LGBT Counseling Services in Berkeley

Following the recent anniversary of the Pulse massacre in Orlando, Florida, Arcus remembers those who lost their lives, their friends and families, the disaster’s survivors, and the LGBTQ leaders who rose from the ashes to create change in their communities. We’re privileged to have helped mobilize a philanthropic response to the tragedy, focusing our support on ensuring the communities most impacted had the support they needed to heal, organize, and build their capacity to become more visible, influential, and effective at advocating for their needs. Here we take a look back and — with some of those most involved or affected — a look forward.
On June 12, 2016, Americans woke up to the horrifying news that a gunman had entered a nightclub on Latin Night and murdered 49 people — most of them young LGBTQ people of color — and wounded 53 others. It was the deadliest mass shooting in U.S. history up until that point, and remains the deadliest incidence of violence against the LGBTQ community.
Life by Design Therapy is committed to helping you build a new future, one that is founded on happiness and peace of mind.


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