
Showing posts from July, 2023

Communication Tips for Couples

  Our therapists at Life By Design offer couples counseling that aims to help partners work through challenges and breaks in communication. Schedule a phone consultation today to help you and your partner get back on track with your communication and overall relationship.

Conscious Partner

  Let’s be honest, relationships can be hard. In a self-growth journey many people want their relationships to thrive along with their relationship with self. Being a conscious partner means being present, attentive, and actively engaged in the relationship. It's about embracing empathy, understanding, and open communication. Remember, conscious partnership is a continuous process. It requires effort, patience, and a willingness to learn and grow together. By cultivating a deep connection built on mindfulness and compassion, you'll create a love that thrives. 🌺💞 If you would like to learn tools for creating this relationship, head to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation with one of our team members!

Journal Prompt

  Have you ever experienced the overwhelming sensation of your mind racing to the point where it becomes debilitating? We understand the frustration that comes with it! One effective method to alleviate this is to journal your thoughts. By transferring them onto a separate space, such as paper or a digital document, you create an opportunity for grounding, awareness and mental clarity. If you would like more journal prompts and other resources to support your mental health journey, click the follow button !

Therapy Session in Spanish

  ATTENTION! Meet the newest member of our Life By Design Therapy Team! We’re excited to introduce Erica. She is now accepting new clients ! If you live in California and would like to work with Erica, head to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation!

Couple Counseling in Richmond

  WE’RE HERE TO SUPPORT YOU! The first step is getting in contact with us so we can match you with one of our therapists and schedule your first appointment.

Therapy Experience

  What is “normal” in the therapy experience? Well…honestly, it’s different for everyone! However, if you’re looking to start therapy and are wondering what you might experience, keep following along! Life By Design Therapy is passionate about removing the stigma around supporting your mental health. We strive to make starting therapy a smooth and comfortable journey for you. If you are ready to prioritize your mental health, head to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation today!

Transpersonal Therapy

  Transpersonal therapy goes beyond the traditional approach to healing, by encompassing the mind, body, and spirit. It acknowledges that our personal growth and well-being extend beyond our individual experiences, and reach into the realm of the spiritual and transcendent. 🌌💫 In transpersonal therapy, we bring awareness of self-discovery by exploring the depths of consciousness, belief systems, and higher potentials. It encourages us to connect with our authentic selves, by cultivating mindfulness, and tapping into our inner wisdom. 🌿🧘‍♂️ By integrating various therapeutic modalities, such as meditation, visualization, and energy work, transpersonal therapy allows us to heal and remove the limiting patterns, expand our awareness, and embrace the connection with all that is. Transpersonal Therapy is a technique used in Holistic Therapy. If you would like to learn more about Holistic Therapy, head to the link in our bio to read our latest blog !

Ecotherapy in Santa Cruz

  Integrating nature into therapeutic practices, offers benefits to both individuals and the planet. Being in nature can reduce stress, improve mood, and increase cognitive function. The sights, sounds, and smells of nature have a calming effect on our minds, which can help to alleviate things like anxiety and depression. Walking, gardening, and simply sitting outside can support your healing journey. Our therapist, Leah , offers the unique experience of Walk-and-Talk sessions! If you live in the Santa Cruz area and would like to explore this opportunity, head to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation!

Setting Boundaries Isn't Selfish

  Boundaries are like invisible fences that help protect our emotional well-being and maintain secure relationships. 🚧💕 Remember, setting boundaries isn't selfish—it's an act of self-care and self-respect and allow us to create a balance in our lives. What are some boundaries you've set in your life? Share your experiences in the comments below!

The Body-Mind Connection

  When I step into a session I become aware of a client’s breathing, tone and speed of voice, and energy. In the flow of a session, there’s no agenda and I remain completely present with them. I will follow the cues of the client by utilizing my own nervous system to support and guide them through the ebbs and flows of their session. Often we are unaware of what our body is trying to communicate to us. You see, in today's world, it's not uncommon for many of us to feel overwhelmed, stressed, or disconnected from ourselves. We may find ourselves trapped in the whirlwind of our thoughts, often neglecting the connection between our bodies and minds. This is the beauty of Somatic Therapy. Learn more about Somatic Therapy by clicking the link in our bio to read the full blog !

Mental Health Services in California

Take the next step towards a more fulfilling life with holistic and somatic therapy.  

Support Your Mental Health

  Our brains produce a variety of chemicals that contribute to our feelings of joy and contentment. These include endorphins, dopamine, serotonin, and oxytocin—commonly known as the "happiness chemicals." 🌟🧪 But here's the exciting part: we can actually "hack" these chemicals and boost our happiness levels naturally! Hit the follow button to learn more about how to support your mental health!

Holistic Therapy in El Sobrante

  Have you seen growth in your life? No matter how small of a step it is, we want to celebrate you and remind you to celebrate yourself! Remember not to compare your journey to the journey of others! Your journey is unique to you as an individual, and you are allowed to move at your own pace. If you would like support with your self-growth journey, consider Holistic Therapy! Head to the link in our bio to read our latest blog on Holistic Therapy or schedule your free phone consultation!

Spanish Sessions

  ATTENTION! If you live in California and are seeking Holistic Therapy but you need your sessions in Spanish, then we are so glad you have found us! Our newest team member, Erica, offers the unique experience of sessions in Spanish! You will receive a gentle and warm environment paired with her holistic approaches to support you through any struggle. If you are interested in working with Erica, head to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation!

Life by Design Therapy

  Becoming aware of those little things that keep you grounded supports your mind, body, emotions, and spirit. Take a moment today to reflect on what those things are that provide presence and neutrality through out your day. For more grounding techniques, head to the link in our bio to find our free downloadable eBook , The Mind-Body Tool Kit.

Minority Mental Health Awareness Month

  July is Minority Mental Health Awareness Month and we want to shine a spotlight on a reality that needs to be talked about more! Here are a few things to shed like on the mental health disparities among minority populations: Prevalence of Mental Health Issues: According to the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), racial and ethnic minority groups in the United States experience higher rates of mental health conditions, including anxiety, depression, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Barriers to Accessing Care: Minority populations often face barriers in accessing mental health care, such as cultural stigma, language barriers, and a lack of culturally competent services. Suicide Rates: Suicide rates vary among different minority communities. For example, the suicide rate among American Indian and Alaska Native youth is significantly higher compared to other racial and ethnic groups in the United States. Mental Health and LGBTQ+ Communities: LGBT

Couple Counseling in California

  Are you tired of feeling stuck and overwhelmed by life's challenges? So why settle for just talking about your struggles? Take the next step towards a more fulfilling life with holistic and somatic therapy .

Expressive Art Therapy

  Could Expressive Art Therapy support you? Well…to answer that you probably want to know what Expressive Art Therapy is, right? Expressive Arts is a technique used in Holistic Therapy to support those who have a difficult time finding the words to say. It allows you to tap into emotions, memories and experiences that you might not be able to talk out. Expressive arts allows you to creatively express and work through these things with art, music, writing and even movement. A few of our therapists offer expressive arts as one of their tools in therapy. If you are interested in getting started head to link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation today!

Mental Health Resources and Affirmations

  It’s no secret that we all encounter insecurities and self-doubt! A great way to combat negative thought patterns is to replace them with affirmations. Creating these new thought patterns builds resilience and confidence. Click the follow button to receive more mental health resources and affirmations for your day!

Happy Independence Day!

  Our team here at Life by Design Therapy wishes you a safe and joyful holiday! Happy 4th! 🎆

The Mind-Body Toolkit!

  Take a moment to reflect and realign today. ✨ For more grounding techniques, check out our eBook The Mind-Body Tool Kit. It’s packed with 50 different grounding strategies to fit your needs. Head to the link in our bio to get a copy today! P.S. IT’S FREE!