Teen Counseling in Richmond

You’re having a really tough right now and you can’t talk to your parents about it. And your friends are no help either. Maybe it’s the pressure of the party culture at your school, or continually feeling targeted or left out from Snapchat and Instagram. Maybe it’s the pressure of college apps looming and worry over making good enough grades to cut it. Perhaps you just really want to talk to someone frankly and openly about sex, about friendships that sometimes feel toxic, about how hard it feels to be not yet an adult but still having to live at home. Teen therapy might be right for you.
Let’s face it; Being a teenager is HARD. It can be wonderful and amazing at times, but there’s a reason why most adults will tell you, “You just need to survive high school. It gets better.” While that may be true in some ways, at Life by Design Therapy, we want to give you the space to talk and tools to use so you can thrive as much as possible in these last few years before leaving home. We don’t want the high school years to be something you simply “survive.”

What Our Teen Therapy Offers:

By working with a therapist at Life by Design Therapy, you will have a safeconfidential, and supportive space to work through the issues that are making you anxious, sad, or even depressed.
With teen therapy, you’ll have someone whose job it is to help you feel better and more capable of dealing with it all.
While we do need your parents’ permission to start counseling with you if you’re under 18, you will have privacy and a therapist who’s sole job is to help you figure out what’s going on and help you feel better.
We’ll work with your parents to talk through the finances, the forms they need to complete, and answer all those other logistical questions.
Contact our holistic and somatic therapists that specialize with teenagers for an initial consultation.


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