
Showing posts from December, 2023

Hack Your Happiness

  Happiness isn't a mysterious wonder; it's actually a state of mind that you can cultivate. It also isn't a constant state; it's a journey filled with ups and downs. These mental health hacks aren't about escaping negative emotions but learning to navigate them with resilience and grace. Your pursuit of happiness is a lifelong adventure, and you have the power to lead a fulfilling, joyful life. What hack is your favorite? Let us know in the comments!

Journal Prompt - Mental Health Check In

  ✨ How's your mental health today? Take a moment for a personal check-in. Remember, it's okay not to be okay. A great way to check in with yourself on what you're experiencing in your mind, body, and emotions is through journaling. It can provide a safe space to have a vulnerable and explorative conversation with yourself. Use the journal prompts above and give yourself the opportunity to explore. If you would like more journal prompts click the follow button! But if you would like more ways to become of your personal mind-body connection, go to the link in our bio to download our free ebook, The Mind-Body Toolkit!

Support Seasonal Depression

  As the seasons shift, many of us experience the ebb and flow of emotions that can come with the change in weather and daylight. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), or seasonal depression, is a real challenge for some, and it's okay to acknowledge its impact. Remember, it's okay not to be okay, and seeking professional support is a brave step toward healing. Head to the link in our bio to schedule a free phone consultation today!

Depression Tips

  HOLISTIC AND SOMATIC THERAPY CAN HELP WITH DEPRESSION If you are seeking relief from symptoms of depression and want to gain tools to create a life you love, our holistic therapists can help.

Holiday Hacks

  Tis the season to be jolly! Right? More like stressed, if we're being honest! It's so easy to get caught up in the busyness of the holiday season that we can neglect our mental health which can leave us feeling irritable, exhausted, and overwhelmed. We want to help! Use these hacks for the holidays to save you from the wear and tear this season can bring! If you're feeling as though this season is too much for you and you're barely holding it together, reach out to us . Our therapists are here to support you through the holidays and beyond. If you live in California and would like to see someone in-person or over the weekend, we have those options! Click the link in our bio to find the scheduling tool to set up a consultation today!

Reminders for the Holidays

  In the midst of the holiday festivities, let's acknowledge that for some, this season can bring its own set of challenges. To those who may be struggling, remember, that your well-being matters, and it's okay to prioritize your mental health . If you would like some coping tools to utilize through this holiday season, download our free eBook, The Mind-Body Tool Kit. It contains education on how to recognize your body's warning signs and provides 50 different tools to support and connect your mind-body awareness. You can find the link in our bio!

Signs of Depression

  Sometimes, the strongest people carry the heaviest burdens. Recognizing the signs of depression can be a strength in the midst of a difficult time. If you find that you're experiencing symptoms of depression, reach out. You can have more out of life. Our therapists here at Life By Design Therapy want to help you find the root of your depression, help you develop awareness of your physical symptoms and what they mean, and provide tools for coping when you have depressive episodes. If you're ready to get started, head to our bio to find the link to schedule your free phone consultation today!

Navigating Grief Holidays

  The time is upon us when the world seems to burst with warmth and togetherness. The holiday season, with its twinkling lights, festive decorations, and joyful gatherings, is brimming with the promise of love and laughter. However, for those who are in the midst of a grief journey the holidays can feel like a minefield of emotions. Grief doesn’t adhere to the calendar and it doesn’t discriminate. For some, it might seem like grief is a constant companion, and the holidays might trigger it to feel like a formidable one. Grief can be argued as one of the most complex emotions to encounter. Typically when we hear the word grief, our thoughts take us to loss, or more specifically the loss of someone. However, grief can stem from many life-altering events in a person’s life. This can include moving, a job change or loss, the loss of a loved one or pet, divorce, and even the end of a friendship. The grieving process is like a fingerprint, it’s unique to the person experiencing it. In this b

Mindfulness Tools - Routine

  Here is your reminder to establish a routine in your day! Being mindful about how your day is laid out can provide a sense of grounding for your mental, emotional, and physical health. Remember, your routine doesn't need to be rigid or monotonous. It should adapt to your needs and goals, providing structure without stifling spontaneity. So, whether it's a morning meditation, an afternoon walk, or an evening book club, find a routine that supports your well-being. If you would like to learn more ways to ground throughout your day, we have an amazing offer just for you! The link in our bio holds a free e-book, The Mind-Body Toolkit, that has 50 other grounding techniques! After you download, comment below with your favorite!

Somatic Break

  Let’s be honest, we could all use a break! However, you might find it difficult to decompress throughout your day. A great way to invite calm and balance into your day-to-day life is to practice grounding exercises. Use this Somatic Break to reconnect your mind and body and find balance. If you would like more grounding techniques , click the link in our bio to find our free e-book The Mind-Body Toolkit!

Expressing Overwhelm

  Take the next step towards a more fulfilling life with holistic and somatic therapy .

Journal Prompts for Grief

  Grief is a journey we all must navigate, and journaling can be a powerful tool to help us find our way through the storm. When you journal, you'll find a safe space to pour out your emotions and memories. If you need support navigating through your grief journey, consider connecting with one of our therapists. You can find the link to schedule your free phone consultation in our bio!

Navigating Parent-Teen Communication

  Do you remember your teenage years? I sure do; the whirlwind of emotions, growth spurts, and eye rolls. It was a challenging time for all of us. As we learned to navigate independence and figure out who we were, our parents probably wondered what was happening in our heads, mainly because it wasn’t “cool” to talk to our parents because they wouldn’t “get it”. Are you experiencing this situation with your own teen? If you are, I’m sure it can feel like a rollercoaster most days. In this blog, I will provide you with tools you can utilize to deepen your connection with your teen and create a safe environment for your relationship to thrive through communication. Click the link in our bio to learn more!

Mindfulness Tools - Body Scan

  We're all looking for ways to increase our peace in our lives. Becoming attuned to your physical sensations can support you with just that. A body scan is a powerful mindfulness technique that offers a connection between your mind and body, promoting physical and mental health. To experience the full benefits of body scans, find a quiet, comfortable space, and dedicate a few moments each day to explore the sensations within your body. As you cultivate this practice, you'll discover balance and a deeper connection to your physical and mental self. If you would like to explore more mindfulness techniques, click the follow button ! You can also download our free e-book, the Mind-Body Toolkit! You can find the link to download in our bio!

Post Therapy Reflections

  Reflecting on your therapy journey is an essential part of your healing process. It allows you to track your growth, celebrate your victories, and make adjustments as needed. These reflections will help keep the things you work through during your session at the forefront of your mind. Use these reflection questions after your next therapy session. If you don't have a therapist and would like to get started, you can go to the link in our bio to find the schedule tool!

Therapist Tip

  A friendly reminder! Self-awareness is the key to understanding and evolving, paving the way for a happier, healthier you. Self-awareness is a cornerstone of good mental health because it enables individuals to better understand and manage their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Basically, self-awareness is like a mental health compass, guiding you through your inner world. It empowers you to navigate emotions, thoughts, and relationships with clarity, leading to improved mental well-being and a greater sense of control over your life. Use these tips to increase your self awareness! If you are needing support figuring out how to increase your self awareness, connect with one of our therapists today! You can find the link in our bio!

Life by Design Therapy

  Life By Design Therapy has been voted as one of the Top 10 Healthcare Therapy Services Providers of 2023!

Supporting Your Child's Emotional Expression

  It’s the end of the school day and when your child walks through the front door a switch flips inside them. You notice them whining more, becoming snappy and maybe even a little mean. As a parent, it’s difficult to see your child struggle and the change in behavior might bring up confusion or concern. Unfortunately, children don’t have the language or coping skills to navigate emotions yet, which can make those emotions difficult to navigate for parents and children. One of the best ways to support them is by encouraging healthy emotional regulation and expression. In this blog, we will dive into how to recognize and help your child recognize their emotions and promote healthy emotional expression. To read more head to the link in our bio!

International Day of Persons with Disabilities

  Tomorrow is the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, a day when we acknowledge individuals of varying levels of ability. Did you know that people with disabilities are more likely to experience mental health issues than able-bodied adults? Many people with disabilities face additional stressors that able-bodied people do not, such as limited physical access to public spaces or microaggressions from other individuals in the community. They may also have social-emotional disabilities that increase the likelihood of their experiencing mental distress.