
Showing posts from January, 2023

Grief Workshop in California

  Grief is a word that sums up a whole basket of emotions. It is not linear and it doesn't have a time limit. No matter the situation, there are 5 stages of grief that occur . These stages are our attempts to process change and self-preserve while adapting to the new reality. However, they don't necessarily flow the same for each person, and you can bounce to different stages "out of order" or even feel them all at once. The 5 Stages of Grief are... Denial - you may feel easily distracted, numb, confused or even find yourself staying busy to keep your mind off your new reality. Anger - during this stage you may feel upset with yourself and others. It can look like irritability, frustration, impatience, etc. Bargaining - you may find yourself negotiating with a higher power or making deals with yourself. You may also feel guilt, blame, shame, insecurity, and anxiety. Depression - during this stage you may feel sadness, weepiness, fear, regret, and uncertainty. You may

Reparenting Your Inner Child

  Childhood trauma affects every person in one way or another. As a child, we are unaware of the traumas our parents faced, and how they were probably growing up with us. Because of this, there might be some areas of our lives that we may not feel were loved at their fullest capacity. That's where reparenting comes in. 👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Reparenting your inner child is a powerful tool for healing from past traumas and creating a healthier and more fulfilling life. It involves connecting with the part of ourselves that is still affected by childhood experiences and providing it with the love, care, and guidance it needs to heal. By doing so, we can create a more positive relationship with ourselves and our emotions, allowing us to have more control over our lives. Reparenting your inner child can help us move forward in life by allowing us to process difficult emotions, build self-respect, and create healthier relationships with others. Here are some ways to begin reparenting your inner chi

Mental Health Goals

  If you have a dream, SAVE THIS POST! Dreaming and setting goals is the easy part for some, but executing those dreams and goals may be challenging. You may find yourself getting mentally and emotionally exhausted trying to figure out how to do it. That's where we come in! Here is a method for setting and executing your goals. S - Specific; Clearly define the actions you will need to take to reach your goal. M - Measurable; having a way to measure your progress will keep you motivated to continue moving forward. A - Attainable; make sure the steps you are taking to achieve your goals are realistic for you based on your current routine and habits. R - Relevant; let it be important to you that you achieve this goal based on your values and emotions. T - Time Bound; Give yourself a time frame to meet your goals. We want to invite you to take a look at what mental health goals you might have for this new year. Taking a step into therapy is a great place to start accomplishing your men

Religious Trauma

  We’re all familiar with the phrase “hurt people, hurt people.” But what happens when that hurt is caused by a religious system? Faith can often be a source of hope and strength, but for some, it can bring deep spiritual pain and trauma. Unfortunately, Western religion has created a space where performance is required. If you don't measure up to the unattainable standards that are placed, you are shamed and ridiculed which can create trauma. Many people have found this not only in a church but also within their homes while growing up. Religious trauma can be isolating and overwhelming, and it can seem impossible to make sense of it all or even find a supportive community. If you are someone who has experienced religious trauma we want you to know that you are not alone. We, at Life By Design Therapy, want to create a space of security for you to process. Head to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation with one of our therapists today. https://www.lifebydesign

Self Acceptance

  Learning to love YOU exactly where you're at is a powerful thing. ✨ You are loved, accepted, and deserving of joy and peace in your life. We understand that the self-love journey can be complex. If you are finding this journey challenging, consider having a secure space to process to support you. Reach out to one of our therapists for a free phone consultation. You can find the link to schedule in our bio!

Holistic and Somatic Therapy

  There is a movement of self-growth and self-healing that is making itself known recently. This generation is learning to break cycles, love themselves, and live life at its optimal level. However, many people aren't aware of or chose not to do inner work which can become frustrating to those that do. So how can you be present with those that don't do their inner work? Remove your expectations of them. - allow yourself to see them as they are rather than whom you want them to be. Lead by example - maintain your energy and allow them to see your work in motion. Notice your own triggers - being triggered by the opposite person actually highlights the work that is needed to continue within you. What are you learning about yourself when you're around them? Every person is at different stages of their life and their self-growth. Permit them (within yourself) to JUST BE where they are. Therapy is a great inner work item to have in your self-growth tool kit. Therapists can help y

Toxic Relationships

  We want to invite you to reflect on your relationships. 💫 Take inventory of who isn't serving your growth. What is keeping these people in your life?

Malicious Comments

  Have you ever been in a conversation with someone and they've blasted a negative or mean comment? You may have even been so thrown off by the comment that you decide to let it go. If you answered yes, keep reading ! Clear and courteous communication is something society struggles with as a whole. When conversations are met with malicious comments toward you, don't let it go! You deserve to take up space too. Sometimes people don't recognize the way they are expressing things to you, and if it's hurting you, it needs to be addressed. Here are a few ways you can respond... "That sounds loaded. Is there something deeper we need to discuss?" "I want to make sure I'm responding appropriately. Can you clarify what you meant?" "Ouch, that comment hurt." These responses create space for both parties to be heard and for poor communication to be corrected. What's another response you've used when a malicious comment is made toward you?

LGBTQ+ Therapy

  Everyone deserves to be THEMSELVES without the fear of rejection! Unfortunately, the beautiful humans of the LGBTQ+ community continue to face forms of abuse, discrimination, and marginalization not just by society, but by the people they love. It's time to do our part to decrease the stigma. Here's how you can support your LGBTQ+ peers... Have an open mind during conversations. Work on recognizing your own biases, even if it's uncomfortable. Include them in gatherings with your other friends and family. Defend them against discrimination. What are some other ways you support your LGBTQ+ peers ? Let us know in the comments!

Neurodivergent and Therapy

  Does your brain work differently than others? Guess what? That's a BEAUTIFUL thing! People tend to believe that neurodiversity is a disorder, but it's just a range of differences in how someone's brain functions. Many neurodivergent people can have issues with focus, anxiety, and sensory processing. Therapy can play an important part in coping with some of the difficulties neurodivergent folks experience. It can help individuals learn more about themselves and their condition so they can better manage it. If you or someone you love is having a hard time coping with some of the struggles neurodiversity brings, consider meeting with our therapist Joanie! They, themself, also identify as a neurodiverse person and can bring relatability to the table during sessions. Head to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation!

Codependency Therapy

  ⛓It's time to break free!⛓ Codependency is a type of relationship addiction that can cause a lot of heartache. Here are a few signs of Codependency. You struggle with making decisions - because you've made your decisions based on other people in the past, you don't trust that you can make decisions for yourself. You ignore your own needs - codependent people usually tend to the wants and needs of others. They end up ignoring their own needs, and it drains them. You struggle to set healthy boundaries - imagine 2 homes fenced by one uniform picket fence. A ball gets thrown and it ends up in the other home's yard, now the homeowner can come and get the ball anytime they want because there is nothing to divide the two. When you place a healthy boundary, it's like putting up a fence to divide both homes. Now if the ball is thrown in the opposite yard, the homeowner has a choice to keep the ball or throw it back. Creating healthy boundaries is no easy feat. Having an u

Martin Luther King Jr Day

  "There is always a time to do what is right." - Martin Luther King Jr . Today we honor the man who stood up in the face of injustice and told it to take a seat. We are grateful for the example he set for the coming generation. His leadership continues to play an important role in the world we live in today.

How to Use Guilt As A Guide

  4 Tips to Increasing Self-Awareness By Utilizing Feelings of Guilt We all have little "g" guilt and big "G" guilt present with us throughout life. Don't forget to join our community for all thing related to mental health, wellness and holistic healing! Subscribe to our channel for more relaxation music, guided meditations, and mental health tips.

Information About Anger

  Have you ever wondered where your anger comes from? 😡 Our current blog series, “All About Anger,” focuses on providing information about anger, myths and facts associated with anger, where anger comes from, and tools and strategies to address anger as an emotion. Understanding where your anger comes from can help you learn more about yourself, and give you insight as to what strategies can help you address anger. Head to the link in our bio to read All About Anger!

Generational Trauma

  What is generational trauma? Generation Trauma is the consequence of living with traumatic events and memories that were unintentionally passed on from generation to generation. The traumatic events can range from parenting styles, the way your parents related to you, punishment styles, or even life's obstacles they walked through. The beliefs, nervous systems, and views based on these events get passed down. It may manifest in several ways– as disassociation, estrangement, addiction, etc.– with children who either partook in the trauma or directly experienced it. Here are a few ways to heal from generational trauma.... Reparent your inner child. Learn to love yourself exactly where you are in life. When you recognize the trauma pattern, take the opportunity to break it. Talk about it with someone who creates a safe space. If you are the cycle breaker for your family, it's good to have a support system. Consider reaching out to our therapists here at Life By Design Therapy .

Parenting Therapy

  The world we live in is nothing less than unpredictable...and being a parent in it can be a daunting task. Are you worried about keeping your child safe? Becoming a parent can be one of the most rewarding, exciting, and joyous times in someone’s life. It can also be one of the scariest, most overwhelming, and most emotional times in a parent’s life – both sets of emotions are valid and can be felt simultaneously. Leading up to the arrival of a new baby, many parents talk about things to prepare for such as the cost of childcare, how to set up the nursery, and each parent’s approach to child-rearing. Once a child has arrived, many parents realize that many important topics may not have been on their radar before the child’s birth. These topics can include addressing issues that occurred during childbirth (traumatic births, unplanned c-sections, etc.), unexpected health concerns for your child, and discussing safety concerns in order to keep a child protected. All of these topics can l

Holistic Therapy in California

  This is your reminder to let go of the things you cannot control. ✨ What are you choosing to let go of today? Let us know in the comments!

Somatic Therapy Near Me

  Today we want to remind you to reflect on your inner self and create a space for growth and self-compassion.

Types of Stress

  We've all heard of stress and we've all experienced it. But did you know that there are 4 different types of stress ? Here are the 4 Types of Stress... Positive Stress - this is the reaction to being excited or nervous about something. Symptoms could be adrenaline or excitement. Acute Stress - this is a reaction to a one-time trigger. It's something that may come on suddenly and then dissipate. Symptoms can be anxiety or irritability. Chronic Stress - this is exactly as it sounds. It's a response to an ongoing trigger, it's something that will not go away quickly. Symptoms of anxiety and depression can cause chronic stress. Episodic Stress - this is a response to a stimulus that someone experiences frequently in certain situations, like being in crowded spaces. Symptoms could be panic attacks. If you are having a hard time navigating your stress levels, consider connecting with an experienced clinician. Head to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consu

Tips to Set Health Boundaries

  4 Tips to Set Health Boundaries. Use these Boundary Techniques with Family and Friends Today.

Support for Emotional and Mental Health

  ⚠️Society is toxic. Problematic. Rife with discrimination. And if we don’t continue to challenge and redefine our notions of masculinity, it will continue to remain toxic.⚠️ You have the power to be your own hero- and turn your masculinity into a positive and empowering force. It just takes a little courage, some personal investment, and a new way of interacting. Here are 4 things men should know... You have permission to ask for help. You have permission to cry. You have permission to talk about the things you are feeling. You have permission to engage in support. If you are ready to make a step to get support for your emotional and mental health, head to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation .

In-Person Sessions

  ATTENTION! We are so excited to announce that we now offering IN-PERSON sessions! Contact us today for more information!