
Showing posts from August, 2022

Deep Breathing Exercise for Stress and Anxiety Relief


How to Stop Absorbing Other People’s Energy

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Life by Design Therapy

  That’s why we offer a range of in-person, online, and walk-and-talk therapy options by our diverse and highly trained therapists offering quality and culturally aware care to support lasting growth and change.

Free Consultation With One of Our Trained Therapists

  As you have probably learned, frequent procrastination can cause serious problems at work or school. Thankfully, this behavior can be changed using the principles of psychology. Here are some therapist-approved tips to help you stop procrastinating for good: ⭐️ Remind yourself of your goals and weigh the amount of effort necessary to meet those goals. ⭐️ "Eat the frog." In other words, start with your most dreaded task. After completing the most challenging task first, your remaining tasks will seem easier by comparison. ⭐️ Break large tasks into small, manageable steps. Give yourself a small reward each time you complete a step, such as a piece of candy or a short break. If you still struggle with procrastination after implementing these tips, it's worth asking whether perfectionism and anxiety could be to blame. Sometimes, we dread starting a task because we fear our work will not meet our own impossibly high standards. Does this sound like you? Life by Design Therap

Depression Psychotherapy

  When you have depression, it may feel like you will never see "the light at the end of the tunnel." At Life by Design Therapy, our therapists have seen dozens of people of all walks of life overcome their depression with the right tools and strategies. With depression, it's important to remember that there is no time limit on healing. You can recover from your depression at the pace that's right for you. However, if you think you need additional support in your journey toward recovery, contact Life by Design Therapy today. Our holistic therapists are here for you!

Therapeutic Techniques

  Do you take on the emotions of others? When we have poor emotional boundaries, we may find ourselves feeling angry when others are angry or sad when others are sad. Or, alternatively, we may find that we are unable to feel happy when people we care about are not. Absorbing the emotions of others can be both a strength and a weakness. It can be a sign that you are an empath, gifted with the extraordinary ability to empathize with nearly anyone -- but it can also become exhausting and frustrating to constantly feel what others are feeling. Therapeutic techniques such as grounding and mindfulness can help you learn to create a healthy distance between your emotions and the emotions of others. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about how we can help you set stronger emotional boundaries.

Trained Mental Health Professionals

  Wondering what has you feeling so anxious? You're not alone. Anxiety can arise at unexpected times, and its triggers are not always clear-cut. The process of figuring out why we feel anxious can be confusing and even frustrating at times. If you have anxiety seemingly for "no reason," you may actually be experiencing emotional triggers related to painful memories or traumatic experiences. Reach out to Life by Design Therapy today to get in touch with a mental healthcare professional who can help you uncover the root causes of your anxiety.

Child Trauma Psychotherapy

  Children are not impervious to the effects of trauma, but those effects may look different in a child than in a fully-grown adult. It's important to know how to recognize the different signs of trauma in a child following an impactful event, such as a move or a death in the family. According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, children who are experiencing a trauma response may: ⭐️ Fear separation from parents or caregivers ⭐️ Be colicky or throw tantrums ⭐️ Eat less and/or lose weight ⭐️ Have nightmares or fail to sleep through the night ⭐️ Exhibit sexualized or developmentally inappropriate behavior ⭐️ Regress to an earlier stage of development It is essential to recognize the signs of traumatic stress in children, since trauma is a risk factor for nearly every mental health disorder. If you recognize these behaviors in your child following a traumatic event, contact a skilled mental healthcare provider who specializes in treating children and familie

Positive Coping Skills

  Using positive affirmations can improve your mood and self-esteem, while combating negative thinking, stress, and worry. Some examples of affirmations you might use include... 💙 I am strong 💛 I believe in myself 💙 I love myself as I am 💛 I am worthy Try implementing these affirmations into your life by setting reminders on your phone, leaving sticky notes around the house, or giving yourself compliments in the mirror to improve your outlook on life!

Postpartum Depression Therapy

  No matter how much you have been looking forward to having a baby, the process of pregnancy and birth is stressful, bringing many changes to you and your partner's life. Mild depression and mood swings are normal during this period of transition. Known as the "baby blues," these mood changes occur due to sudden drops in hormones after pregnancy, and usually pass by the second week of the postpartum period. But, if you experience symptoms lasting longer than two weeks, symptoms that interfere with your ability to care for your newborn, and/or suicidal thoughts, you may be struggling with a more severe condition called postpartum depression. Postpartum depression hurts, but it affects up to 20% of new mothers, according to the Illinois Department of Public Health. If you are struggling with postpartum depression, you are not alone -- and Life by Design Therapy can help.

Walk-and-Talk Therapy in Santa Cruz, CA

  We have all heard that moving our bodies can promote good mental health -- but finding time to "exercise" can be challenge, especially if we only count time spent at the gym or at a workout class as "real" exercise, Instead of stressing about hitting the gym, try working "gentle movement" into your day. By biking to work, walking your dog, or stretching before bed, you'll still get the positive mental health benefits of movement, without the added stress of scheduling a "workout." You may even want to try combining gentle movement with your weekly therapy sessions! Life by Design now offers walk-and-talk therapy in Santa Cruz, CA. Visit  to learn more .

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

  Complex trauma and complex post-traumatic stress disorder (C-PTSD) are often underrecognized but becoming more important to grasp than ever before, given the chaotic and unpredictable world we live in. An estimated 70% of U.S. adults have experienced at least one traumatic event (Sidran Institute), but many have experienced multiple traumatic events that continue to impact them today. This can manifest itself in symptoms that are somewhat different from those we typically associate with classic PTSD. In addition to the classic symptoms of PTSD, C-PTSD can result in feeling distrustful toward the world or like nobody can understand your life experiences, experiencing strong emotions that are difficult to control, and having dissociative symptoms like depersonalization and derealization. While C-PTSD is not an official diagnosis in the DSM-V (the manual therapists use to diagnose mental health disorders), it's becoming increasingly more recognized as a valid condition by professio

Culturally Competent Mental Healthcare

  DidYouKnow that over 16% of Black Americans in the United States reported having mental illness in the past year? In addition to the everyday life stressors we all face, BIPOC individuals experience chronic stress associated with discrimination and systemic racism. These experiences can increase the risk of anxiety, depression, and other mental health conditions. One of Life by Design Therapy's missions is to provide culturally competent mental healthcare to underserved populations. Contact us today to learn more about our holistic approach to therapy for the Black community.

Online Shopping Addiction

  According to Google, more and more people are searching for answers about shopping addiction -- especially when it comes to online shopping. After the holidays, many of us are reviewing our expenses. For some of us, this might be an anxiety-inducing experience, as we discover that we spent more on gifts or holiday entertainment than we intended. However, the occasional overspending online is distinctly different from a shopping addiction, in which the shopper consistently feels out-of-control and powerless to stop their online shopping behavior. With COVID-19 leaving many of us bored and stuck at home, we might find ourselves turning to online shopping to cope. Online shopping can give you a rush of instant gratification than can temporarily relieve some of the feelings of uncertainty and depression that come with isolation. The problem with online shopping addiction is that the rush doesn't last, so we find ourselves needing to shop again to maintain the high. As a result, peopl

Music is Best for Mental Health

If you love music, then you may have already experienced the transformative effects that a melody can have on our mood. Studies show that music can trigger positive emotions, memories, and thoughts, improving our overall mood and sense of well-being. You might be wondering, what kind of music is best for my mental health? The answer is whatever kind of music uplifts you! Whether you love classical piano, heavy metal, or bubblegum pop, you can enjoy the benefits of music in the way that best suits you.

Mental Healthcare Practices

  Looking back on 2020, it's become clear to us that Life by Design Therapy is unique from many other mental healthcare practices. Life by Design Therapy specializes in holistic therapy and utilizes the mind-body connection to help our clients achieve better mental health. However, what we are most proud of is our unique connection to the wider Berkeley and Richmond Bay Area communities. In 2020, we proved that we were different by: ⭐️ Starting to donate a portion of our revenue to local charitable causes ⭐️ Creating a new mental health fund to support BIPOC and LGBTQ+ clients ⭐️ Writing 24+ new blogs on different mental health topics ⭐️ Creating a free e-book on mind-body healing (which is soon to be released!) Visit our website to learn more about what makes Life by Design Therapy unique, and to schedule a free consultation with one of our providers.

Mindfulness Meditation

  Meditation is just one of the many types of mindfulness practices that can help you relieve stress, depression, and anxiety . It has even been proven to reduce certain physical symptoms of disease, such as high blood pressure. Have you tried mindfulness meditation in the past? If not, give it a try -- and let us know how it goes in the comments below!

Is Hygge Good for Mental Health?

  Hygge (pronounced HOO-guh) is a Danish word describing a cozy lifestyle. As winter deepens, you'll probably be seeing more and more about hygge on your feeds -- but just what is hygge, anyways? It's important to note that while hygge is often touted as beneficial for mental wellness, it's most useful as a form of self-care. Hygge is not a treatment, or a substitute for treatment with a mental health professional. That being said, hygge includes a lot of activities recommended by mental health professionals, especially mindfulness. It's not entirely wrong to say that practicing hygge can be beneficial to your mental health. Hygge can be especially helpful as a form of grounding for trauma survivors, people who suffer from panic attacks, or others who may need to reconnect with the present moment. Hygge stresses the importance of small delights like warm blankets, fuzzy socks, hot drinks, and other tactile items that engage our senses to help us self-soothe. Whether you

Life by Design Therapy

  Current events such as the recent overturning of Roe v. Wade and the Uvalde, TX shooting have left many of us feeling stressed and worried about the future. For many people, turning these concerns into action through activism is a positive coping skill that can help transform this stress into determination. Next time you are feeling overwhelmed by the news, ask yourself: is there something I can do about this? If you are able to, volunteering with a social justice organization, attending a protest, or simply donating to a cause may make you feel less helpless and more in-control.

Relationship Trauma

  Some relationships can negatively impact our self-esteem, our ability to trust others, and affect our overall well being. They can also leave us with the daunting task to heal from trauma that was experienced during our time in that relationship. While healing from relationship trauma will not happen overnight, it is important for you to know that healing can happen with time and by having the right tools. Check out our blog post on relationship trauma to get started -- link in bio.

Teens Mental Health

  The current child mental health crisis has hit adolescents especially hard. According to the Morgan Stanley Alliance for Children's Mental Health, over one-third of teens ages 15 to 17 say their mental health has worsened since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. While many parents are reluctant to have their teen attend therapy due to the potential for conflict or resistance, talking to a neutral third-party can help teens lessen the mental health burdens associated with COVID-19.  Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about how we can help.

Child Therapy in California

  According to the CDC, over 9% of children in the United States between the ages of 2 to 17 are diagnosed with ADD or ADHD each year. Therapy can help youth with ADHD learn executive functioning skills and improve their quality of life. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about how we can help your child thrive.

Is Social Media Bad for Your Mental Health?

  Many people are spending more time online due to the pandemic. But when your nose is buried in your phone, you may not stop to think about how time spent on social media will affect your mental health. Social media can provide much-needed connection in a time of isolation. But too much time spent on social media may lead to increased feelings of depression, anxiety, and "FOMO" (fear of missing out). If you need help navigating your relationship with social media, Life by Design Therapy can help. Our trained therapists can help you challenge your beliefs and establish new and better habits.