
Healthy Communication

  Many of us struggle with healthy communication, yet it is arguably the most important aspect of maintaining a happy relationship! Healthy communication means communicating effectively and respectfully, even when we are feeling angry or disagree. Some of the keys to healthy communication in relationships include approaching the conversation with an open mind (and good intent), practicing active listening, and utilizing "I statements" to keep the focus on your own feelings (rather than assigning blame). What communication skills would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below!

Mental Healthcare Professionals

  You do not need to go through the healing process alone. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to get in touch with a mental healthcare professional who can help 💙

Holistic Therapy Near Me

  Some types of therapy primarily address the cognitive causes of mental illness , or the parts that relate to our thoughts. But holistic therapy recognizes that it is important to treat the whole person in order to achieve recovery. For this reason, holistic therapy incorporates physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health. It draws upon techniques from many different psychological schools of thought, as well as mind-body practices like yoga and meditation.

Self Care

  What does self-care mean to you? Let us know in the comments below 💙

Pandemic Related Workshop

  Most of us picture grief as occurring after the loss of a loved one, such as a family member or spouse. However, we can also mourn other losses, such as the loss of a pet or a community member. Or, we may mourn the loss of an opportunity or life event -- for example, the cancellation of a wedding or graduation due to COVID. Whatever type of grief you are experiencing, most of us have encountered this emotion at some point during the pandemic (or in its aftermath). Life by Design Therapy will be hosting a workshop , led by Tiana Brawley ASW, to help you explore these different types of grief and learn strategies for coping with loss -- no matter what that loss may look like. Visit  for more details!

Five Senses To Invite Mindfulness

  Grounding is a self-soothing strategy that depends on the five senses to invite mindfulness and relax the mind and body . Some ways to ground yourself using your sense of sight include: 💙 Count the items around you, such as the number of chairs in the room. 💙 Watch a favorite YouTube video, TV show, or movie. 💙 Do something artistic, like painting or drawing. What else would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below!

Self Esteem

  Online and off, we talk a lot about "self-esteem." But what exactly does this term refer to? Self-esteem is defined as your subjective sense of value and self-worth. Our self-esteem is important because it shapes our thoughts, which in turn influence our feelings and behavior. Changing low or negative self-esteem isn't easy; in fact, it can feel borderline impossible! But over time, by practicing interrupting negative self-talk with positive statements, you can learn to change the way you think about yourself.