
Happy International Day of Friendship

  Happy International Day of Friendship from Life by Design Therapy ! 💙 Don't forget to express how much you appreciate each and every one of your friends, today and every day.

Licensed Psychologist

  We all have implicit biases that shape our perception of the world around us. By approaching these biases with curiosity rather than defensiveness, we can become better allies to others who need our support. Here are four ways to get to know and minimize your unconscious bias : 💙 Practice radical acceptance. We all have biases based on our unique life experiences. Accepting the fact that we are biased is the first step toward minimizing the effects of these biases on our lives. 💙 Self-regulate through challenging emotions. Confronting our biases can bring up uncomfortable feelings of guilt, shame, or frustration. Using grounding techniques or mindfulness are two effective ways to process these emotions constructively. 💙 Have compassion for yourself. You are a human being. By virtue of human nature, you will never be perfectly unbiased -- and that's okay, as long as you are doing the work to confront the biases in your life. 💙 See the work as ongoing. Never assume that you are

Couple Counseling in Albany

  It is normal for tensions to run high, even with those we love most, during a conflict. However, setting effective boundaries can help you prevent arguments from becoming nasty or poisoning the relationship. Examples of phrases you could use to set boundaries during a disagreement include: 💙 "Can you express that without name-calling?" 💙 "If there is more yelling, I will need to walk away from this conversation." 💙 "I would prefer to talk about this when I can give it my full attention." 💙 "Let's take a break and come back when we both feel calmer." Learning to set healthy boundaries and fight fairly takes time and practice. Couples therapy can offer you and your partner an outlet to explore boundary-setting in a safe environment. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about how couples therapy can help you transform the conflict in your relationship.

Qualified Therapists

  Memories or experiences can "trigger" us by reminding us of painful or traumatic events in our past. Sometimes, our triggers are clear -- a person who looks like our ex or driving when you've been in a traumatic accident. Other times, however, a trigger may simply be an intense emotion that reminds you of a previous situation. Common emotional triggers include feeling: 💙 Unloved 💙 Unheard 💙 Judged 💙 Blamed 💙 Unimportant 💙 Disrespected To begin identifying and healing from your emotional triggers, contact Life by Design Therapy for a free consultation with one of our qualified therapists.

Holistic Mental Health Therapy Near Me

  Self-compassion describes the way we relate to ourselves when things don't go the way we planned. A self-compassionate person is accepting of their mistakes and able to forgive themselves when life goes wrong. Practicing self-compassion involves treating ourselves with the same kindness we would use to treat a friend or family member. By using positive self-talk and limiting self-criticism, we allow ourselves to be both happy and imperfect. Therapy can help you change your self-talk and develop more self-compassion. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to connect with one of our qualified clinicians on a free consultation call .

Life by Design Therapy

  Have your emotions ever felt "wrong" or out-of-place compared with your thoughts or the situation at hand? We often judge ourselves for inappropriate emotional responses, but it can often be a normal byproduct of stress, trauma, or anxiety. For example, when a friend discloses a tragic family story, you may smile or laugh out of nervousness, rather than crying. Learning to feel comfortable experiencing uncomfortable emotions may help alleviate inappropriate emotional responses. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to find out how therapy can help you increase your tolerance for distress.

Mental Health Therapy in East Bay Area

  Ever had someone who told you to "suck it up" when you were feeling sad, angry, or hurt? When we hold back our emotions, we may decrease the outward expression of those emotions, such as crying or yelling. But emotional suppression does little to repress our inner emotional experience. Only by allowing ourselves to feel our emotions can we process them effectively. Otherwise, our emotions will, as Dr. Marc Brackett writes, "pile up like a debt that will eventually come due." Therapy can help you recognize the physical symptoms of emotional suppression and work through challenging emotions. Contact Life by Design Therapy to learn more today.