
Virtual Couples Counseling in California

  If your relationship is plagued by issues such as... ⭐️Finding it increasingly hard to open up and be honest with each other ⭐️Pushing each other away when you need personal affection or emotional support ⭐️Growing in your contempt for one another ⭐️Operating at different intimacy levels or with divergent sex drives ⭐️Having more and more disagreements or full-blown arguments ....then it might be time to consider couples' counseling. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn how our trained therapists can help repair your relationship. We currently offer virtual couples' counseling options and limited walk-and-talk therapy options, while rebuilding intimacy with your partner.

Do I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder?

  ASK A THERAPIST Q: Do I have Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)? A: People who suffer from OCD experience unwanted, intrusive thoughts with frightening content. They may perform rituals, or compulsions, to help ward off these thoughts. If you spend more than one hour per day most days dealing with these thoughts or compulsions, or if they are significantly hurting your quality of life, you may be struggling with OCD.

Virtual Mental Health Services

  Virtual therapy has become our "new normal" thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. Still, it's normal to feel skeptical of new and changing technology, especially when evidence is still emerging to support its use. Thankfully, we now have more research to support the fact that virtual mental health services can be just as effective for anxiety as traditional therapy. A new study of the virtual health platform Ginger found that 1,662 members who had symptoms more than half the time showed significant decreases in their anxiety. This evidence just goes to show that virtual therapy works to address symptoms of anxiety -- not to mention that it meets the ever-changing needs of our modern world. From busy schedules to pandemic restrictions, virtual therapy has an important place in the future of mental healthcare. If you're interested in learning more about virtual mental healthcare services, contact Life by Design Therapy for a free virtual consultation to try a taste of

Self Care

  Journaling can be an extremely effective way to channel intense feelings into words. When done regularly, it is a form of self-expression and self-care that may improve overall mental health . Is journaling one of the coping skills that has helped you? Let us know in the comments below what your experience with journaling has been!

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

  Around 1% of the US population is diagnosed with OCD, according to the Anxiety & Depression Association of America. While this disorder is more common than many of us realize, it remains incredibly stigmatized to this day. For example, people with OCD are often stereotyped as fussy, "Type A," or "anal" about cleaning, even though contamination OCD is only one subtype of the disorder. What other stereotypes have you heard about OCD , and how do they affect you or your clients in everyday life? Share your thoughts in the comments below.

Struggling With Agoraphobia

  Agoraphobia can be triggered by going to public places -- or even thinking about going to public places. If you struggle with agoraphobia, you might fear leaving your "safety zone," having panic attacks in public, or feeling "stuck" and unable to escape. At Life by Design Therapy, we use a holistic, somatic approach to help people with disorders like agoraphobia cope with anxiety and panic. Contact us today for a free phone consultation with one of our trained therapists.

Panic Attack Therapy in Santa Cruz, CA

  A panic attack is a sudden feeling of intense fear or dread that triggers distressing physical symptoms. These symptoms can include heart palpitations, chest pain, sweating, shaking, and dizziness, among others. Many people, with and without underlying anxiety disorders, experience panic attacks. They can be frightening, especially if you do not understand what you are experiencing, but they are not impossible to overcome. Sometimes, they may lead you to avoid certain situations out of fear. Grounding exercises, such as deep breathing and self-soothing, can help you reconnect with your body during a panic attack. Our somatic therapists at Life by Design Therapy can help teach you strategies to use to ground yourself when you feel overwhelmed by panic and dread. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about how we can help you overcome the symptoms of panic attacks and get back to living your life.