
Showing posts from January, 2022

Mental Health Crisis

  As a provider serving all age groups, we are invested in policy changes that affect California youth. Life by Design Therapy's home state is experiencing a youth mental health crisis: over half of children meet the criteria for anxiety or depression. California's new Senate Bill No. 224 would require age-appropriate, culturally sensitive mental health education in schools. It is a small step toward where we need to be, but CA is on the right track!

Online Psychotherapist in Berkeley

  Meet Tiana Brawley! Tiana is an Associate Clinical Social Worker. She works holistically, blending Mindfulness, Cognitive Behavioral Theory, Narrative Therapy, and Attachment. Her specialties include working with BIPOC, LGBTQ+, and nonbinary individuals and communities. Tiana works with Adults, Couples, and Families in our Berkeley Office (currently telehealth). Contact us today to learn more about her openings!

Featured Therapist

  Our featured therapist is the newest member of our team, Leah Kaplan LCSW ! Leah uses cognitive-behavioral therapy, mindfulness-based practices, ecotherapy, expressive arts therapy, and a collaborative, person-centered approach to support teens, adults, and seniors in moving through life’s challenges. She is queer-identified and especially passionate about working with the LGBTQ+ community. To learn more about Leah's openings and find out if you are a fit, contact Life by Design Therapy today.

Relationship Therapy in Berkeley

  All relationships exist on a spectrum from "healthy" to "abusive." An "unhealthy" relationship falls somewhere in between these two. Sometimes, it may be confusing to determine when your relationship crosses the line between "unhealthy" and "abusive." Both unhealthy and abusive relationships can have negative effects on mental health. In general, however, a relationship is considered abusive when there is physical or emotional mistreatment (including sexual violence or coercion), when your partner says hurtful or threatening things to you, or when your partner tries to control your life (such as what you wear or who you hang out with). Other behaviors, such as avoiding communicating about important issues or pressuring you into doing things you don't want to do, can make a relationship unhealthy. While unhealthy relationships can certainly harm your mental health, they do not present an immediate threat to your physical, mental o

Daily Mantra

  Daily mantra : you are not what happens to you. You are what you choose to become. Type "yes" if you agree 💙

Winter Survival Tips

  WINTER SURVIVAL TIPS: HOW TO PREPARE FOR SEASONAL AFFECTIVE DISORDER In many places, the winter months bring gloomier weather and less daylight hours compared to the weather and sunlight we get during the spring and summer months. These seasonal changes can lead to a type of depression called “Seasonal Affective Disorder.” Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, usually presents itself during the Fall and continues into the Winter months. SAD symptoms include having low energy, experiencing problems with sleep, having changes in your appetite, and feeling depressed for most of the day almost every day. If you’ve experienced Seasonal Affective Disorder in the past, or are currently experiencing SAD-related symptoms, here are some tips to help you prepare for this winter: PLAN SOME MOOD BOOSTING ACTIVITIES. Whether you want to start a new yoga class or are long overdue for a group outing with friends, planning some activities for the Winter season can help you get ahead of the SAD sympto

Life by Design Therapy

  Experiencing mental distress does not mean you are broken. Instead, the physical and mental challenges we face are reflections of the stressful -- and often traumatic -- experiences we go through. Let us know in the comments below if you agree 💙

Why is Gratitude Important?

  Gratitude matters to our mental health because it allows us to recognize the good in our lives. While acknowledging good things does not negate the presence of bad things, gratitude does give us a reason to feel happier. Everyone has the power to boost their happiness by practicing gratitude. Try naming three things you are grateful for each night when you go to bed and each morning when you wake up. Over time, you may find that this practice improves your overall mood !

Therapy for Change

You are capable of change! Let us know in the comments below if you agree 💙

What is self-esteem?

  The word "self-esteem" refers to the way we define our self-image and self-worth. People with high self-esteem have a realistic but confident view of their abilities, while people with low self-esteem may engage in negative self-talk and undervalue their positive attributes and talents. Our self-esteem impacts not only the way we look at ourselves but also the way we show up for others. That's why good self-esteem is an essential ingredient in any healthy relationship!

Mental Health Care

  When it comes to our mental health, many of us have a complicated relationship with social media. Our phones allow us to seek out information and connect with others so that we feel less alone. However, social media also means we have a constant window into others' "highlight reels." It's easy to feel like we're missing out -- on opportunities, on relationships, on material items -- when we compare ourselves to other people online. This is known as FOMO, or "fear of missing out," and describes the experience of feeling lesser-than after scrolling through social media. Setting healthy digital boundaries , as well as reframing negative comparisons, can help you cope with FOMO in a healthy way. For example, next time you find yourself jealous of someone else's online persona, remind yourself that you're only seeing the parts of their life that they choose to post!

How Therapy for Trauma Can Help

Life by Design Therapy is a place that cares and we aim to help our clients recover from various forms of traumatic experiences. Our professional therapists have worked with many individuals (couples, families, etc) who have experienced some form of trauma. Holistic and somatic based therapy for trauma is an option. We help individuals suffering from trauma find real relief and begin the healing process. If you need support, contact us today for trauma therapy in Berkeley and Richmond, CA.

Finding True Happiness with Depression Therapy

Depression involves sadness, pessimism, a preoccupation with personal problems, and perhaps feeling sorry for one's self, anguish, crying, and hopelessness. Depressed people often lose interest in many activities and social contacts because of loss of pleasure in and enthusiasm for their usual activities. They may become apathetic or socially withdrawn. Low energy, chronic tiredness, excessive sleeping, and insomnia are common. Other possible symptoms of depression include poor appetite, heavy eating, weight loss or gain, feelings of inadequacy or worthlessness, anxiety, regrets, decreased productivity, poor concentration, or recurrent thoughts of death or suicide. If you are seeking relief from symptoms of depression and want to gain tools to create a life you love, our holistic therapists can help.   Life by Design Therapy is committed to helping you build a new future, one that is founded on happiness and peace of mind.

Child Therapist Near Me

Parents have a massive amount of responsibility on their hands. It has never been more evident than in contemporary society where time consuming careers, long commutes, family obligations, and other commitments make spending quality time with children such a challenge. It doesn’t mean that parents do not care (in fact quite the exact opposite), just that obligations and commitments don’t offer some of the opportunities to “get real” and to the heart of what is also bothering them. In addition to a never ending lack of time in a day, other children may find it hard to open up to a parent or teacher due to a variety of reasons. In these circumstances (and many others like it), considering therapy for children is a worthwhile and effective way to reach kids like never before. Contact our holistic therapists that specialize in working with children for an initial consultation.

Individual Therapy for Growth

Our caring and experienced team has witnessed too many individuals push through life simply trying to survive. We find that often people in general are ruled by fear, anxiety, worry, shame, guilt, regret, disappointment, and failure which falsely tells them they are incapable of achieving peace and serenity , and that they can’t live the life they truly want. From our perspective, people are generally guided or influenced by something and very few actually have total, or close to full control of their lives. They are too often dictated by fears and failures from the past, and cling onto them when it is time to finally let go.

Get Regular Sleep

  Our mental health is closely tied to our sleep health. According to Harvard Medical School, people with mental health problems like anxiety or depression are more likely to have sleep disorders than the general population. You've probably noticed that you feel "off" after a night of bad sleep. But if you are chronically sleep-deprived, you may not even realize how deeply your lack of sleep is affecting your mood, energy, and overall health. 2022 is the year to finally establish a regular sleep routine, if you haven't already, and to begin practicing good sleep hygiene. Good sleep hygiene means: ⭐️ Waking up and going to bed at the same time every day ⭐️ Spend at least 30 minutes winding down before bed ⭐️ Unplug from electronics one hour before bedtime ⭐️ Stop consuming caffeine six hours before bedtime ⭐️ Sleep in a cool, dark, comfortable room/bed ⭐️ Get out of bed if you can't fall asleep after 20 minutes If you find that these tips are not helping you get a

Positive Self Talk

  In 2022, one of the most powerful and long-lasting changes you can enact is to change the way you think about yourself. Negative self-talk holds immense power over us, including our self-confidence and our mood. Alternatively, the benefits of positive self-talk include: ⭐️ Decreased stress ⭐️ Decreased depression ⭐️ Longer lifespan ⭐️ Greater resistance to the common cold ⭐️ Better cardiovascular health ⭐️ Better coping skills As you can see, the benefits of positive self-talk are far-reaching. Positive self-talk can change both the way we feel about ourselves mentally and the way we feel physically. However, changing your self-talk is easier said than done. If you find yourself struggling to overcome negative thoughts, or to believe your positive ones, contact Life by Design Therapy -- our trained therapists can help you reframe your negative thoughts using principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) . (Source: Mayo Clinic)

Spend Time in Nature

  While you're disconnecting from social media, consider spending more time outdoors in 2022. Getting outside is a safer way to get active than going to the gym or an exercise class during COVID-19 -- not to mention, it has significant benefits for your mental health : ⭐️ According to Harvard Medical School, a 2015 study found decreased activity in the prefrontal cortex (the part of the brain associated with worrying) when participants spent 90 minutes walking in a natural setting vs. an urban one. ⭐️ The University of Minnesota reports that, among patients recovering from gallbladder surgery, those with a view of trees from their bedroom window reported less pain and spent less time in the hospital. ⭐️ According to the University of Washington, a 20-minute "dose" of nature each day has been found to significantly reduce stress levels in research participants. So, still need a goal for 2022? Science shows that spending a short amount of time outdoors (or looking outdoors

Social Media Anxiety Disorder

  Despite what diet ads may tell you, the only detox you need in the New Year is a social media detox! Our second self-care resolution of 2022 is to spend time unplugging from social media . Excessive time spent on social media can be harmful to our mental health. For example: ⭐️ A 2014 study published in the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior and Social Networking found a link between increased time spent on social media and symptoms of depression. ⭐️ According to the National Center for Health Research, studies of adolescents show that increased use of social media leads to greater "body surveillance," or self-criticism of our looks. ⭐️ As reported by the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, 20% of people feel they need to check their social media accounts often to avoid anxiety, known unofficially as "social media anxiety disorder." Luckily, research also shows that setting limits on our social media usage -- and using social media more mindfully -- can

Self Care Resolution

  Instead of creating unsustainable New Year's Resolutions this year, why not focus on strengthening your self-care routine?   It's a well-known fact that taking time to engage in stress-relieving activities improves every facet of our health, from our mental wellness to our physical body . So, this week, we'll be sharing attainable "self-care resolutions" you can start in 2022 to give your mind-body health a boost. For our first self-care resolution, we suggest starting a gratitude journal. We've talked about gratitude before, but as a reminder, here's what the research says about people who take time to write down what they are grateful for: ⭐️ UC Berkeley found that people who wrote "gratitude letters" reported significantly improved mental health for 12 weeks after the study ended. ⭐️ A 2014 study from the Journal of Applied Sport Psychology found that gratitude significantly improved athletes' self-esteem. ⭐️ A 2006 study from the journa