
Virtual Mental Health Services

  With many of us living in social isolation, it's more important to be there for our friends than ever before. You can support your friends' mental health from afar in a number of ways. ⭐️ Check in. You may not be able to see your friends in person, but you can always send them a text, give them a call, or schedule a video chat session to see how they're feeling. ⭐️ Listen without offering advice. When someone is struggling with their mental health, the most important thing you can do is lend a non-judgmental ear. Oftentimes, people don't want others to solve their problems -- they just want someone to listen. ⭐️ Ask questions. Sometimes, your friend might say that they're fine, but you might suspect that they're not telling you the full story. Don't be afraid to ask deeper questions to get to the heart of the issue. ⭐️ Offer help or reassurance. You can help a friend who's struggling with their mental health by offering to do something that will take a

Panic Attacks Therapy in Berkeley

  A panic attack is a sudden feeling of intense fear or dread that triggers distressing physical symptoms. These symptoms can include heart palpitations, chest pain, sweating, shaking, and dizziness, among others. Many people, with and without underlying anxiety disorders, experience panic attacks. They can be frightening, especially if you do not understand what you are experiencing, but they are not impossible to overcome. Sometimes, they may lead you to avoid certain situations out of fear. Grounding exercises, such as deep breathing and self-soothing, can help you reconnect with your body during a panic attack. Our somatic therapists at Life by Design Therapy can help teach you strategies to use to ground yourself when you feel overwhelmed by panic and dread. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about how we can help you overcome the symptoms of panic attacks and get back to living your life.

Therapy for Shame and Guilt

  What is the difference between shame and guilt? While the two terms are often used interchangeably, there is a notable difference between them. Shame and guilt are both learned early in life. Some of us struggle with unhelpful guilt, which often stems from needing to meet an adult's high standards to earn praise as a child. But other times, guilt can serve as a helpful guide, showing us our true values and prompting us to correct our harmful behavior. Unlike guilt, shame is never helpful. While we may feel guilty for wrongful actions, we feel shame when we feel that who we are is wrong. Shame -- which frequently stems from trauma -- can lead us to isolate from others and avoid situations out of fear of rejection. Both shame and guilt, whether helpful or unhelpful, can be a heavy burden to bear. If you are struggling with shame or guilt that interferes with your everyday life, therapy may help . Contact Life by Design Therapy today for a free consultation. https://www.lifebydesign

Virtual Therapy Services

  In light of the recent violence against the Asian community in the Bay Area, Life by Design Therapy would like to reaffirm its commitment to cultural competency. We are sensitive to the unique challenges facing the Asian community right now, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. Since COVID-19 began, hate crimes against the Asian community have risen by 1900% in the United States, according to the #StopAsianHate campaign. Our therapists are prepared to serve members of the Asian community who find themselves in need of additional support during this time. We have immediate openings for COVID-safe, virtual sessions over phone call and video chat. Visit  to schedule a free consultation .

Are You Feeling Stressed?

  Are you feeling more stressed than usual? It would be surprising if you were not, given everything that is going on in our world! The four As of stress management can help you constructively manage stress so that it does not take over your life: ⭐️ Avoid ⭐️ While it's not healthy to avoid stressful situations that need to be dealt with, you can avoid unnecessary stress. ⭐️ Alter ⭐️ If you cannot avoid a stressful situation, try to alter it into one that is more manageable. ⭐️ Adapt ⭐️ If you cannot change a stressor, seek to change your response to it. ⭐️ Accept ⭐️ Some sources of stress are unavoidable. Accept what cannot be changed. If the four As of stress management are not enough, therapy may help you adjust when life is overwhelming. When stress becomes too much to bear, Life by Design Therapy can help .

Virtual Teletherapy Sessions

  During these challenging times, the words of our therapist Ashley Gregory, LMFT in her blog post on grief are extremely relevant. Many of us are still reeling from the cancellation of important milestones, like graduations and weddings, due to COVID-19. Many others are distressed by the news of current events in our political system. It can be easy to find ourselves dismissing our emotions at times like these, using statements like "others have it so much worse." But it is essential to acknowledge that, as Ashley says, feeling our own suffering does not take away from our compassion for others. If you are having trouble processing your emotions amid current events, Life by Design Therapy is here for you. We continue to offer virtual teletherapy sessions during the COVID-19 pandemic -- contact us for a free consultation to learn more.

Play Therapy for Children

  How many times have you had a feeling and struggled to put it into words? Play is often called “the language of children.” Like adults, children experience a full range of emotions but they don’t yet have the words to express them. Play therapy is a useful treatment approach due to children’s developmental level. Maybe you’ve heard of play therapy but aren’t really sure what it is and how your child can benefit from it. Read our latest blog post, written by Dr. Nia, to learn more about play therapy and how it can help your child. Link in comments below ❣️