
Showing posts from December, 2022

Talk Therapy Near Me

  We want to create space for you to reflect on your needs today. What can you do for your needs this week? Let us know what you decide in the comments!

Relationship Therapy in Berkeley

  So you've been dating this person for a while now and you're starting to wonder if you should take the next step with them. The questions start rolling around in your head...How do you know that you're ready? What does this actually look like? Do I know enough about this person to commit this deeply? If this is you KEEP READING ! Here are a few things you may want to ask yourself before committing to a serious relationship... Can they set healthy boundaries? Are they able to be honest when they're uncertain about something? What are their thoughts on marriage and children? Can they share the mental load or will you have to plan everything? How do they respond when they're angry? Are they capable of identifying their needs and emotions? What is their relationship with money and do you two share similar values? you think you're ready? What other things are important for you to know before committing to a serious relationship? Let us know in the comments!

Tips for Panic Attacks

  3 Tips for Panic Attacks. Try these Easy techniques for Anxiety and Panic attacks. Don't forget to join our community for all thing related to mental health, wellness and holistic healing! Subscribe to our channel for more relaxation music, guided meditations, and mental health tips .

Benefits of In-Person Sessions

  It's no secret that we, as a society, have gotten used to the world of technology. We communicate digitally, work from home and even receive healthcare over Zoom. With restrictions lifting from our Covid days, many places are making the effort to restore human interaction. That includes us, here at Life By Design Therapy. We are now open for in-person therapy sessions. So you may be wondering...why go back to in-person sessions? What are some of the benefits? Trust - trust is an essential aspect of therapy. There is a relationship that needs to be built between clients and therapists. Many people have found it challenging to connect over video. For some, meeting in person allows them to tap into their emotions, ground, and build relationships easier. Focus - If you are attempting to do your therapy sessions from your home, you may find that you're easily distracted by pets, children, and even clutter around your home. You may also hold back from sharing because you're con

Engage Your Teen

  Being a teen is hard, but being a teen's parent is even harder. Learning to communicate with your teen can be a challenge. Here are a few ways to engage with your teen. Ask Open-Ended Questions - these are questions that require more than a yes/no answer. Ask What They Need - this may be tough for them to answer, but it will promote thought within themselves about what they are needing at the moment. Avoid Criticizing Them - if you grew up with a baby boomer as your parent, this may have been their first response when trying to get your attention. However, as we've seen in our own lives, there is inner child trauma that comes from this "reverse psychology". Try Journaling Back and Forth Together - this is a great tool for a teen who doesn't want to talk. Sometimes expressing themselves through writing or doodles can create more confidence in communication. If your teen is struggling and maybe they've expressed the need to talk, consider having them meet wit

What is Imposter Syndrome?

  Have you ever been in a situation where you lacked confidence and it made you feel like you were a fraud or maybe playing pretend? Imposter Syndrome. Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which people are unable to internalize their accomplishments so they constantly fear being exposed as a “fraud” or as lacking the necessary skills for the tasks they have been doing. The #BIPOC community is one of the hardest hit when it comes to imposter syndrome. Many BIPOC individuals feel as though they don't belong due to the portrayed societal standards. There is a lack of representation, lack of support, and prejudicial attitudes found in the workplace and internalizations of microaggressions throughout society. Look at it this's like a community as a whole is a child and the parent is always telling them how they aren't good enough. This takes a massive toll on the mental health of someone. One of the best ways you can free yourself from Imposter S

Communication Issues in Your Relationship

  It's hard to have an open and productive conversation when two people are talking on different wavelengths. So many times people are fighting to be heard that they fail to realize the barriers being created by communication issues. The feelings are valid on both sides, they just are being communicated effectively. Here are signs that there are communication issues in your relationship... Criticism Defensiveness Silence Feeling Misunderstood If you are needing support with your communication skills with your partner, consider couples counseling with one of our therapists here a Life By Design .

Life by Design Therapy

  Today we just want to send you a reminder that you are the ONLY you that there is. 💫 You bring unique individualism to the world and the people you encounter on a daily basis. Never underestimate the power of your presence .

Therapy Reflections

  Today we want to create a space for you to you meditate on what you would tell your younger self , take a moment to take those thoughts into account as your older self, and let your own words encourage you today.

Set Personal Boundaries Immediately

  Boundary Setting for Beginners (4 Simple Actions to Set Personal Boundaries Immediately) Many of us have internalized unhealthy beliefs about boundary-setting. We're taught that there should be no boundaries between us and the person we love; that boundaries equal keeping secrets. Or, we're taught that saying "no" to someone in need is selfish and cruel. Don't forget to join our community for all thing related to mental health, wellness and holistic healing ! Subscribe to our channel for more relaxation music, guided meditations, and mental health tips .

Mental Health Services in Berkeley

  If you think someone you love may be considering suicide, you should ALWAYS take them seriously. Plan a time to sit down and talk about how they are feeling, and follow these four steps to help it go smoothly: 1️⃣ Ask them directly, "Have you ever thought about suicide?" or "Are you thinking about hurting yourself?" Many people are afraid that asking will give their loved one ideas, but you will NOT put the idea into their head simply by asking. 2️⃣ If the person says they are contemplating suicide, take them seriously. Help them remove any lethal means from their surroundings. 3️⃣ Stay with the person until you can call for help. Encourage them to seek treatment or talk to their doctor or therapist. Make them feel supported and loved, but avoid giving advice, minimizing their problems, or debating the meaning of life. 4️⃣ Get help. Call 911 or the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 988. Operators will talk you through the steps of finding the nearest emergency room o

Couples Therapist in Berkeley

  We can all admit that being in a good place with someone and not holding on to baggage feels really good. This is what our 4th Conflict tip is all about!  Tip #4 is Get Back To Ground Zero.  When resolving a conflict, be sure to resolve it all the way through. The goal is to reach ground zero where there are no residual feelings left behind and you both can move forward with a clean slate.  If reaching ground zero has become a challenge for you and your partner, it's always beneficial to have someone else mediate the conversation. The safest place to do this is with an experienced therapist. They will create a safe environment for both parties, ask the right questions and give you tools to use to optimize your communication skills . Head to the link in our bio to schedule your free consultation today.

Therapy for Couples

  Have you ever been in a situation with your partner where the smallest things seem to be triggering you and spark arguments that seem pointless? This is where Tip #3 comes in... Dig Deeper! When you are able to get past the surface level and dig into the roots of what the conflict is about, you will be able to communicate more effectively and coordinate a plan to resolve the issue. If you and your partner are experiencing communication issues consider couples therapy . A qualified clinician can bring balance to the conversation, create a safe space to speak freely, and give you the tools to Dig Deeper. Head to the link in our bio to schedule your free consultation today!

Tips for Couples

  Have you ever been in an argument or heated debate and your words were met by defensiveness or criticism? Usually, this is because the other party is feeling as though they are being blamed for your issues. This brings us to our 2nd tip for Couples in Conflict... Be courteous with your conflict. Recognize that you have a part to play in the relationship as well. Balance the conversation. If they own up to their part but you don't, it will only add additional strife to the equation. If you are struggling to communicate with your partner, reach out to one of our therapists for a free phone consultation today.

Tips for Couples in Conflict

  In the next few posts we'll be talking about tips for couples who may be struggling with conflict. The first tip we'll discuss is Zooming Out! One of the best things to do during a conflict with your partner is to Zoom Out. Take a step back and find the common ground. What is the goal of the discussion? How can you compromise and create a space for understanding? What are some things you noticed with your partner during the Zooming Out stage? Let us know in the comments!

Holistic and Somatic Therapists in Berkeley

  Control is defined as “the power to influence or direct people's behavior or course of events”. There are times when your feeling of control needs to be released to maintain positive mental health . You can do this by recognizing what you can control, and what you can’t. Here are 3 things you cannot control: 1. The opinions of others 2. What happens around you 3. Other people's choices. Here are 3 things you can control: 1. Your boundaries. 2. How you speak to yourself 3. Expectations you carry If the feelings of being out of control are affecting your life in a way that is causing anxiety or depressive moods, consider reaching out to a therapist to discuss how to navigate the struggle .

Panic Attacks Tips

  Quick Tip: 3 Tips for Managing Panic Attacks The symptoms of a panic attack -- difficulty breathing, tightness or pain in the chest, rapid heart rate -- can make our bodies feel like they are the enemy. Don't forget to join our community for all thing related to mental health, wellness and holistic healing ! Subscribe to our channel for more relaxation music, guided meditations, and mental health tips.

Free Phone Consultation

  Let's set the scene... You and your partner are in the middle of a discussion when something comes up where you differ in opinions. Suddenly you find that both of you are starting to get heated and the yelling commences. You both look over and realize the kids were in the room the whole time. What do you do?? 🤔 The best place to start is before an argument even begins. Communicate with your partner about the Cues and Cogs in your relationship. A cue is a thing that alerts (whoever notices first) that the heat is beginning. The Cog is what puts a stop to the cycle. For the cue, you can utilize specific words or phrases that are agreed upon before that are kindly communicated to your partner prior to a debate occurring. The cog is the validation of the other's feelings and then and do the opposite of what you're feeling. It stops the cycle from continuing into the future for you both. If you and your partner are struggling with communication, Life By Design Therapy has th

Berkeley Psychotherapist

  How do you get back to a good place in relationships? There are many times we may feel triggered and desire to be heard by the other party in the relationship. Here are some tips to create a healthy communication environment... Have intention before the conversation - when you set yourself up mentally for the conversation, you're more likely to create a safe space for discussion rather than an argument. Think before you speak - do your best to respond and not react. Use "I Feel" statements - this technique removes the blame from the opposite party which will allow defense walls to come down. Listen with the intention to understand - When listening to the other party's side of things do your best to step into their shoes and understand their perspective. If you are needing support with relationships or communication skills, consider speaking with a qualified therapist to give you the individualized toolbox you need.

Nonviolent Communication

  Nonviolent communication carries an emphasis on deep listening. According to Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life by Marshall B. Rosenberg, "NVC fosters respect, attentiveness, and empathy, and engenders a mutual desire to give from the heart” (p.4). There are 4 pillars that make up this form of communication. Observation Feelings Needs Request When utilizing this form of communication you must first observe the situation, recognize what you are feeling, communicate the feeling and present the need, then request how you feel the need should be met. To learn more , head to our blog section on our website.

Relationships and Mental Health

  Mental health is not a destination. We're all on a journey to discovering what makes us feel whole and relationships are a part of that journey. Here are some ways to know if your relationships are good for your mental health... They make themselves available to you You feel comfortable and safe when you're around them. They listen and respect your boundaries. They encourage your growth. They make you feel seen. What other factors are important to you? Let us know in the comments below!

Dealing with Chronic Stress

  Long term effects of stress on your mental and emotional well-being (dealing with chronic stress) Work with us to find new ways to integrate well-rounded healing in your therapy today.