
Showing posts from September, 2021

Therapy for Mind, Body and Spirit

  Coping skills are activities, tools, and resources to help you manage stress, anxiety, depression, and other uncomfortable emotions. In somatic therapy, we focus on teaching coping skills that involve the mind, body, and spirit. Some common coping skills for anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues include relaxation (i.e. meditation, yoga) and distraction (i.e. grounding exercises, hobbies). To learn more about coping with these issues, contact Life by Design Therapy to get in touch with one of our trained mental health professionals!

Talk Therapy in Bay Area

  RESOURCES FOR YOUR MIND   Resources supporting your growth, healing and empowerment Melody Wright , somatic therapist in Berkeley and Richmond discusses her views on therapy, healing for anxiety and depression, and more!

Touch Therapy in Bay Area

  Touch therapy is a subtype of somatic therapy that utilizes our body's hardwired response to touch. As human beings, we need touch: as far back as the 1800s, researchers noticed that babies who were not cuddled simply failed to thrive. Touch therapy can have significant benefits, but it needs to be thoroughly evaluated to determine whether it will be helpful or harmful to your well-being (and, of course, proper ethical codes must be followed). Contact Life by Design Therapy to discuss somatic and touch therapy, and whether these interventions may be right for you.

Life by Design Therapy

  Many of us have internalized unhealthy beliefs about boundary-setting. We're taught that there should be no boundaries between us and the person we love; that boundaries equal keeping secrets. Or, we're taught that saying "no" to someone in need is selfish and cruel. In reality, setting limits and saying "no" protects the most important relationship in your life: the one you have with yourself. But as important as boundary-setting is, we understand why it can be difficult, especially if you have learned to make yourself small to avoid being an inconvenience to others. Here are four simple actions you can take to strengthen your personal boundaries: 1️⃣ Name your boundaries. Without identifying your limits, you cannot uphold them, nor can you expect anyone else to do the same. If speaking your boundaries is hard for you, you might start by writing them down in a private journal or note on your phone. 2️⃣ Practice using I-statements. The difference between

Anxiety Therapy in El Sobrante

  Anxiety has immense power to control, manipulate, or alter our daily habits. Sometimes, it can make us feel like we care too much what others think of us -- which can feel incredibly frustrating! Learning to question anxious thoughts, such as "that person dislikes me" or "I'm not good enough," can help you reframe your perspective -- and stop worrying about what others think. Contact Life by Design Therapy today if you suspect that anxiety is responsible for your concerns.

Panic Attacks Psychotherapy In Berkeley

  Grounding is a somatic therapy technique that's designed to bring you back into your body during times of anxiety, dissociation, or panic. The symptoms of a panic attack -- difficulty breathing, tightness or pain in the chest, rapid heart rate -- can make our bodies feel like they are the enemy. By working with your anxiety, rather than against it, you can learn to make peace with your physical symptoms and "ride the wave" of anxiety through to its natural conclusion. Save this post to come back to the next time you are panicking, and try one of these four grounding exercises to help you find calm within the storm of anxiety and panic: 👀 Use your five senses to bring your attention back to your surroundings, rather than your physical symptoms. Name five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. 📦 Try box-breathing. As you inhale, imagine yourself drawing a horizontal line from left

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

  How long does it take for the symptoms of trauma to improve? Normally, people report feeling better within a few weeks or months. However, if your trauma response lasts longer or is causing significant distress, you may be struggling from a condition called post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) that can take longer to heal. If you suspect you are struggling with PTSD, or if you simply want additional support managing the trauma response, contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about how somatic therapy can help.

National Suicide Prevention Week

  In honor of #NationalSuicidePreventionWeek. Today, we're following up last week's post with some advice on how to help someone who is contemplating suicide. If you think someone you love may be considering suicide, you should ALWAYS take them seriously. Plan a time to sit down and talk about how they are feeling, and follow these four steps to help it go smoothly: 1️⃣ Ask them directly, "Have you ever thought about suicide?" or "Are you thinking about hurting yourself?" Many people are afraid that asking will give their loved one ideas, but you will NOT put the idea into their head simply by asking. 2️⃣ If the person says they are contemplating suicide, take them seriously. Help them remove any lethal means from their surroundings. 3️⃣ Stay with the person until you can call for help. Encourage them to seek treatment or talk to their doctor or therapist. Make them feel supported and loved, but avoid giving advice, minimizing their problems, or debating the

Cultural Competence in Mental Healthcare

  Cultural competent mental healthcare respects differences in values and experiences across cultures. You can find a culturally competent therapist by asking them questions about their experiences with individuals of your culture, such as: ❓ Have you worked with other individuals from my community (i.e. racial or ethnic group, LGBTQ+ community, etc.) before? ❓ How do you address racism, discrimination, or immigration-related concerns in your work? ❓ What training have you completed on cultural competence in mental healthcare? ❓ What is your comfort level in talking about  ___ ? (i.e. white privilege, systemic oppression, etc.) Life by Design Therapy prides itself on having a diverse, culturally competent staff who can address a wide variety of concerns. Contact us today to find out more about our commitment to cultural competence in mental healthcare.

Trauma Therapy in Albany

  Dr. Bessel van der Kolk, author of The Body Keeps The Score, is one of the world's leading experts on trauma. According to him, the most important issue for traumatized individuals is finding (or creating) a sense of safety in their bodies. Trauma takes away our sense of agency, which can make our bodies feel like a fundamentally unsafe place. Somatic therapy focuses on helping you be present in your body and accept these (sometimes unpleasant) sensations. This can make it an effective solution for people suffering from the aftermath of a traumatic event. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about how somatic therapy can help you feel safe in your body after trauma.

Holistic Therapy in Albany

  You are not broken 🌿 Research has shown that people who are accepted, loved, and valued for who they are go on to live more fulfilling lives, and in doing so, better impact the lives of those around them. But too often, therapists approach people who feel detached, distant, unloved, or ashamed as if they are broken and need to be fixed. The truth is, there has never been anyone in history who is exactly like you -- who has your skills, your talents, your style, your beliefs, and your ambitions. Nor will there ever be another you. You are not broken. You are YOU. Out of the billions and billions of people in this world, you are uniquely suited to grow, develop, and blossom into the person you were meant to be. Holistic therapy can help you thrive by nurturing and empowering you to move forward with conviction and confidence. Reach out to Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about how holistic therapy can help you become who you were meant to be 💙 https://www.lifebydesignthera

Holistic Psychotherapist in Bay Area

  You might assume that resilience is a personality trait (i.e. we are either born with it or born without it) -- but research shows that resilience is an active, adaptive process. In other words, resilience is a skill set that anyone can develop with the right tools and support . Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn how somatic therapy can help you become more resilient.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

  Narcissistic relationships often start off on a high note, creating a false sense of emotional intimacy. An early narcissistic relationship can feel like a whirlwind, or may even convince you that you have met your soulmate. However, many of the traits we mistake for love or emotional intimacy in a narcissistic relationship are actually the result of your partner's Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD). Whether or not you choose to stay with a narcissistic partner, it's important to understand the difference between true intimacy and narcissistic traits and behaviors. While true intimacy is not impossible in a narcissistic relationship, it may not come easily to someone struggling with NPD. Ultimately, the decision to stay in or leave a narcissistic relationship is intensely personal. In the process of evaluating the quality of your relationship, take care that you don't confuse these characteristics of NPD with emotional intimacy. Link in bio to learn more ! https://ww

What is Avoidance Coping?

  If you deny, minimize, or avoid dealing with sources of stress in your life, you might be engaging in avoidance coping. Avoidance coping has been linked to depression and other mental health issues . Many people use avoidance coping, but there are healthier strategies available to help you manage your distress. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to find constructive coping mechanisms to help you deal with stress, without resorting to avoidance coping.

Somatic Therapy Technique

  When we've experienced something traumatic, we may not be consciously aware of the ways in which the trauma affects our everyday life. However, our bodies remember what has happened to us, and they store those memories as uncomfortable (sometimes painful) somatic sensations. Somatic therapy is a type of psychotherapy that asks us to listen to -- and learn from -- our bodily sensations. By strengthening the relationship between mind and body, we can heal from the effects of trauma, both physically and emotionally. Read our latest blog post to discover how it works. (Link in bio!)

Mental Illness Counseling Near Me

  Strong emotions can make us feel out of control. Intense emotions aren't inherently bad, but when we do not cope with them constructively, they may lead us to say or do things we regret. The goal is not to end or repress intense emotional experiences, but to learn to regulate your emotions so they no longer control you. You can do this by identifying your emotional triggers and healthy ways to cope with those triggers. A mental health professional can help you through the process of developing skills in emotional regulation. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about how we can help you get back in control of your emotions.

Best Trauma Psychotherapist

  People tragically experience some extremely unfortunate situations. It is a part of the human experience. Trauma can happen in a variety of ways: 💙 Developmental Trauma: During your childhood or teen years you may have experienced things that radically altered your thinking and feelings. 💙 Family/Cultural Trauma: The powerful forces of the family you were raised in, the neighborhood you grew up in, and the world we live in has a major influence on your life. 💙 Relational Trauma: Relationships are a defining point of our existence. We all experience some really good relationships -- and some really hurtful ones. 💙 Sexual Trauma: You may have been a victim of a sexual encounter that was traumatic. 💙 Generational Trauma: You are also a product of the generation you were born and raised in. To learn more about trauma and how it may have impacted your life, contact Life by Design Therapy to get in touch with a mental health professional. Our therapists can walk you through your pers

Happy Labor Day!

  Happy Labor Day from Life by Design Therapy ! We wish you a relaxing day off -- especially for the frontline workers who have been working hard under challenging conditions throughout the pandemic.

Emotional Awareness

  How can you become more aware of your emotions -- and use that information to inform the way you respond to others? Using descriptive language to get in touch with your bodily sensations and label the emotions you are experiencing is the first step in emotional awareness. The second step is to recognize how these emotions may influence your thoughts and behavior and to adjust your reactions accordingly. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn how somatic therapy can help you strengthen your emotional awareness -- and how this change could positively influence your relationships.

Therapy for Individuals and Couples

  Did you know that Life by Design Therapy offers sessions for both individuals and couples looking to grow in their relationships? 👩‍❤️‍👩 We understand how frustrating it is when you and your partner get stuck in an unhealthy pattern. Animosity and resentment are in full bloom, and you barely recognize the person you are with anymore. Somatic therapy invites you to bring mindfulness and compassion into your relationship with your partner, as a way of exploring and bringing deeper awareness as to what might be getting in the way of having the relationship you want and deserve. Whether you are struggling in your marriage, seeking premarital counseling, or simply looking to strengthen your relationship, Life by Design Therapy can help.

Somatic Therapy in El Cerrito

  Do you have difficulty labeling your emotions ? When we are out of touch with our emotions, we may not always know what feelings we are experiencing. Our body's wisdom can tell us a lot about our current emotional state. We can work backwards to identify our emotions by using descriptive language to acknowledge our physical sensations and matching those descriptions to typical emotional responses. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to find out what your body, and somatic therapy, can teach you about your emotions!