It's no secret that we, as a society, have gotten used to the world of technology. We communicate digitally, work from home and even receive healthcare over Zoom. With restrictions lifting from our Covid days, many places are making the effort to restore human interaction. That includes us, here at Life By Design Therapy. We are now open for in-person therapy sessions. So you may be wondering...why go back to in-person sessions? What are some of the benefits? Trust - trust is an essential aspect of therapy. There is a relationship that needs to be built between clients and therapists. Many people have found it challenging to connect over video. For some, meeting in person allows them to tap into their emotions, ground, and build relationships easier. Focus - If you are attempting to do your therapy sessions from your home, you may find that you're easily distracted by pets, children, and even clutter around your home. You may also hold back from sharing because you're con...