
Improve Your Mental Health

  Do you ever feel like your thoughts won't stop running when you sit down to meditate or be mindful? We call this experience of racing thoughts our "monkey mind." It comes from a Buddhist term meaning "restless," and describes what many of us experience in our minds throughout the day. The goal of mindfulness isn't to stop the monkey mind from racing, but simply to learn to be present with those thoughts without paying them too much attention. Learning to tolerate this mental chatter, or " monkey mind ," can help calm anxiety and improve your mental health. If you want to learn more about mindfulness from a licensed therapist, contact Life by Design Therapy today!

Trained Holistic Therapists

  An emotional flashback is an intense emotional experience triggered by the memory of trauma. The emotions that arise during this flashback mimic those you felt during the actual traumatic experience. Emotional flashbacks can be so overwhelming that it is difficult to know what to do about them. Having a plan ahead of time, and anticipating your triggers, can help. Some things you can do to calm yourself down during an emotional flashback include: 💙 Remind yourself that you are safe and experiencing a flashback. 💙 Grounding yourself by naming things you can see, taste, smell, hear, and touch. 💙 Considering working with a therapist to anticipate and prevent future flashbacks. If you're ready to explore emotional flashbacks in therapy, contact Life by Design Therapy to learn more about our trained holistic therapists.

Therapy's Role in Emotional Regulation

  When we feel emotional for "no reason," there usually is a reason -- but that reason may come from the past rather than the present. Sometimes, we might feel emotional for "no reason" because we are unknowingly triggered by an event or experience. This can trigger an emotional flashback, where we feel the way we did during a previous traumatic experience. Other times, we might feel emotional because of a suppressed emotional reaction to something that happened in the past. This could have happened days ago or months ago, but because we didn't allow ourselves to feel or process the emotions, they bubble to the surface unexpectedly. How can you prevent feeling emotional for "no reason?" Processing and working through your emotions with the help of a licensed therapist can help. Contact Life by Design Therapy to learn more about therapy's role in emotional regulation.

Intrusive Thoughts

  We often associate intrusive thoughts with disorders like obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). However, everybody has intrusive thoughts from time to time -- and they are also common in anxiety disorders. Intrusive thoughts can be violent, sexual, or otherwise disturbing. They are repetitive, unwanted, and cause the person having these thoughts a lot of distress. Unfortunately, fighting intrusive thoughts only leads them to come back stronger. Practicing exposure therapy, acceptance, and other psychotherapy techniques can help you learn to cope constructively with intrusive thoughts. Reach out to Life by Design Therapy today to learn how holistic therapy can help you overcome intrusive thoughts!

Somatic Therapy in El Sobrante

  In somatic therapy , resourcing is a technique that utilizes the natural resources in our lives. These are the support systems and coping skills we already have that we can call on to improve our mental health. Sometimes, these resources are supportive people. Other times, they are mental resources, like thinking of a happy memory, using a grounding technique, or imagining ourselves doing a favorite activity. A somatic therapist can guide you through the process of identifying resources to help you improve your mental health . Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about somatic therapy.

Touch Therapy

  Humans are instinctively “wired” for touch. Even in research as far back as the 1800s, researchers noticed that babies who were not cuddled simply failed to thrive. Touch communicates on an energy level beyond what words can say. It reassures us, comforts us, and adds flair to our conversations much like a garnish on our favorite meals. Touch therapy is one part of somatic psychotherapy that can have significant benefits, but needs to be evaluated to determine if it is helpful or detrimental to your well-being. No matter what, the touch must always align with your therapeutic goals and follow proper ethical codes. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about the type of touch therapy that we practice.

Therapist Near Me

  When our emotional needs aren't met in a relationship, they might show up in our lives in other ways. We can experience: 💙 Physical pain or illness 💙 Exhaustion 💙 Tension in our relationships Sometimes, our emotional needs aren't being met because we're with the wrong person. Oftentimes, however, they aren't being met because we aren't communicating them effectively. Other times, we may not even be sure what our needs are! Working with a holistic therapist can help you identify and communicate your needs in a relationship to ensure they are met. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn how we can help.