
New Year's Eve

  New Year's Eve is a time for celebration -- and for many of us, alcohol is a part of that. This year, we encourage you to embrace mindful drinking to support your mental health and avoid overdoing it during the New Year's countdown. Follow these four tips to approach your relationship with alcohol more mindfully and stick to your limits this New Year's Eve: 🥂 Ask yourself WHY you're drinking. Are you using alcohol as a coping mechanism, to loosen yourself up in social situations, or to forget painful memories? Or, are you using it for cultural reasons, because others are drinking, because you just like the taste? This simple question can be very enlightening on your drinking habits! 🥂 Savor the taste of your drink. Not only does savoring your drink invite you to drink more slowly, but it also offers you the opportunity to slow down and embrace being in the present moment. 🥂 Set flexible limits. When you create a hard rule for yourself (i.e. "no more than two

Talk Therapy in Albany

  What people say about you reflects more on their own character than on yours, so don't let the judgment of others impact the way you speak to yourself! Do you let what others say about you impact your self-talk ? Let us know in the comments below 💙

Mental Health Challenges

  "Just exercise!" is a common refrain heard by individuals suffering from depression, anxiety, or other mental health challenges. But does working out actually help with the symptoms of these conditions? In combination with treatment, any form of movement (not just formal exercise) can boost the production of endorphins, a.k.a. happy chemicals that send signals to your brain to uplift your mood. While exercise alone certainly can't "cure" mental illness, it never hurts to take a walk, hit the gym, hop on a trampoline, or even clean the house when you're feeling blue. P.S. Talk to your doctor before starting any exercise program, especially if you have other physical health conditions!

Happy Holidays

  HOLIDAY HOSTILITY? STRATEGIES ON RESOLVING CONFLICT WITH YOUR PARTNER THIS HOLIDAY SEASON The holidays can bring up more arguments and friction than usual in our relationships. Traveling, visiting in-laws, and the pressure to spend money on extravagant gifts can increase our stress levels and decrease our patience. If you’re currently in the middle of conflict with your partner, or just want to prepare for potential disagreements, we hope the following strategies will help you and your partner have a harmonious holiday season. Try not to point fingers. There’s only so much you can do when a flight gets delayed, and you’re forced to wait at the airport for more time than you anticipated. In stressful moments like these, it might be easy to shift blame and tell your partner that this is their fault (ie. “If we had booked an earlier flight like I suggested, this wouldn’t have happened”). Assigning blame won’t change your current predicament. In fact, it may even make it more stressful


  ECOTHERAPY AND THE HEALING POWER OF NATURE We all know that spending time outdoors is good for us. Many of us are instinctively drawn to nature and enjoy outdoor forms of exercise like hiking, biking, or swimming. But nature does not only affect our physical health: it impacts our mental health as well. Research has found that spending time in nature offers various mental health benefits . Spending time outdoors has long been a popular self-help strategy for individuals struggling with mental health issues or psychological stress. Now, even mental healthcare professionals are harnessing its advantages to help clients struggling with anxiety, depression, and more.  The practice of incorporating nature into mental healthcare is known as ecotherapy or ecopsychology. Ecotherapy is a relatively new therapeutic specialty, but it shows substantial promise in the field. As a client (or potential client), here's what you should know about ecotherapy and how it can help you thrive. THE ME

Therapy Services

  Recognizing you are not yet where you want to be in life is the first step toward lasting change -- and an amazing reason to come to therapy ! Let us know in the comments below if you agree 💙

Pandemic's Effects on Mental Health

  2021 has presented us with many challenges at an individual, national, and global level, including a global pandemic and increased focus on racial injustices. Naturally, these challenges have created higher levels of stress in ourselves and those around us. As you look back at the events that took place over this last year, it is important to notice how these events have impacted your physical, emotional, and mental health. No matter what challenges or stressors you’ve faced this last year, we want to reassure you that it is okay not to be okay. Read our latest blog post to learn more about the pandemic's effects on mental health -- and to discover resources for helping you manage stress at home. Link in bio 💙