways to cope. Having that space at home is a great place to start, however, it may be beneficial for your child to meet with a therapist to provide them with tools and provide education to you and your family on how to support your child. If you are interested in learning more , head to the link in our bio to schedule a phone consultation with one of our therapists.

Happy National Pet Day!

  We all need a buddy to lean on sometimes - and it turns out that pets are more than just our four-legged friends. They can be powerful sources of support and companionship. 🐶 Studies have shown that having a pet can help improve our mental health , reducing feelings of loneliness and stress. Today we appreciate our pets for all they do for our mental health, including the unconditional love they show us every day. Happy National Pet Day!

Sign's You're Healing

  You may not always feel it, but healing is taking place. Here are a few signs that you are healing . We want to encourage you to keep going with your journey. There are subtle changes every day and seeds that are planted for new growth. What would you tell someone that is just starting their healing journey? Let us know in the comments!

Supporting Your Partner Through Depression

  If you have a partner who struggles with depression, it might leave you feeling helpless. We want to provide you with a few tools to help you support your partner when they are experiencing depression. Be an active listener Create a safe and supportive home space Encourage them to seek help Create small goals for them as depression can be overwhelming Know the signs of suicidal ideations If you or your partner are needing support with depression we encourage you to reach out to a qualified clinician to provide an unbiased support system and place tools in your hands to overcome this difficult journey. If you live in California, you can find a link in our bio to schedule a free phone consultation with one of our clinicians.

Qualified Psychotherapist

  Perfectionism can be a double-edged sword, leading to both successes and struggles. While striving for excellence can be beneficial, perfectionism can also have a negative impact on mental health and wellbeing. Perfectionists often feel the need to constantly prove their worth through their achievements, even if they already have success in their lives. They may also strive for unrealistic goals or put too much pressure on themselves, leading to feelings of anxiety and stress. Perfectionists may also struggle with self-doubt or fear of failure due to their high standards. If you feel as though you may be struggling with a perfectionist based lifestyle, consider reaching out to a qualified therapist who can provide you with the tools to cope and live optimally. Head to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation with one of our therapists.

National Walking Day!

  Happy National Walking Day! It's no secret that taking a walk improves your mental health and helps reduce stress. 🚶‍♀️ Whether it’s walking around the block or taking a stroll in nature, the physical activity and fresh air will leave you feeling invigorated and bring clarity to your mind! Show us where you’re walking today by posting to your story and tagging us!

Somatic Awareness

  Today we want to invite you to become aware of the position your body is in and how it is affecting or reflecting the way that you are feeling. 🧘🏽‍♀️ Body position is an important aspect of somatic awareness . Somatic awareness is drawing attention to what is occurring with the body when feelings arise to promote self-healing. If you would like to learn more about Somatic Awareness, connect with our therapists. All of our therapists utilize somatic-based modalities. Head to the link in our bio to schedule a free phone consultation.

Support Yourself During Grief

  Eating a balanced diet is beneficial for life in general, but it can be extremely supportive when you are experiencing major emotional fluctuations. We’re not medical doctors, however, during a grieving period, eating extra protein, omegas, and food high in B vitamins can positively impact potential mood swings. Higher protein foods like eggs, turkey, and Greek yogurt can support balancing blood sugar levels. Foods high in B vitamins like bananas can provide serotonin boosts and omega-rich food like fish provide DHA and EPA which are both linked to lowering depression levels. It’s always best to consult your physician before making changes to your diet. They can also provide additional dietary and supplement options based on your personal needs. If you would like to learn more ways to support yourself during grief, head to the link in our bio to read the full blog !