
Showing posts from July, 2022

Virtual Couples Counseling in California

  If your relationship is plagued by issues such as... ⭐️Finding it increasingly hard to open up and be honest with each other ⭐️Pushing each other away when you need personal affection or emotional support ⭐️Growing in your contempt for one another ⭐️Operating at different intimacy levels or with divergent sex drives ⭐️Having more and more disagreements or full-blown arguments ....then it might be time to consider couples' counseling. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn how our trained therapists can help repair your relationship. We currently offer virtual couples' counseling options and limited walk-and-talk therapy options, while rebuilding intimacy with your partner.

Do I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

  ASK A THERAPIST Q: Do I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)? A: People who suffer from OCD experience unwanted, intrusive thoughts with frightening content. They may perform rituals, or compulsions, to help ward off these thoughts. If you spend more than one hour per day most days dealing with these thoughts or compulsions, or if they are significantly hurting your quality of life, you may be struggling with OCD.

Virtual Mental Health Services

  Virtual therapy has become our "new normal" thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. Still, it's normal to feel skeptical of new and changing technology, especially when evidence is still emerging to support its use. Thankfully, we now have more research to support the fact that virtual mental health services can be just as effective for anxiety as traditional therapy. A new study of the virtual health platform Ginger found that 1,662 members who had symptoms more than half the time showed significant decreases in their anxiety. This evidence just goes to show that virtual therapy works to address symptoms of anxiety -- not to mention that it meets the ever-changing needs of our modern world. From busy schedules to pandemic restrictions, virtual therapy has an important place in the future of mental healthcare. If you're interested in learning more about virtual mental healthcare services, contact Life by Design Therapy for a free virtual consultation to try a taste of

Self Care

  Journaling can be an extremely effective way to channel intense feelings into words. When done regularly, it is a form of self-expression and self-care that may improve overall mental health . Is journaling one of the coping skills that has helped you? Let us know in the comments below what your experience with journaling has been!

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

  Around 1% of the US population is diagnosed with OCD, according to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America. While this disorder is more common than many of us realize, it remains incredibly stigmatized to this day. For example, people with OCD are often stereotyped as fussy, "Type A," or "anal" about cleaning, even though contamination OCD is only one subtype of the disorder. What other stereotypes have you heard about OCD , and how do they affect you or your clients in everyday life? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Struggling With Agoraphobia

  Agoraphobia can be triggered by going to public places -- or even thinking about going to public places. If you struggle with agoraphobia, you might fear leaving your "safety zone," having panic attacks in public, or feeling "stuck" and unable to escape. At Life by Design Therapy, we use a holistic, somatic approach to help people with disorders like agoraphobia cope with anxiety and panic. Contact us today for a free phone consultation with one of our trained therapists.

Panic Attack Therapy in Santa Cruz, CA

  A panic attack is a sudden feeling of intense fear or dread that triggers distressing physical symptoms. These symptoms can include heart palpitations, chest pain, sweating, shaking, and dizziness, among others. Many people, with and without underlying anxiety disorders, experience panic attacks. They can be frightening, especially if you do not understand what you are experiencing, but they are not impossible to overcome. Sometimes, they may lead you to avoid certain situations out of fear. Grounding exercises, such as deep breathing and self-soothing, can help you reconnect with your body during a panic attack. Our somatic therapists at Life by Design Therapy can help teach you strategies to use to ground yourself when you feel overwhelmed by panic and dread. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about how we can help you overcome the symptoms of panic attacks and get back to living your life.

Life by Design Therapy

  Research has found that physical exercise is a powerful coping skill for stress, depression, and anxiety. However, exercise doesn't need to mean going to the gym -- it can also mean walking your dog, playing with your kids, or any type of movement that gets your blood pumping and is meaningful to you! What does movement look like for you today? Let us know in the comments below!

Therapy Can Help Teens

  Being a teen is complicated. Never before in their lives have teens experienced so much physical, psychological, and social change.  Dealing with such intense emotions and feelings is not easy for anyone to handle, which is why so many adults reflect back on their teenage years with awkwardness and discomfort. And today, being a teen is more complicated than ever, thanks to modern technology like social media. Therapy can help teens with many of the challenges of being a "normal teenager," as well as deeper problems like depression and teen suicide. During the teen years, it can be difficult to open up to a parent, teacher, or another adult.  A therapist can provide guidance and support from a neutral perspective. Even the most rebellious or angry teenager can benefit from speaking to someone who will not judge or punish them for sharing their innermost thoughts and feelings. To learn more about our mental health services for teens , contact Life by Design Therapy today. W

Signs of a Toxic Relationship

  Relationship counseling can help with common Relationship Issues Schedule Your Free Phone Consultation

How To Heal Abandonment Issues

  THERAPY FOR COUPLES AND PARTNERS LOOKING TO RECONNECT Schedule an initial appointment today to see how we can provide the right resources for your relationship.

Life by Design Therapy

  Sometimes, you need a neutral person to talk to about all of life's problems. A trained therapist will not only listen but will also guide you toward the correct tools to help you cope with these stressors. Contact Life by Design Therapy today if you are ready to get started!

Manage Stress

  There is some powerful science behind stress in the body 🧬 When our bodies are functioning optimally and our internal systems are in balance, the state is known as homeostasis. Anytime homeostasis is thrown off by something we perceive as stressful, our body goes through a series of stages known as the stress response. Many times, stress ends at the first stage of the stress response, where our fight-or-flight response is activated. We experience temporary anxiety and physical symptoms, which are relieved when the source of our stress disappears or becomes managed in a healthy way. However, when stress persists -- for example, if we have a hectic work environment or go through a months-long divorce process -- the body makes changes to adapt to the demands of stress. Over time, these changes can become harmful to our bodies, our health, and our overall sense of well-being. Hans Selye developed the General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) pattern to describe the three stages involved in our

Trained Mental Healthcare Professional

  People with bipolar disorder can vary from feeling "happy" or "wired" one moment to "sad" or "slowed down" the next. These changes in mood are also accompanied by dramatic changes in behavior and sleep patterns. If you are struggling with symptoms you believe may be related to bipolar disorder, contact Life by Design Therapy today to get in touch with a trained mental healthcare professional.

Trained Counselors

  After weeks, months, or even years, of struggling, you've finally made the decision to pick up the phone and make an appointment with a therapist. You're excited about the possibility of change, but when the administrator at the front desk picks up the phone, you suddenly feel anxious about what to expect. As a result, you hang up without making an appointment. Does this sound like you? It's normal to experience fear, worry, and a host of other emotions when starting therapy for the first time. Humans are naturally skeptical of the unknown, so when we do something new, there is often some anxiety involved -- even when we understand that the new experience is good for us. Common fears people have about starting therapy include: ⭐️ Fear of judgment ⭐️ Fear of being stigmatized ⭐️ Fear of cultural insensitivity ⭐️ Fear of confronting our problems ⭐️ Fear of opening up to a stranger ⭐️ Fear of talking about trauma ⭐️ Fear of change If you are experiencing these emotions when

Do I have Bipolar Disorder?

  ASK A THERAPIST Q: Do I have Bipolar Disorder? A: People with bipolar disorder experience alternating periods of elevated and depressed mood. These "mood episodes" may last anywhere from a few days to several months. If you are experiencing periods of intense emotion along with changes in your sleep patterns and activity levels, talk to a mental healthcare professional to rule out bipolar disorder.

Holistic Approach To Counseling

  Many of us hold the people we love at arm's length when we are feeling stressed, overwhelmed, sad, or angry. If you are the loved one getting pushed away, it's important to remember that for most of us, keeping others at a distance is not a conscious decision. Often, people who push their loved ones away have been hurt before and are afraid of being hurt again. They may struggle with trusting others, especially if they have experienced interpersonal trauma. Pushing others away can also be a matter of low self-confidence. If we struggle to believe that others truly love us and want to help, we may find it challenging to open up. Especially if we have been in a relationship that made us feel like our emotional experience did not matter, we might believe that by being honest about our feelings, we are placing a heavy burden on our loved ones. While getting pushed away feels hurtful, it can be a sign of deep love and commitment, indicating that your partner cares enough about you

Symptoms of Agoraphobia

  Agoraphobia can cause a lot of physical symptoms, such as diarrhea, feeling hot, chest pain, dizziness, rapid breathing, and racing heartbeat. At Life By Design Therapy, we treat both the cognitive and physical symptoms of anxiety disorders like agoraphobia using a holistic, culturally competent approach to therapy.  Contact us today for a free phone consultation.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

  Nearly everyone will experience some type of trauma in their lifetime. There is no one right way to resolve trauma, but healing is possible for all of us. You may experience a multitude of emotions, ranging from shame to distrust to disbelief, as you work through trauma. No two people are alike, and each of us will go through our own journey as we heal from trauma. However, for many people, art and creativity can be powerful tools for resolving trauma. For example, a 2013 study found significant improvements in war veterans with PTSD who participated in art therapy. Art and creativity can help you express your emotions in a tangible way, while also accessing a place of rest and relaxation where you can escape from the memory of your trauma. Art can be incredibly cathartic and therapeutic as you navigate the healing journey. Some activities you may want to try to express your creativity while healing from trauma include: ⭐️ Journaling ⭐️ Creative writing ⭐️ Drawing or painting ⭐️ Rede

Do I have ADHD?

  Q: Do I have Attention Deficit & Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? A: People with ADHD are often easily distracted, struggle to get organized , and face difficulty remembering important tasks. If you or your child suffer from these three symptoms for more than six months, you may be dealing with ADHD.

LGBT Counseling Services

  At Life By Design Therapy we believe that every person deserves to feel a sense of safety in their community. According to a new report by the Trevor Project, 63% of AAPI transgender and nonbinary youth reported discrimination based on their gender identity, and 17% of AAPI LGBTQ youth have reported that they had been physically threatened and/or harmed due to their LGBTQ identity in the past year. Life by Design Therapy acknowledges the inextricability of queer & trans identities and racial identity, and we strive to approach our work with AAPI and other minority clients through an intersectional lens.