
Showing posts from September, 2022

Skilled Mental Healthcare Provider

  If you’re an adult and you deal with ADHD you know how hard managing life can be. Here are a few tips to help you with your day-to-day life. Get yourself organized Honor your limits Break down larger tasks into smaller ones Write things down Find accountability Accountability can be a major bonus for living your life at full potential. A mental health clinician could be the perfect person to have in your corner. Consider setting up a FREE phone consultation with one of our clinicians to help support you with your Adult ADHD.

National Coffee Day!

  It’s National Day of Coffee! I’m sure you’re wondering how coffee and mental health go together. For those who struggle with Adult ADHD, caffeine is actually a great stimulant to help with focus. It can mimic the effects of some medications. Coffee is also a favorite drink for many. Grabbing your favorite beverage can help with grounding when you need a minute to breathe. So take some time to grab your favorite coffee drink today!

Suicide Awareness Month

  September is Suicide Awareness Month. This month we want to highlight the warning signs for teens and depression. Here are some things to look out for: Desire to avoid social interactions Persistent sadness Self-harming behaviors Changes in daily patterns Red Flags that Require Immediate Attention are things like: Giving away belongings Writing/Talking about taking their life Increase in substance use Our therapists are passionate about the younger generation and their mental health . If you feel like your teen is in need of support please reach out to us. If you feel as though there is immediate danger of someone committing suicide or if you are considering it yourself please call National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 for direct support.

Anxiety Psychotherapy

  Sensory overload is directly connected to anxiety. Overstimulation happens when your brain takes things in too quickly and can’t process them fast enough. Triggers can be anything from crowded places, too much noise, or even textures. Those who struggle with anxiety are especially susceptible to overstimulation. Here are a few things you can do to support yourself when you are feeling sensory overload: Remove the trigger Take a breath Practice grounding techniques Have someone to talk to Our therapists here at Life By Design are pros at supporting those with anxiety. Contact us today to find out more about how we can support you.

Somatic Therapy Sessions

  As human beings, we naturally crave physical connection. The act of physical touch -- such as exchanging a consensual hug with a loved one -- releases neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. These "happy chemicals" help regulate your mood to combat depression, anxiety, and stress. Next time you're feeling down, try asking a friend or loved one for a hug! Or, if you are comfortable with it, you may wish to incorporate the use of gentle touch into your somatic therapy sessions. To learn more about the use of touch in therapy, visit .

Walk-and-Talk Therapy in Santa Cruz

  If traditional in-office or virtual therapy does not serve you, walk-and-talk therapy is an alternative that may be a good fit. Walk-and-talk therapy incorporates gentle movement and the natural environment into the therapeutic process. Rather than meet your therapist in-office or over the internet, you'll meet at a park or hiking trail. Sessions may include walking, sitting and talking outside, mindfulness, or utilizing nature as an alternative to traditional talk therapy. Life by Design Therapy now offers walk-and-talk therapy in Santa Cruz, CA with clinician Leah Kaplan , LCSW. Contact Leah at 510-646-0046 to find out if walk-and-talk therapy is right for you.

Nutrition and Mental Health

  Something that is commonly overlooked when it comes to mental health is a person’s nutrition. Researchers and Nutritionists have found direct links to your food and mental health. Eating a balanced diet that is rich in Omega-3, fruits and vegetables helps with brain function and regulating blood sugar. Regulating your blood sugar can prevent mood swings, anxiety, and depressive episodes. Mindful eating is one of the best ways to start bringing balance to your food and mental health. To find out more about mindfulness practices and bringing balance to your life, connect with one of our therapists today by clicking the link in our bio to schedule a FREE phone consultation .

Licensed and Associate Therapists

  Here at Life By Design Therapy , we have a mix of licensed and associate therapists. Our featured therapist, Leah Kaplan, is one of our licensed therapists. She is a warm and collaborative therapist. Her goal is to help you find your inner strength, purpose, and passion with the work you two do together. She utilizes mindfulness practices, expressive arts, and cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT. CBT can help with noticing how your thoughts influence your behaviors. She also specializes in working with the LGBTQ+ community and teens. If you would like to work with Leah, check the link in the bio to schedule a FREE phone consultation.

Somatic Therapy Center

  When you are anxious, where do you feel it in your body? Maybe you carry tension in your shoulders or begin to feel as if a rubber band is squeezing your head. When you are depressed, where do you feel it in your body? Maybe your muscles ache with exhaustion and your eyelids hang heavy like a stormcloud over your eyes. Our emotions are, as Somatic Therapy Center puts it, a full-body experience. By noticing the sensations that overcome us in moments of struggle, we can learn to name and recognize our emotions, giving us the power to harness our feelings with self-soothing techniques before they have the opportunity to create problems in our lives.

LGBTQ+ Family Therapy

  One of the biggest challenges in the LGBTQ+ community is coming out and being vulnerable with their families. If you or a family member is struggling with talking about what they are going through or if your family is having a difficult time accepting you or your lifestyle, consider family therapy. We have therapists who are highly experienced in this area and would love to support you and your family by creating a safe space for each person. Click the link in our bio to schedule a FREE consultation.

Therapy Services Near Me

  In therapy, it is often said that our symptoms may get worse before they get better. The healing process frequently triggers memories of previous trauma and highlights areas for growth . This process can be painful and filled with setbacks -- but without this struggle, we will never see the progress we desire. Do you agree? Let us know in the comments below!

Mental Health Clinician

  September is Pain Awareness. Many Americans struggle with chronic pain, and speaking with a Mental Health clinician can help support and hold space for those on their health journey. Working through some of your mental health struggles might even aid in your physical healing journey too. Trauma can be stored in our bodies causing excess stress, and this leads to physical pain. As you release trauma, your body will respond accordingly. Consider speaking with a therapist today. Head to the link in our bio to schedule a FREE phone consultation !

Life by Design Therapy

  Self-care strengthens the authentic self. By taking time to engage in activities that help you feel whole, you discover what nourishes your soul -- and learn to see and honor yourself as you truly are. Do you agree? Let us know in the comments below!

Psychotherapy for Shame and Guilt

  When we experience shame, we may find it more challenging to uphold our boundaries. Whether that is the shame of "parental guilt," when we try to take time away from our kids for ourselves, or the shame of being "unproductive" in a capitalist society, these feelings of shame can lead us to compromise our needs in favor of doing what we feel we are "supposed" to do. Have you experienced this firsthand? Reflect on a time that you may have violated your own boundaries due to feelings of shame -- and let us know how that felt in the comments below!

Holistic and Somatic Therapy in El Sobrante

  Mental health begins with a mindful awareness of the self. In order to know who we are and stand in our power, we must first know our own minds. Therapy can help you get to know your mind from the inside out. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about our many options for therapy in the way that fits your life best!

Trauma Psychotherapy

  Dr. Bessel A. Van Der Kolk's book "The Body Keeps The Score" is THE work to read if you want to understand how trauma affects the body. In this book, Dr. Van Derk Kolk stresses the importance of noticing and befriending bodily sensations as we heal from the impact of trauma. Somatic therapy is one way we teach clients how to step back into their bodies after a traumatic experience. As somatic therapists, we believe that uncomfortable sensations represent the embodiment of lived trauma and that by accepting these sensations, we can better process what has happened to us. Reach out to Life by Design Therapy for a consultation if you're interested in processing trauma through somatic therapy 💙

What is Self Care?

  Self-care is a powerful act of self-preservation . Through the act of self-care, we take our power back -- from those who seek to infringe upon our boundaries, those who hurt us, and those who want to use us for their own gain, among others. Do you agree? Let us know in the comments below!

What Makes a Friendship Healthy?

  As social media continually draws attention to "red flags" and signs of toxic friendships , many of us have become increasingly aware of what makes for a bad friendship. In light of this, many young people are wondering: what makes a friendship healthy? If you feel comfortable being vulnerable with your friend, can talk to your friend about anything (within both of your personal boundaries), and feel unconditionally accepted and supported -- even when you disagree -- then your friendship is likely a good one! What would you add to this definition? Let us know in the comments below ⬇️

Anxieties Around Aging

  Whether it’s a fear of physically looking older, a concern about not being where you want to be in life, or feeling anxious about what the future holds, the concepts related to getting older sometimes have a negative connotation. If you’re feeling anxious or concerned about aging, our blog post has some things to consider that may help you cope with your concerns and anxiety -- link in bio to learn more.

Understanding Attachment Styles

  If you identify as having an "insecure" attachment style, including avoidant or anxious attachment, you might worry about how your attachment style will affect future relationships. The good news is that gravitating toward an insecure attachment style does not doom you to experience insecure attachment forever. It is possible to change your attachment style -- but like anything else worth changing, it will require time and effort. Reach out to Life By Design Therapy today to get in touch with a mental healthcare professional who can support you in your journey toward developing secure attachment.

Therapy for Healthy Relationships

  Healthy relationships are based on a mutual desire to watch each other grow and succeed. If your relationship involves frequent jealousy, controlling behaviors, regular dishonesty, or put-downs, it may be harming you more than it is supporting you. If you are unsure if your relationship is toxic, or if you are with a toxic partner who has expressed a desire to change, then couples' or individual therapy may help you determine the best course of action -- whether that involves moving forward separately or as a couple. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about your options for professional support.

Expressive Arts Therapy in California

  Expressive arts therapy is a holistic, multidimensional approach to therapy that incorporates elements of the arts. This includes the visual arts, like painting and drawing, but also the dramatic arts, dance, music, and even journaling. Expressive arts therapy is used to treat conditions ranging from anxiety, to depression, to PTSD. In truth, it can be helpful to anyone who is looking to express themselves artistically and gain a more detailed understanding of their emotional landscape. Our therapist Krystal Williams LMFT incorporates expressive arts therapy into her work. Contact us today to learn more about her immediate openings.