Chronic Pain Therapy
Chronic pain is any pain that lasts longer than six months. It can occur anywhere in the body. Chronic pain can range from a mild irritation to a severely debilitating condition. Chronic pain can affect one’s daily routine and quality of life. It may also be a risk factor for depression, anxiety, or insomnia. Thus, someone who has chronic pain may wish to speak to a therapist . WHAT CAUSES CHRONIC PAIN? Chronic pain often occurs due to a physical health issue. Long-term conditions such as arthritis, cancer, fibromyalgia, and AIDS might all cause chronic pain. Chronic pain can also be caused by: Ulcers Poor posture Repetitive stress injuries (caused by doing the same motion repeatedly) Traumatic injuries Nerve damage (also called neuropathic pain) In some cases, chronic pain can have a psychological source. Muscle pain, fatigue, and headaches can be reactions to unexpressed emotions or needs. This unconscious conversion of a mental state into physical symptoms i...