
Showing posts from August, 2023

Somatic Release for Anxiety

  Everyone deals with anxiety in some way, shape or form. Be able to center yourself in the midst of anxiety is a powerful tool! Check out the image above for a somatic release of anxiety. If you would like to know more ways of grounding yourself when your feeling anxious, overwhelmed, stressed or depressed… click the link in our bio to find our free eBook, The Mind-Body Toolkit!

Feelings During Healing

  Healing from mental and emotional wounds is almost romanticized in the world today. With social media providing the highlight reels of everyone’s life, we tend to be unaware of the feelings that arise that can be painful while we are healing. We want to normalize that healing can be uncomfortable at times, however, we are here to support your needs. If you would like to speak with a therapist, go to our bio and find our free consultation link. We look forward to connecting with you!

RAIN Technique

  When you’re feeling overwhelmed, it can be difficult to reclaim your thoughts. Using the acronym RAIN can be supportive in those situations. It’s a mindfulness technique to bring you back to center and ground you in the present, as well as remind you to be gentle with yourself. R. - Recognize What is Happening: Take a moment to check in with yourself. How are you feeling? What is your mind telling you? What is your body telling you? A. - Allow The Experience To Be As It Is: this is the opportunity to not be hard on yourself and suppress your emotions. Give yourself permission to feel the emotions without judgement. I. - Investigate with Kindness: Investigate why you’re feeling this way. Pay attention to what areas of your body you are experiencing the emotions. N. - Nurture Non-Identification: Remind yourself that you are not your emotions and that these feelings are temporary. If you would like more mindfulness techniques , then you should check out our free eBook, The Mind-Body Too

Somatic Strategies

  Do you feel as though you are in fight or flight all the time? Take a moment today to ground yourself in safety. Use the image above as a guide to center yourself. Become aware of your body and it’s sensations before, during and after your somatic safety session. If you would like more mindfulness tools , head to the link in our bio to find our free eBook, The Mind-Body Toolkit! It’s packed full information and 50 different mindfulness activities.

National Forgiveness Day

  It’s National Kiss & Make Up Day! So today we want to shed light on the importance of forgiveness. Forgiveness usually feels like it’s for the other person but the reality is, it’s meant for us. Holding on to unforgiveness can wreak havoc on our mental and emotional wellbeing. It can create feelings of discontentment, anger, stress and depression. Today we want to encourage you to work toward forgiving those in your life you may be holding resentment toward. If you are needing support breaking through your own mental walls to achieve forgiving, connect with one of our skilled therapist ! We now offer in-person, online and weekend sessions as well as sessions in Spanish. Head to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation today!

Importance of Grounding

  Imagine you’re on a ship out at sea. The once-calm waves are now becoming rogue and chaotic, which pulls you further away from the safety of the shore. When you look across the horizon, you can see the land diminishing in the distance, and a sense of overwhelm sets in. You find yourself at a loss, unsure of how to regain control of your situation. In the midst of the chaos, you remember you have an anchor. Without hesitation, you lower the anchor, securing your boat to the ocean floor. As you feel the anchor take hold, a sense of stability and peace sets in. You become aware that the waves no longer dictate the movement of your boat. The waves of life continuously change which can cause many different emotions, thoughts, and reactions. As the captains of our “ship” called life, we hold a power resource which is our anchor, the grounding tool. In other words, if you are grounded in life, you have the power to engage in peace on an inward level even when life is chaotic. In this blog,

Affirmations for Couples

  Looking to strengthen your relationship? Look no further! Affirmations are a powerful tool to create a sense of unity, connection and direction for your relationship. Check out the affirmations above and if you are needing relationship support, contact us today for couples therapy. No matter what stage you are in, whether you are struggling or doing amazing, it’s always helpful to have an unbiased support system. You can schedule your free phone consultation by visiting the link in our bio!

Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy

  Melody Wright, LMFT is a Licensed Somatic Therapist with extensive training in Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy (EFT) and Hakomi Mindful Somatic Therapy. She believes the foundation of true healing happens from integrating self-awareness, self-compassion and self-acceptance. Melody utilizes somatic therapy because the body is so important and can provide the path to lasting change, growth and a deeper understanding. Melody works with adults and couples in our Berkeley and Richmond offices and online. To learn more about Life by Design Therapy’s team,  click here .

Steps for Conflict Resolution

  Conflicts are a natural part of life, but how we address them can make all the difference. Instead of letting them escalate, focus on resolving them with empathy and understanding. We can embrace conflicts as opportunities for growth and learning, both personally and in our relationships. If you would like to learn more about conflict resolution, head to the link in our bio to read our last blog!

The Art of Mindfulness

  Have you ever felt so stressed and overwhelmed that you feel disconnected from yourself and those around you? It’s like being frozen in your tracks, yet your mind races with calculating the best next step. Where 30 minutes or even an hour could go by but it only felt like a few minutes? This is more common than you think! It’s no secret that we live in a world that constantly demands our attention and pulls us in countless directions. It makes it almost impossible to remain in the present moment. However, there is power in embracing the present moment and living a mindful life. Cultivating mindfulness brings awareness, gratitude, and a deeper connection with ourselves and the world around us. So how exactly do we harness the power of the present moment? In this blog, we will explore how to embrace mindfulness and discover how embracing the power of the present moment can transform our lives. Click the link in our bio to read the full blog!

Developing Better Communication Skills

  Let’s be honest! Communication is the thing that makes the world go round. Developing better communication skills can create more connection and improve your self-view. ATTUNE is a great way to develop stronger communication skills. A- Awareness: Be aware of how you want your message to be heard. T- Tolerance: tolerate that there are 2 valid perspectives, even if you disagree. T - Transform: Rather than point out what you don’t want, transform and communicate what you DO want. U - Understanding: Seek to understand the other persons perspective with compassion, without trying to solve or minimize their view. N - Nondefensive Listening: Actively listen to the other person’s pain without defending your actions. Approach with a non-judgement attitude. E - Empathy: Validate the other person’s pain and perspective. If you would like more communication tips , head to the link in our bio to find our latest blogs on creating more secure communication!

Top10 Therapy Providers

  We are absolutely thrilled to share some incredible news with our Life By Design Therapy community! 🎉✨ We are honored to have been recognized by the Healthcare Business Review as one of the Top 10 Healthcare Therapy Providers! 🏆🌍 Curious to learn more about our journey and what sets us apart? Click the link in our bio to read the article! #LifeByDesignTherapy #Top10TherapyProviders #HealingJourney #Empowerment #WellnessMatters #EmotionalWellBeing #ReadTheArticle #CommunityOfSupport

Therapy Reflections for Self Growth

  Take a moment to reflect on how you can show yourself more compassion!💖We want to remind you that you are not required to have it all together! Click the follow button for more therapy reflections for self growth and healing.

Relationship Support

  Relationships are complex. They can be challenging and beautiful all in the same sentiment. Being aware of your attachment style can support you in knowing how to, or why you’re interacting with the other person the way you are. So what is your attachment style? Secure - self sufficient, comfortable with intimacy, capable of trust and you have a positive view of yourself and others. Anxious - seeks excessive intimacy, needs reassurances, tends to have more negative view of self and others, and overly preoccupied with your relationships. Avoidant - Can seem distant, uncomfortable with intimacy, overly independent, positive self-view. Disorganized - Carries fear of rejection, expects to be hurt, desires intimacy but also fears it, and tends to have a negative self-view. If you would like to know more about your attachment style and how you can create more secure relationships, connect with one of our team members. You can find the free consultation link in our bio. https://www.lifebyd

Top 10 Therapy

  Searching for a top rated therapist in the California area? Look no further! Life By Design Therapy has been voted Top 10 Therapy Service Providers of 2023 by the Healthcare Business Review. Our compassionate and skilled therapists are eager to work with you. We currently offer the unique experience of Walk-and-Talk, in-person, online and weekend session. If you’re ready to get started, head to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation today!

How Holistic Therapy Connects Mind, Body and Spirit

  Have you ever been so swamped by all the busyness of life that you didn't even realize the lack of sleep, increased caffeine consumption, and the low-level fatigue that had been plaguing you all week? If so, you're definitely not alone. We've all experienced moments of getting so caught up in our day-to-day tasks, activities, responsibilities, and the overwhelming push of life to stay busy that we neglect or overlook moments to take a break and reconnect with ourselves and what we may be needing. If you can relate to this, check out the full blog about Holistic Therapy to see how it might support you! Click the link in our bio to read!

Top 10 Healthcare Therapy Service Providers

  ATTENTION!!! Life By Design Therapy has been awarded TOP 10 Healthcare Therapy Service Providers of 2023 by the Healthcare Business Review! We are thrilled to be recognized and honored to be forerunners in our industry. If you would like to work with us, check out our website and schedule your free phone consultation today! If you live in California, we offer in-person, online and weekend session! We can’t wait to work with you!

Somatic Therapist in Richmond

  Today we want to highlight our therapist Krystal Williams, LMFT, LPCC . Krystal is a Somatic Therapist with a trauma lens. She is passionate about supporting adults, teens, children, and families as well as other healers such as teachers and mental health workers. If you are interested in working with Krystal, head to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation.

Therapeutic Session in California

  IG Family! Our incredible therapist, Leah, has extra openings for new clients! Leah offers a unique experience by combining nature and therapy. You and them can connect on a trail and have a therapeutic session while enjoying a walk. Leah is also passionate about supporting those in the LGBTQ+ community. With their own journey as a queer person, they offer relatability that you might not find with another therapist. If you live in California and would like to connect with Leah, head to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation!

Psychotherapist in Berkeley

  Introducing Tiana Brawley, ACSW! Tiana is compassionate therapist with a wealth of experience. She holds a social justice lens and is passionate about supporting those in the BIPOC and LGBTQ+ communities! She strives to create a warm and safe environment for you has you heal. If you would like to work with Tiana, please head to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation today!

Learn Grounding Techniques

  Embrace your inner balance! 🌿 Finding moments of calm and reconnecting with our inner selves is crucial for our overall well-being. Use these techniques throughout your day-to-day life to ground yourself to the present. If you would like more grounding techniques, head to the link in our bio to find the link for our free eBook, The Mind-Body Tool Kit.