Virtual Mental Health Services

With many of us living in social isolation, it's more important to be there for our friends than ever before. You can support your friends' mental health from afar in a number of ways. ⭐️ Check in. You may not be able to see your friends in person, but you can always send them a text, give them a call, or schedule a video chat session to see how they're feeling. ⭐️ Listen without offering advice. When someone is struggling with their mental health, the most important thing you can do is lend a non-judgmental ear. Oftentimes, people don't want others to solve their problems -- they just want someone to listen. ⭐️ Ask questions. Sometimes, your friend might say that they're fine, but you might suspect that they're not telling you the full story. Don't be afraid to ask deeper questions to get to the heart of the issue. ⭐️ Offer help or reassurance. You can help a friend who's struggling with their mental health by offering to do something that will take a...