
Discover Methods to Manage Your Anxiety with Therapy

Apprehension. Concern. Worry. Agitation. Tension. Nervousness. Fear. Anxiety falls under a lot of different terms. It has become so prevalent in society that many of us simply accept it as part of our existence, and regard anxiety as something that we are forced to drag through life with on a daily basis. Anxiety has immense power to control, manipulate, or alter our daily habits. Does it feel like… I have trouble or talk myself out of doing things that I want to do? I worry and think too much about things I may be unable to control? I overwork and stress myself into wanting to do a perfect job? I care very much about what other people think and it’s frustrating? Anxiety arrives in many different forms. It influences your lifestyle and has the power to directly control what you think and do. Handling Our Relationship With Anxiety In an intimate relationship most people wouldn’t stand for a controlling, demanding significant other. Why is our relati

Healing Relationships with Family Therapy

Families have a special bond that is impossible to replicate in any other manner. Whether a biological family, or one that is extended by choice, these relationships are some of the most crucial. There is no such thing as a perfect family. In every situation these dynamic relationships produced plenty of joy and comfort, yet also some sorrow and headache. Some personalities clash and others may have a difficult time coexisting. Sometimes it is for a time period, in other scenarios it’s long lasting. Regardless of the situation a common dilemma is a breakdown of communication. Family members stop talking to each other, or at least hearing the other side out. Conversations become one sided and in the worst case instances appear to have no way to repair a damaged relationship. Family Therapy Supports The Many Dynamics Of A Family Families are so diverse that it is a challenge to put it into a single definition. As a result, there are many different facets to a fami

A Hopeful Future for Our Teens with Teen Therapy

“Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them.” - Lady Bird Johnson Among the many changes that frequently occur during the teenage years, kids start to move away from their parents and gravitate far more to their peers for guidance. They desperately want to feel accepted and appreciated, and sometimes this leads to risky behavior like experimenting with drugs and alcohol, having unsafe sex, or getting into trouble with the law. Though some may shrug this time period off as nothing more than “learning the hard way” - Is there another solution? How can teens learn to not make some of the mistakes you made, without getting parental lectures? Is it possible for teens to get direction from someone other than peers their same age, who also deal with the same complexities? During these imperative years, teenagers need more support and tools than ever before. Teens have a number of common struggles specific to the age group of 13-19, but also extending

Child Therapy

CHILD THERAPY PROVIDES A BETTER FUTURE FOR OUR KIDS It is an unfortunate misconception to think that children do not struggle and suffer in the same way as adults. While they may have not matured quite yet in responsibilities like going to college, starting a career, buying their first home, or dealing with marriage or divorce - kids still hurt just like adults, even very little ones. “ There can be no keener revelation of a society’s soul than the way in which it treats its children.” - Nelson Mandela They endure turmoil and struggle, as well as often lack the understanding of coping skills and strategies to help deal with compounding issues. Children have common struggles like… Learning how to better deal with aggression or other powerful emotions. Finding ways to encounter sadness or depression for the first time. Handling pressure dealing with school or sports, or other stressful activities. Dealing with social anxiety and other stressful instances

Couples Therapy : Rebuild Trust and Connection with Holistic + Somatic Therapy

Therapy for Couples looking to reconnect. Helen Keller once said that “the best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” Everyone wants to be loved, and many spend their entire lives pursuing it. Yet moments of joy and fulfillment that love is designed to provide as comfort are bits and pieces, sprinkled in with a fair amount of disappointment, resentment, and heartbreak. Relationships are so fundamental to a healthy life that we go to great lengths to make them work. You may compromise too much, or too little. You may have certain beliefs or habits that are so difficult to break free from and restrict you from having a strong bond with your partner. You may carry old wounds into a new relationship, and have trouble forgiving or loving yourself making it almost impossible to truly love another. You may have struggled to understand your needs and wants, and that indecision is leading to mixed si


Life is hard in itself. People are working more hours than previous generations while trying to cover rising housing costs, higher utilities, car payments, gas, groceries, health insurance premiums, student loans, and credit card debt. Then there are outside commitments from work that seem to swallow people whole. There are constant appointments, house chores, relationship commitments, family obligations, and so much more that finding time just for you to unwind and relax feels almost impossible. Society is escalating at an insane, never before seen pace. We naturally feel like we need to be on the move, and constantly in action. But is that really the natural way of doing things? Life is a challenge when you lack safe and supportive relationships. It's easy to isolate and feel like you have to figure everything out on your own. You are hesitant to burden the people around you, so instead you suffer in silence. Consequently, you learn to manage your suffering

How to Get Most Out The Therapy

So you’ve made your first therapy appointment with one of our holistic therapists at Life by Design Therapy, and it’s coming up fast. Or perhaps you’re trying to decide about making this first step. You’re ready to improve your life, divulge your hidden thoughts, do all the inner work, and come out the other side making positive steps toward the life of your dreams. To get the most out of your therapy sessions, there are a few key session habits that can make all the difference. Following these will keep you out of the common pitfalls that are typically experienced along the way. HAVE GOALS IN MIND To know you are healed, you have to know your definition of healed. This answer can be different for every person. To some people, this may be no longer being affected by relationship trauma. To other people, this may be finally getting your dream job or at least pinpointing what it is. While it’s okay to start without knowing these goals, you (perhaps with the help of your