
Trans Day of Visibility

  On National Trans Day of Visibility, in addition to showing solidarity and support, we want to draw attention to the mental health challenges faced by the transgender community. According to Yale University, transgender individuals are: ⭐️ 6x more likely to have a mood or anxiety disorder ⭐️ 3x as likely to be prescribed antidepressants or antianxiety medications ⭐️ more than 6x as likely to attempt suicide Life by Design Therapy is dedicated to serving the transgender community not just today -- but every day. Contact us today to learn more about our LGBTQ+ sensitive mental health services .

Relationship Therapy in California

  It's challenging to be in a relationship with someone who is a narcissist or has narcissistic behaviors -- but it's also important not to mislabel or pathologize someone's behaviors. That means understanding the difference between toxic or unpleasant behavior, and truly narcissistic behavior. Our latest blog post is meant to provide reflection and tools to help you identify narcissistic behaviors, as well as things to consider if you think you are dating a narcissist. Check out the link in the comments to see how to tell if you might be dating a narcissist -- and what to do about it if you are dating one.

Tips for Communicating With Your Teen

  5 TIPS FOR COMMUNICATING WITH YOUR TEEN by Nia Saunders, PhD There are many reasons for conflict between teens and their parents/families. Teens are starting to be more independent, they become increasingly more oriented towards their friends, and they can make impulsive decisions. For parents, there can be conflict around teens challenging adult authority and exploring their identities. All of these factors make it a common time for increased tension in families with teens. The following tips will show how to improve communication with your teens and build stronger relationships.  1. LISTEN AND SHOW RESPECT FOR THEIR VOICE:  As a psychologist who works with teens, one of the most frequent concerns that teens share with me is that their parent or caregiver “doesn’t listen.” The examples they share include: parents judging, dismissing their opinions, or giving unasked for advice.When talking with your teen, listen attentively and hold judgment. Listening means actively trying to under

Feeling Mentally Drained?

  Feeling mentally drained? You might be experiencing symptoms of burnout, a normal result of experiencing prolonged stress. You might experience burnout when it comes time to handle responsibilities at work or at home. Extreme fatigue, decreased productivity, and cynicism can get in the way of being able to accomplish what you need to get done. Some types of burnout, such as career burnout, may be preventable -- for example, by choosing a job we find rewarding and that offers work-life balance. But sometimes, it may not be possible to change careers, or burnout may surface in other responsibilities (such as caregiving or parenthood) that cannot be neglected or changed. When experiencing any type of burnout, it's important to evaluate what in your life could be causing it and if it is possible to change. When the situation causing burnout cannot be changed, it's time to amp up your self-care game to help you cope with feelings of mental exhaustion. Our trained therapists can t

Holistic and Somatic Therapy in Bay Area

  4-7-8 breathing is a simple grounding exercise we practice with our clients in somatic and holistic therapy . The idea is simple: ⭐️ Breathe in for 4 counts ⭐️ Hold for 7 counts ⭐️ Exhale for 8 counts By regulating your breath, you can regulate your autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for the fight-or-flight response -- and all those uncomfortable symptoms of anxiety and panic. For more mind-body grounding strategies, keep an eye out on social media for our upcoming (FREE) e-book!

Lack Self-Confidence & Self-Love

  Self-sabotage describes behaviors that you participate in, despite them standing in the way of your success. Substance abuse, over- or under-eating, procrastination, or starting arguments are examples of ways that we might self-sabotage. Many people who self-sabotage do so because they subconsciously feel they do not deserve success. Whether that "success" takes the form of a healthy relationship or a career you love, you might become an obstacle to your own goals if you lack self-confidence -- and self-love. Life by Design Therapy's clinicians can help you build confidence, explore the ways society and systems of oppression may play a role and support you in stopping self-sabotaging behaviors. Contact us today if this is a behavior you struggle with!

College Students Mental Health

  Big life changes -- like going to college -- can deeply affect your mental health. Mental health challenges are becoming more common among college students (and young adults in general). According to the American Psychological Association: ⭐️ 95% of campus counseling directors said the number of students with mental health issues is a growing concern ⭐️ 70% said the number of students seeking help on campus increased in the past year ⭐️ Anxiety, depression, and relationship issues are the most common problems college students present with Life by Design Therapy uses a blend of holistic and somatic therapies to address mental health concerns like anxiety and depression. Contact us today to learn how we can help college students cope with the transition to living on campus -- especially during a global pandemic!