Online Depression Therapy


Studies show that symptoms of depression are increasing across the country during the COVID-19 pandemic. To boost your mental health, try focusing on the four Ms, developed by psychiatrist Dr. Sue Varma as a way of explaining the factors that contribute to a healthy mood and positive outlook on life:

1️⃣ Movement
Physical activity triggers the production of endorphins, neurochemicals that improve our mood.

2️⃣ Mindfulness
Research shows that people who practice mindfulness strategies like gratitude are happier and healthier.

3️⃣ Meaningful Engagement
Having a strong network of social support is protective against psychological disorders like depression and anxiety.

4️⃣ Mastery
Mastering a new skill, like cooking or a foreign language, helps us feel more competent and capable.

Focusing on the four Ms can help improve your mental health, but it's important to note that the four Ms alone are not a cure for depression, anxiety, or other disorders. If self-care is not helping you feel better, contact Life by Design Therapy today. There is no shame in needing or wanting professional help.


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