
Skilled Mental Healthcare Provider

  If you’re an adult and you deal with ADHD you know how hard managing life can be. Here are a few tips to help you with your day-to-day life. Get yourself organized Honor your limits Break down larger tasks into smaller ones Write things down Find accountability Accountability can be a major bonus for living your life at full potential. A mental health clinician could be the perfect person to have in your corner. Consider setting up a FREE phone consultation with one of our clinicians to help support you with your Adult ADHD.

National Coffee Day!

  It’s National Day of Coffee! I’m sure you’re wondering how coffee and mental health go together. For those who struggle with Adult ADHD, caffeine is actually a great stimulant to help with focus. It can mimic the effects of some medications. Coffee is also a favorite drink for many. Grabbing your favorite beverage can help with grounding when you need a minute to breathe. So take some time to grab your favorite coffee drink today!

Suicide Awareness Month

  September is Suicide Awareness Month. This month we want to highlight the warning signs for teens and depression. Here are some things to look out for: Desire to avoid social interactions Persistent sadness Self-harming behaviors Changes in daily patterns Red Flags that Require Immediate Attention are things like: Giving away belongings Writing/Talking about taking their life Increase in substance use Our therapists are passionate about the younger generation and their mental health . If you feel like your teen is in need of support please reach out to us. If you feel as though there is immediate danger of someone committing suicide or if you are considering it yourself please call National Suicide Prevention Hotline: 1-800-273-8255 for direct support.

Anxiety Psychotherapy

  Sensory overload is directly connected to anxiety. Overstimulation happens when your brain takes things in too quickly and can’t process them fast enough. Triggers can be anything from crowded places, too much noise, or even textures. Those who struggle with anxiety are especially susceptible to overstimulation. Here are a few things you can do to support yourself when you are feeling sensory overload: Remove the trigger Take a breath Practice grounding techniques Have someone to talk to Our therapists here at Life By Design are pros at supporting those with anxiety. Contact us today to find out more about how we can support you.

Somatic Therapy Sessions

  As human beings, we naturally crave physical connection. The act of physical touch -- such as exchanging a consensual hug with a loved one -- releases neurotransmitters such as serotonin and dopamine. These "happy chemicals" help regulate your mood to combat depression, anxiety, and stress. Next time you're feeling down, try asking a friend or loved one for a hug! Or, if you are comfortable with it, you may wish to incorporate the use of gentle touch into your somatic therapy sessions. To learn more about the use of touch in therapy, visit .

Walk-and-Talk Therapy in Santa Cruz

  If traditional in-office or virtual therapy does not serve you, walk-and-talk therapy is an alternative that may be a good fit. Walk-and-talk therapy incorporates gentle movement and the natural environment into the therapeutic process. Rather than meet your therapist in-office or over the internet, you'll meet at a park or hiking trail. Sessions may include walking, sitting and talking outside, mindfulness, or utilizing nature as an alternative to traditional talk therapy. Life by Design Therapy now offers walk-and-talk therapy in Santa Cruz, CA with clinician Leah Kaplan , LCSW. Contact Leah at 510-646-0046 to find out if walk-and-talk therapy is right for you.

Nutrition and Mental Health

  Something that is commonly overlooked when it comes to mental health is a person’s nutrition. Researchers and Nutritionists have found direct links to your food and mental health. Eating a balanced diet that is rich in Omega-3, fruits and vegetables helps with brain function and regulating blood sugar. Regulating your blood sugar can prevent mood swings, anxiety, and depressive episodes. Mindful eating is one of the best ways to start bringing balance to your food and mental health. To find out more about mindfulness practices and bringing balance to your life, connect with one of our therapists today by clicking the link in our bio to schedule a FREE phone consultation .