A Hopeful Future for Our Teens with Teen Therapy

“Children are likely to live up to what you believe of them.”
- Lady Bird Johnson

Among the many changes that frequently occur during the teenage years, kids start to move away from their parents and gravitate far more to their peers for guidance. They desperately want to feel accepted and appreciated, and sometimes this leads to risky behavior like experimenting with drugs and alcohol, having unsafe sex, or getting into trouble with the law.
Though some may shrug this time period off as nothing more than “learning the hard way” - Is there another solution? How can teens learn to not make some of the mistakes you made, without getting parental lectures? Is it possible for teens to get direction from someone other than peers their same age, who also deal with the same complexities?
During these imperative years, teenagers need more support and tools than ever before.

Teens have a number of common struggles specific to the age group of 13-19, but also extending into their early-20s:
  • Navigating the physical and emotional shifts of puberty, as well as exploring sexuality.
  • Dealing with increased pressure to perform well at school and/or in sports, and gain college admission or scholarships.
  • Finding coping strategies for dealing with betrayal or heartbreak for the first time, and navigating the ups and downs of teen romance.
  • Improving the ability to feel better about themselves, exploring identity, and managing self-esteem.
  • Changes in family dynamics either through a separation, divorce, or new step-father/step-mother.
  • Tackling the sensitive subject of teen suicide for the first time, and how depression plays a large role.
  • Dealing with other unfortunate episodes of school shootings, domestic abuse, violence in society, and cyberbullying.

Developing Trust With teen therapy

Teens have a lot of things they would like to get off their chest. But who do they turn to? During these years it may be difficult to really open up to a parent, relative, teacher, coach, or other type of mentor. They need someone they can trust, even if that trust takes some time to develop.
As a concerned parent that wants the best for their child, it may feel like your son or daughter can’t stand you, or lashes out at times.
While teens may rebel far more during these years they also need loving guidance and support. Often they find it difficult to feel like they receive it from parents that tend to lay the law down more during the teen years, or from other authoritative figures.
Sometimes it's simply a matter of not being able to relate. Adults don’t get teens, and teens certainly don’t get adults. When a common bridge is forged life changing episodes can occur!

Impacting A Teen’s Future With New Dynamics

Does it trouble you frequently that you are unable to reach your teenage son or daughter like you once did? Do you feel like they are purposely rebelling and disobedient just to make you upset? Have you felt like your teen cried for help in the past, but a school counselor or coach was ineffective in making much of a difference?
Teenagers are complicated because never in a point in their lives do they change so much physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Dealing with such intense emotions and feelings is not easy for anyone to handle, which is why so many adults reflect back on their teenage years with awkwardness and discomfort.
Teens need a voice and a platform. Holistic based psychotherapy for teens can provide that platform for the very first time.

Holistic and somatic therapy can support teens

School culture has a tendency to build up the potential of an adolescence and make teens believe that they are capable of anything. While inspiring it also fails to often address a lot of the troubles they may encounter moving forward too.
It does not teach the necessary coping skills and strategies for failure, which is inevitable in life; especially when many teens feel like they are experiencing it for the first time in their lives.
Why are they struggling when people tell them this point in their life is supposed to be so great? Why do they feel mounting pressure and stress related to school, sports, parents, friends, and love interests?
Life by Design Therapy offers holistic and somatic therapy for teens in the Berkeley and Richmond area. We firmly believe in our well-rounded, complete approach to therapy for the mind as well as the body.
Instilling these revolutionary approaches to healing is finally getting the attention it deserves in mainstream media, and it is time we started offering these same principles to the youth so they can start applying them young.

Contact our holistic therapists that specialize with teenagers for an initial consultation.


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