
Showing posts from October, 2022

Happy Halloween

  For those who celebrate Halloween, we wish you a fun and safe holiday! Have a Spooktacular Day! 🕷 🕸 Life By Design Therapy

High-Functioning Depression

  With October being Depression Awareness Month, we want to bring awareness to those who may be living with high-functioning depression. Some people may not recognize the signs and symptoms. If you have high-functioning depression you may experience things like… Trouble concentrating Insomnia or oversleeping Fatigue Lowered self-esteem These symptoms are typically associated with 1. Weight loss or gain without realizing it 2. You have a depressed mood and when you become happy it doesn’t last. 3. Your symptoms also last more than 2 years without relief. If you feel like you meet these criteria, consider reaching out to a mental health clinician to get support and learn how to live your best life again.

Therapy in Berkeley

  Reactive patterns typically stem from past trauma. If you find yourself in cyclic patterns consider individual therapy with one of our experienced clinicians to work through your past trauma and triggers. Check out our website for more information on how to schedule.

Narcissistic Parent

  Have you ever recognized yourself feeling like you’re only lovable because of what you do, rather than who you are? If you answered yes, you might have grown up with a narcissistic parent. A narcissistic parent tends to view their child's independence as a threat. They use neglect, emotional manipulation, and lack of empathy as a way to keep the child living in the parent's shadow. Unfortunately, this can lead to low self-worth, low confidence, and the feeling that they are unloved by their parent. As an adult, the impacts of a narcissistic parent can cause great impacts on how the child views relationships and shapes their worldview. The therapists at Life By Design Therapy are highly skilled in uncovering the roots of unhealed wounds and provide coping skills and tools to heal. Reach out for a free phone consultation with one of our therapists today.

Anger Management Counselor

  It’s no secret that anger is something that everyone experiences, and I’m sure there have been many times that you have wanted to react out of that anger. Here are a few healthy ways to release it: Take a breath Yes as cliche, as it sounds, taking a breath, gives you that moment to center yourself and allows you to reflect before you act or speak. Move Intentional movement releases endorphins and promotes the “feel good” hormones to step in and replace the feeling of hostility. Stick with “I” statements If there isn’t a way to remove yourself from the situation, try to utilize “I” statements such as “I feel” to deter blame to the other person for your feelings. Talk to someone Sometimes it’s good to have a safe space to vent. Often, anger is just a guardian emotion masking deeper beliefs about ourselves due to past experiences or traumas. If you’re interested in exploring these things, consider speaking with a qualified counselor .

Depression Awareness Month

  As the importance of mental health continues to come to the forefront of society, we want to highlight Depression Awareness Month. The month of October calls attention to depression because while depression for some people is year-round, others only experience it around the fall and winter time. This is called seasonal depression. Due to the colder weather, many people move indoors and lose much of their vitamin D. It’s also the start of the holiday season in which the pressures of family, past traumas, gatherings, and society tend to weigh on us. If you are experiencing depressive symptoms consider talking with a qualified clinician to help you gain tools to work through this struggle.

Berkeley Mental Health Therapist

  High Function Anxiety typically describes a person who deals with anxiety but it doesn’t affect their daily life. Some signs of high functioning anxiety include: Fear of failure Consistently overthinking things Struggling with perfectionism Task paralysis or procrastination If you think you might be someone who deals with high-functioning anxiety, it’s always great to have someone in your corner who understands what you’re dealing with. Consider a mental health clinician to be that person for you. They can help you recognize why you may be dealing with anxiety and provide tools to support you in your day-to-day life. Go to our website to schedule a FREE phone consultation to be matched with a therapist.

Signs of “Toxic” Parenting

  Healing our inner child and righting our parents' wrongs has become a significant movement among parents today. Check out our recent blog about Toxic Parenting to see how you can support your child. Click the link in our bio to read the full article.

What is Task Paralysis?

  Have you ever felt like you just couldn’t start on a task, I mean like frozen in your tracks? The tasks could range from the minor items on your to-do list or the massive company project that’s due next week. This is Task Paralysis or Task Freeze. Task Paralysis is a common psychological anomaly that touches the lives of millions and it can magnify underlying feelings of inadequacy, and perfectionism, and lead to procrastination. Here are some tips to overcome Task Freeze: 1. Create a List 2. Prioritize the List 3. Dedicate a specific time to work on 1 item on the list 4. Find someone to talk to Task paralysis has a direct link to anxiety as well. If anxiety is something that is affecting your life, consider getting support from a therapist. A skilled therapist can help you find ways to cope and help provide steps to accomplish your list. Click the link in our bio to schedule a FREE phone consultation with someone on our team!

Take Care of You!

  Reminder: You are allowed to take care of YOU ! You are only as good to others as you are to yourself. You can’t pour from an empty vessel. Go listen to your favorite song and dance, take a sip of your favorite drink, or go for a brief walk. Take at least 5 minutes today and give yourself permission to just breathe and be present.

Youth Mental Health

  It’s no secret that this generation of teens is struggling with their Mental Health. There are many things that we can do collectively to support this next generation. Check out our recent blog and find out how you can support our youth by clicking the link in our bio.

Indigenous Peoples Day

  Today we celebrate Indigenous Peoples Day! Here are a few ways you can celebrate today... Find resources to learn more about the culture and issues. Support Indigenous-run businesses. Locate Native land in your area and learn the history Enjoy the outdoors or local festivals.

Mindfulness and Meditation

  Meditation has become a common phrase in recent days. The common thought is that meditation is sitting quietly and connecting with your body. While this is true, this form of meditation can be daunting to some people. Here are other ways to bring meditation into your life: Journaling Going for a walk or hike Practicing grounding exercises Daily Affirmations Using breathing techniques If you would like to learn more about how mindfulness and meditation can help your mental health journey and how to bring it into your daily life, check out the link in our bio to schedule a FREE phone consultation with one of our therapists!

Individual Therapy Near Me

  Reactive patterns typically stem from past trauma. If you find yourself in cyclic patterns consider individual therapy with one of our experienced clinicians to work through your past trauma and triggers. Check out our website for more information on how to schedule.

Postpartum Depression Therapy Near Me

  Postpartum Depression is something that is typically associated with a new mother. But did you know that new dads can also have postpartum symptoms? In fathers, postpartum depression presents a little bit differently. Here are some signs your partner may be experiencing postpartum: 1. He becomes distant 2. Loses interest in things he enjoys 3. Increased anger or irritability 4. He feels sad, hopeless, or overwhelmed 5. He works more than usual If you feel like you have postpartum depression as a new parent , one of the best things you can do is surround yourself with a great support system. Consider reaching out to a Mental Health Clinician to provide a safe space for you. Click the link in our bio to schedule a FREE phone consultation!

Free Phone Consultation

  Intrusive Thoughts are repetitive, unwanted thoughts that can be disturbing or distressing. They are typically triggered by stress and anxiety but they can also occur from hormone shifts. If you feel like you are struggling with intrusive thoughts, click the link in our bio to schedule a FREE phone consultation with one of our therapists and find out more about how we can support you.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy In California

  CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy is a modality that is used to help identify negative thought patterns, how they affect you and your life, and how to redirect those thoughts. This type of therapy is helpful to those who struggle with anxiety, depression, eating disorders, and many others. If you are needing extra support in your life, contact us today. We have therapists who integrate CBT along with other holistic modalities who would love to connect with you. Click the link in our bio to schedule a FREE phone consultation.