
Showing posts from September, 2020

Individual Counseling in California

  You are not broken 🌿 Research has shown that people who are accepted, loved, and valued for who they are go on to live more fulfilling lives, and in doing so, better impact the lives of those around them. But too often, therapists approach people who feel detached, distant, unloved, or ashamed as if they are broken and need to be fixed. The truth is, there has never been anyone in history who is exactly like you -- who has your skills, your talents, your style, your beliefs, and your ambitions. Nor will there ever be another you. You are not broken. You are YOU. Out of the billions and billions of people in this world, you are uniquely suited to grow, develop, and blossom into the person you were meant to be. Holistic therapy can help you thrive by nurturing and empowering you to move forward with conviction and confidence. Reach out to Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about how holistic therapy can help you become who you were meant to be 💙 https://www.lifebydesignthera

Racial Trauma

  In the wake of the recent grand jury decision regarding Breonna Taylor, many are experiencing outrage and disbelief. For Black people in particular, the decision represents yet another profound loss and the continued lack of justice for violence against Black women. Our community is hurting. This pain is intensified by the backdrop of Covid-19 (which disproportionately affects BIPOC) and the protests following George Floyd’s murder. Many Black people are wondering how they can continue to show up to work and social events, acting as if they are not grieving -- as if their community is not under threat. These experiences contribute to what is called racial trauma. Research shows that racial trauma severely impacts Black physical and mental health. Racial trauma often shows up in our bodies in the form of physical aches, fatigue, and appetite changes. Now more than ever, it is important to take care of ourselves and our bodies to safeguard against the effects of racial trauma. In our l

Panic Attacks Therapy in Richmond

  Grounding is a somatic therapy technique that's designed to bring you back into your body during times of anxiety, dissociation, or panic. The symptoms of a panic attack -- difficulty breathing, tightness or pain in the chest, rapid heart rate -- can make our bodies feel like they are the enemy. By working with your anxiety, rather than against it, you can learn to make peace with your physical symptoms and "ride the wave" of anxiety through to its natural conclusion. Save this post to come back to the next time you are panicking, and try one of these four grounding exercises to help you find calm within the storm of anxiety and panic : 👀 Use your five senses to bring your attention back to your surroundings, rather than your physical symptoms. Name five things you can see, four things you can touch, three things you can hear, two things you can smell, and one thing you can taste. 📦 Try box-breathing. As you inhale, imagine yourself drawing a horizontal line from left

Racial Equality

  Mental health is a social justice issue 👊🏾 Don't believe us? Here are the facts: People with mental health problems are less likely to have health insurance than those without (Rowan, Alpine, Blewett 2013). Only one in three Black Americans who need mental health care receives it (APA 2017). Indigenous people have the highest rate of suicide of any other racial or ethnic group in the United States (SPRC 2018). The fight for economic and racial equality is pivotal in the fight for better mental health care. Life by Design Therapy is committed to providing culturally competent care that doesn't erase our differences but uses them as a cornerstone of mental health treatment. Read our blog post on White Supremacy Culture to learn more about our commitment to the fight for social justice.

Holistic and Somatic Therapists

  No one can walk through life alone 🌿 Life by Design Therapy would not be what it is today without our unique team of holistic therapists! 🌼 Melody Wright , LMFT is the founder of Life by Design Therapy. She is a Licensed Somatic Therapist with specilized training in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) and Hakomi Mindfulness Psychotherapy. She works with clients looking to heal from relational wounds and create lasting change in their lives. 🌻 Ashley Gregory , LMFT is a Somatic Therapist. Her work is grounded in the intersections of social, cultural, political, and economic studies. 🌷 Nia Saunders , PhD is a Clinical Psychologist. She specializes in working with children, teens, and adults who have experienced trauma. 🌹 Krystal Williams , LMFT/LPCC is a Licensed Somatic Therapist and Professional Clinical Counselor. As the newest member of our team, she brings an attachment-oriented and trauma-focused lens to her work and has extensive training in expressive arts therapy. S

Anxiety Therapy Near Me

  Anxiety is becoming incredibly common. According to ADAA, anxiety disorders affect 18% of the U.S. population every year. Some signs that you might struggle with anxiety include: ✨ PHYSICAL SYMPTOMS ✨ Jitters, nausea, shortness of breath, restlessness, insomnia ✨ COGNITIVE SYMPTOMS ✨ Being obsessed with what others say about you, believing you will never accomplish enough in a day, comparing yourself unfairly to friends and coworkers, always imagining the worst-case scenario ✨ EMOTIONAL SYMPTOMS ✨ Shame, inadequacy, dread, worry, isolation, feeling stuck If you identify with the symptoms of anxiety, you are not alone. Life by Design Therapy can help you take back your life from anxiety , so you can heal from in an open and honoring way.

Talk Therapy

  Traditional talk therapy misses out on a huge part of the human experience: opportunities for growth 🌱 When we only talk about our struggles -- such as panic attacks, sleeping difficulties, and work stress -- we're only getting a surface-level understanding of our problems. We practice holistic and somatic therapy, which incorporates a deeper understanding of stress, anxiety, depression, and trauma on a mind-body level to help you achieve lasting change. Contact Life by Design Therapy for a free consultation to learn more about how holistic therapy may be instrumental to growth and personal development 🌻

Holistic Therapy in Berkeley

  Cultural competency is an essential trait in any therapist -- but what does it mean to be culturally competent, and why does it matter? A therapist who is culturally competent can provide therapy that can overcome cultural barriers between the therapist and the patient. Cultural competency matters because we do not live in a homogenous world. According to PsychCentral, 24 percent of the U.S. population is non-white and 13 percent are foreign-born. In order to better serve our patients, therapists must learn everything we can about a patient's culture and strive to provide treatment that transcends cultural boundaries. This includes recognizing and identifying our own privileges and biases that may affect how we identify with a patient. Working with a culturally competent therapist enables you to deepen the therapeutic relationship between you and your provider so that your culture is not an obstacle to treatment -- but an asset. Contact us to learn more about our culturally compe

Online Trauma Therapy

  // quote by  @traumaawarecare  // Let us be clear: our belief in somatic therapy does NOT mean we believe that every symptom you experience is attributable to your trauma, nor that your pain is "all in your head." Some clinicians you've seen may have denied the connection between your trauma and your body's physical response. Others may have insisted that working through your trauma in therapy would "cure" your physical symptoms, even if that hasn't been the case. Whatever your experience, you deserve to feel validated. You deserve to be heard. And our therapists are here to support you, no matter what that experience has been ❣️ We are here to help YOU grow, whatever that looks like for you. Contact us today to learn more about our holistic style of somatic therapy and how we can offer you the validation you deserve.

Mental Health Therapist

  This week is #NationalSuicidePreventionWeek. Today, we're following up last week's post with some advice on how to help someone who is contemplating suicide. If you think someone you love may be considering suicide, you should ALWAYS take them seriously. Plan a time to sit down and talk about how they are feeling, and follow these four steps to help it go smoothly: 1️⃣ Ask them directly, "Have you ever thought about suicide?" or "Are you thinking about hurting yourself?" Many people are afraid that asking will give their loved one ideas, but you will NOT put the idea into their head simply by asking. 2️⃣ If the person says they are contemplating suicide, take them seriously. Help them remove any lethal means from their surroundings. 3️⃣ Stay with the person until you can call for help. Encourage them to seek treatment or talk to their doctor or therapist. Make them feel supported and loved, but avoid giving advice, minimizing their problems, or debating th

Depression Therapy

  The short answer? YES! ✔️ The long answer: Depression is treatable. However, it does not have to be treated in a standard clinical setting where you are prescribed antidepressants and told to hope for the best. While we are not anti-medication by any means, we believe that the mind-body connection can be used to promote healing from depression. Other clinicians are right there with us. Holistic therapy is building a lot of traction within the medical and mental health communities. This multifaceted approach to managing depression is working for others, and it can work for you too! Contact us to find out how.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

  When is the last time you paid attention to what your mind was telling your body? 🧠 Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is a therapeutic technique that goes hand-in-hand with somatic therapy. CBT relies on the belief that our thoughts drive our behaviors which drive our emotions. In the case of our bodies, our thoughts can dictate not only our behaviors but also the physical sensations we experience. Negative thoughts can make you feel physically worse -- just as using CBT techniques to change and reframe your thoughts can help you feel better. Our holistic therapists understand this mind-body connection and can teach you to identify harmful thoughts that are furthering unpleasant physical sensations, as well as how to change those thoughts.  Contact Life by Design Therapy for a free phone consultation to learn more.

Marriage and Family Counseling

  ICYMI, last week we posted the second blog post in our three-part series on Attachment Theory. The latest post is all about the Avoidant and the Disorganized styles of attachment. People who have developed either of these attachment styles often feel a longing to connect with others, yet distance themselves or create signs of rejection where none exist in order to protect themselves emotionally. To learn more about avoidant and disorganized attachment, read the full blog post at Life by Design Therapy.

Trauma Counseling in Richmond

  Today, on the 19th anniversary of 9/11, 12 invite you to examine how the collective trauma of the 2001 attacks affects your life. ❤️Do you still struggle to make sense of the September 11th attacks and their aftermath? 💙Do you fear the possibility of future terrorist attacks? ❤️Do you mourn the effects of the attacks on our politics and culture? 💙Do you miss the way things were "before" or, if you were young at the time of the attacks, do you wish that you remembered a time before 9/11? We would venture to say that there isn't an American alive in 2001 who hasn't grappled with these questions and fears at some point following the attacks. While victims, first responders, and their families are, of course, at the forefront of our minds on the anniversary of 9/11, there is no shame in grieving for what you, your family, and your generation have lost as a whole. Trauma does not come with a measuring stick. Even if you don't know anyone who was personally harmed

Individual Psychotherapy

  Today is #WorldSuicidePreventionDay, which means it's time to have a #realconvo about the warning signs of suicide. Suicide is preventable, but the warning signs are not always obvious. This month offers us all the opportunity to better educate ourselves on how to recognize suicidal ideation. Someone who is thinking about suicide might: ⚠️ Talk about wanting to die or having no reason to live. This can also include vague statements like "I just want it all to end." ⚠️ Feeling hopeless, desperate, trapped, or like a burden. Someone might say things like "They will be better off without me" or "Nothing is ever going to change." ⚠️ Withdraw from others. People contemplating suicide often isolate themselves or lose interest in activities they once enjoyed. ⚠️ Give away their prized possessions or get their affairs in order. This can include revising a will at the last minute or giving you something they love because they "won't need it anymore.&

Berkeley Mental Health

  Our bodies have built-in mechanisms to protect us from overwhelming, intense situations. The freeze response is just one example of these coping mechanisms. "Freezing" doesn't always have to mean literally freezing still. It can also include exhaustion, "zoning out," or the inability to concentrate. This response isn't bad; there is nothing wrong with you if your productivity is impacted by a fast-moving situation. It is your body's natural, protective response to stress. Pay attention to the signals your body is giving you in situations where you might be demanding a lot from yourself. When work or home life gets busy, check-in with your body. Ask yourself, "How am I feeling?" And if you notice any signs of freezing, don't fight them: slow down and remember to be kind to yourself and your process 💙 // Quote from  @traumaawarecare  //

Telehealth Sessions

  Not sure what to expect from your first virtual therapy session? Amid the stress and uncertainty of COVID-19, Life by Design Therapy is offering weekly telehealth sessions with our licensed therapists. We offer secure, HIPAA-compliant video and phone sessions with easy online booking to help you navigate life's challenges despite the pandemic. As for our therapists, they continue to be as supportive as ever via telehealth. Our culturally-competent, holistic therapists are dedicated to providing you with resources for growth and change -- all from a safe distance. Our offices in Berkeley and Richmond have immediate openings for online sessions . Contact Life by Design Therapy today to schedule an initial consultation.

Mental Illness Therapy

  When was the last time you felt secure? Where were you? Who were you with? What did your body feel like? Resourcing is a somatic therapy technique that allows you to create a sense of stability and safety. Your past is full of emotional resources you can draw on to cope with distress in the present moment. These resources include visualizing (i.e. resourcing) a "safe place" or "protective figures" associated with positive memories in the mind and body. By remembering these positive people, places, and events from our past, we can effectively "download" the bodily sensations associated with calmer or happier times, to bring our minds and bodies back to a better place.

Talk Therapy in Berkeley

  One of the most common questions we get is, "What should I talk about in therapy?" The most important thing to understand prior to starting therapy is that these sessions are for YOU. While we may occasionally ask questions or ask you to elaborate, you have the freedom to talk about whatever you choose during therapy. Sometimes, you may come in knowing what you want to talk about, while other times, you may have no idea. And that's okay! Some of the most impactful breakthroughs in therapy happen when you don't plan them. So, don't worry if you don't know exactly what you want to talk about when you start therapy. Open-ended sessions invite you to rely on your own intuition and inner guidance. In therapy, that is where the magic happens 💙

Somatic Therapy in California

When you are anxious, where do you feel it in your body? Maybe you carry tension in your shoulders or begin to feel as if a rubber band is squeezing your head. When you are depressed, where do you feel it in your body? Maybe your muscles ache with exhaustion and your eyelids hang heavy like a stormcloud over your eyes. Our emotions are, as Somatic Therapy Center puts it, a full-body experience. By noticing the sensations that overcome us in moments of struggle, we can learn to name and recognize our emotions, giving us the power to harness our feelings with self-soothing techniques before they have the opportunity to create problems in our lives.

Teen Therapy in California

  How can holistic therapy support teens? Many teens are dealing with increased pressures to perform at school or the college admissions process, navigating heartbreak and sexuality for the first time, and experiencing community trauma in the form of school shootings, teen suicides, and, most recently, school closures due to COVID-19. From ages 13-18, it's normal to feel like you aren't reaching your child like you once did. Holistic therapy offers an alternative for helping your teens grow through challenging experiences without subjecting them to parental lectures. Teens need a voice and a platform, and holistic therapy can provide that platform -- often for the very first time. Contact our holistic therapists for an initial consultation to learn how we can help your teen ❣️

Somatic Therapist in Bay Area

  Dr. Bessel A. Van Der Kolk's book "The Body Keeps The Score" is THE work to read if you want to understand how trauma affects the body. In this book, Dr. Van Derk Kolk stresses the importance of noticing and befriending bodily sensations as we heal from the impact of trauma. Somatic therapy is one way we teach clients how to step back into their bodies after a traumatic experience. As somatic therapists , we believe that uncomfortable sensations represent the embodiment of lived trauma and that by accepting these sensations, we can better process what has happened to us. Reach out to Life by Design Therapy for a consultation if you're interested in processing trauma through somatic therapy 💙