
Showing posts from November, 2021

Healthy Communication

  Many of us struggle with healthy communication, yet it is arguably the most important aspect of maintaining a happy relationship! Healthy communication means communicating effectively and respectfully, even when we are feeling angry or disagree. Some of the keys to healthy communication in relationships include approaching the conversation with an open mind (and good intent), practicing active listening, and utilizing "I statements" to keep the focus on your own feelings (rather than assigning blame). What communication skills would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below!

Mental Healthcare Professionals

  You do not need to go through the healing process alone. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to get in touch with a mental healthcare professional who can help 💙

Holistic Therapy Near Me

  Some types of therapy primarily address the cognitive causes of mental illness , or the parts that relate to our thoughts. But holistic therapy recognizes that it is important to treat the whole person in order to achieve recovery. For this reason, holistic therapy incorporates physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It draws upon techniques from many different psychological schools of thought, as well as mind-body practices like yoga and meditation.

Self Care

  What does self-care mean to you? Let us know in the comments below 💙

Pandemic Related Workshop

  Most of us picture grief as occurring after the loss of a loved one, such as a family member or spouse. However, we can also mourn other losses, such as the loss of a pet or a community member. Or, we may mourn the loss of an opportunity or life event -- for example, the cancellation of a wedding or graduation due to COVID. Whatever type of grief you are experiencing, most of us have encountered this emotion at some point during the pandemic (or in its aftermath). Life by Design Therapy will be hosting a workshop , led by Tiana Brawley ASW, to help you explore these different types of grief and learn strategies for coping with loss -- no matter what that loss may look like. Visit  for more details!

Five Senses To Invite Mindfulness

  Grounding is a self-soothing strategy that depends on the five senses to invite mindfulness and relax the mind and body . Some ways to ground yourself using your sense of sight include: 💙 Count the items around you, such as the number of chairs in the room. 💙 Watch a favorite YouTube video, TV show, or movie. 💙 Do something artistic, like painting or drawing. What else would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below!

Self Esteem

  Online and off, we talk a lot about "self-esteem." But what exactly does this term refer to? Self-esteem is defined as your subjective sense of value and self-worth. Our self-esteem is important because it shapes our thoughts, which in turn influence our feelings and behavior. Changing low or negative self-esteem isn't easy; in fact, it can feel borderline impossible! But over time, by practicing interrupting negative self-talk with positive statements, you can learn to change the way you think about yourself.

Holistic and Somatic Therapy Near Me

  Grounding is a self-soothing strategy that depends on the five senses to invite mindfulness and relax the mind and body. Some ways to ground yourself using your sense of taste include: 💙 Savor a snack or piece of candy. 💙 Chew mint or cinnamon gum. 💙 Enjoy a flavored beverage. What else would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below!

Relationship Therapy in California

  Many of us wonder if our relationships are 'normal.' During periods of conflict with your partner, you might have negative thoughts like "do all couples fight this much?!" No matter how it may seem on social media, all couples have arguments -- and every couple is different. The frequency of fighting is less important than the way you fight and how it makes you feel. If repeated arguments are draining you, or if your partner becomes aggressive or abusive during disagreements, it is worth re-evaluating the future of your relationship. Otherwise, fighting is as personal or unique as any other aspect of your relationship. Looking to strengthen your relationship even further? Keep an eye out for news about our upcoming couples' workshop on !

Therapy Near Berkeley CA

  Grounding is a self-soothing strategy that depends on the five senses to invite mindfulness and relax the mind and body . Some ways to ground yourself using your sense of smell include: 💙 Light a scented candle. 💙 Bake something that smells good (like cookies)! 💙 Spray your favorite perfume or cologne. What else would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below!

Grief Workshop

  Losing a loved one, or grieving a lost opportunity, can be devastating. There is no rule for how long grief "should" last, and it is normal for it to take awhile to pass. However, as a general rule, the pain should improve as the days go by. For example, you may encounter reminders of a loved one, such as the anniversary of their passing or a favorite song of theirs, that are challenging to endure. But as a general rule, grief becomes easier with the passing of time. Visit our website at  to learn more about the grieving process -- and get information about our upcoming grief workshop with Tiana Brawley ASW.

Relax The Mind and Body

  Grounding is a self-soothing strategy that depends on the five senses to invite mindfulness and relax the mind and body. Some ways to ground yourself using your sense of touch include: 💙 Sip a hot beverage. 💙 Hold an ice cube until it melts. 💙 Cuddle a pet or stuffed animal. What else would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below!

Online Therapy & Counseling

  During times of stress and constant change, it’s natural to experience an increase in feelings of anxiety, depression, and general overwhelm. No matter the circumstance, please know that Life by Design Therapy remains committed to helping you and your family get through these trying times. Online therapy can support you in many of the same ways as in-person therapy, with the added benefit of being safer and more convenient during the pandemic. At Life by Design Therapy, we offer: ⭐️ Secure, HIPAA-compliant video or telephone sessions ⭐️ Support at home, or in a private location of your choosing ⭐️ Weekly sessions to help you through life's current challenges ⭐️ Easy online booking to make therapy as simple as possible Providing flexible options for online therapy is just one of the ways Life by Design Therapy is committed to helping you grow. Take the first step and schedule your free phone consultation to discuss your online therapy and counseling options today! Link in comment

Life by Design Therapy

  Happy Veterans' Day ! Today we honor those individuals who risked their lives for our country and their families. We also invite you to take a moment to acknowledge the civilians who lost their lives in our conflicts abroad. It is valid to have mixed emotions about celebrating this holiday, but remember that all people still deserve your kindness!

Featured Therapist

  Our featured therapist for the month of November is Tiana Brawley! Tiana is an Associate Clinical Social Worker. She works holistically, blending Mindfulness, Cognitive Behavioral Theory, Narrative Therapy, and Attachment. Her specialties include working with BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and nonbinary individuals and communities. Tiana works with Adults, Couples, and Families in our Berkeley Office (currently telehealth). Contact us today to learn more about her openings!

Holistic Couples' Counseling Near Me

  Relationships are such important parts of our lives that we're often willing to go to great lengths to make them work. But even for the strongest of couples, there are so many challenges that can get in the way of the bond you share with your partner. You may compromise too much, or too little. You may have certain beliefs or habits that are so difficult to break free from and restrict you from having a strong bond with your partner. You may carry old wounds into a new relationship, and have trouble forgiving or loving yourself making it almost impossible to truly love another. You may have struggled to understand your needs and wants, and that indecision is leading to mixed signals for a lover that needs clarity and healthy boundaries. You may suffer with poor communication, sometimes wanting to open up when the other person shuts down. Or get accused of things you do not believe are fair. Perhaps it just leads to stubborn arguments where neither partner is willing to back down?

Clinical Social Worker

  Grief has affected all of us in different ways over the past year. Due to the pandemic, some of us lost loved ones, while others lost opportunities or important life events (such as weddings and vacations). Our Moving Through Grief workshop on Sunday, December 5th is designed to help you process and move past these feelings surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. The workshop, led by Associate Clinical Social Worker Tiana Brawley, will help you view and understand your grief in a new way. Visit  Moving Through Grief and Loss Online Workshop — Holistic and Somatic Therapy | Berkeley & Richmond for more details as they become available!

Online Grief Workshop

  Moving Through Grief Workshop Registration is Now Open for Our Upcoming Online Grief Workshop MOVING THROUGH GRIEF: PROCESSING GRIEF AND LOSS IN A MULTILAYERED PANDEMIC We are gearing up for 2022 and this pandemic is still present and real in all of our lives. For many of us, grief and loss has shown up with career transitions, relationship shifts, and even losing parts of ourselves. Join Tiana Brawley with Life by Design Therapy in an interactive skill-building workshop to help process grief and loss.   IN THIS 2 HOUR WORKSHOP YOU WILL: GAIN GRIEF COPING SKILLS DEVELOP A WELLNESS ROUTINE CREATE AN INTENTIONAL REFLECTIVE PRACTICE Moving Through Grief Workshop Registration is Now Open for Our Upcoming Online Grief Workshop

Talk Therapy Near Berkeley

  Traditional talk therapy misses out on a huge part of the human experience: opportunities for growth 🌱 When we only talk about our struggles -- such as panic attacks, sleeping difficulties, and work stress -- we're only getting a surface-level understanding of our problems. We practice holistic and somatic therapy, which incorporates a deeper understanding of stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma on a mind-body level to help you achieve lasting change. Contact Life by Design Therapy for a free consultation to learn more about how holistic therapy may be instrumental to growth and personal development 🌻

Grief and Loss Workshop

  Moving Through Grief and Loss Online Workshop — Holistic and Somatic Therapy | Berkeley & Richmond Grief has affected all of us in different ways over the past year. Due to the pandemic, some of us lost loved ones, while others lost opportunities or important life events (such as weddings and vacations). Our Moving Through Grief workshop on Sunday, December 5th is designed to help you.

Psychotherapist Near Me

  Therapy won't work unless you do 💙 Being vulnerable is one of the most courageous, most difficult things we can do as human beings. Yet in therapy, vulnerability is not optional. You have to walk into your therapist's office (or virtual waiting room) willing to open up about who you are. Even if you don't quite know who you are yet, you need to be ready to embrace the process of self-discovery with open arms. Therapists are here to help you , not to judge you. Knowledge is power -- and the more we know about your story, the better we are able to help you move forward. As Nedra Glover Tawwab said, "Risk being honest to be well."

Mental Illness Psychotherapy Near Me

  One of the most common questions we get asked is, "how do I know if I need to go to therapy?" Contrary to popular belief, you do not need to be experiencing symptoms of mental illness to seek help from a therapist. People come to therapy to better themselves, whether that means understanding the impacts of your family and cultural history, overcoming specific systems of anxiety, depression, or trauma, or just wanting self-discovery, better understanding, and self-love. Therapy provides you with the opportunity to move forward from the places in your life in which you feel stuck, blocked, or under-supported. At Life by Design Therapy, we believe that anyone can benefit from therapy if they are willing to put in the work to better themselves. Whether you are experiencing specific symptoms, seeking personal growth and understanding, or just need someone to listen, our holistic therapists can work with you to make progress toward your unique goals. Contact us today to learn mo