
It's okay to tell your Therapist

  PSA: It’s okay, to be honest with your therapist! When attending therapy, it should be a place of security where you are allowed to be your most vulnerable self. It’s okay to tell your therapist if you feel like something isn’t working for you, or that you don’t want to discuss a specific topic. Therapy is a space where you are allowed to dictate what is said and what isn’t. Your therapist is there to hold space for you and allow you to process how you need. For more information on therapy services, head to the link in our bio to find all of our resources.

Grief Recovery

  Grief…it’s an unavoidable part of life that can be incredibly painful and potentially debilitating for some. It isn’t linear and there’s no timeline to be followed. Grief can be described as a singular emotion and yet there are many emotions involved making it feel like a whirlwind. When someone is on the roller coaster of grief recovery they may find it easy to place their own needs on the back burner or have thoughts of “what’s the point?”. Our goal in this blog is to support you in your pain and provide resources to help you find relief. In this blog, we will provide you with simple coping tools to support yourself in this season of your life. You can find the full blog in the link in bio !

Types of Intimacy

  Believe it or not, there’s more to intimacy than just physical closeness! Intimacy is a complex concept that includes many different types of connections such as physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, and sexual. Physical intimacy can be hugs, holding hands, or even snuggling during a movie. Spiritual intimacy involves an understanding of the person’s spiritual outlook and you are able to feel safe connecting, having conversation or even meditative times together. Mental intimacy is the ability to communicate on a deeper level without feeling judged or misunderstood. Emotional intimacy involves an understanding between two people that goes beyond words and allows them to share their feelings with each other safely. If you would like to explore ways of connecting with your partner on a deeper level, consider meeting with a qualified counselor to take your relationship to the next level. Head to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation! https://www.lifebydesignthe

Childhood Trauma Therapy in California

  Trauma is a deeply personal experience. We are learning that our worldview and relationships are based on experiences from our childhood. Many of us have encountered some form of childhood trauma that has shaped who we are today. So what are some causes of childhood trauma that affect us today? Witnessing or experiencing abuse Having to “grow up” at a very young age Instability around your basic needs (shelter, food, clean clothes) Suffering the loss of something/someone you love Having a caregiver who struggles with their own mental health issues. If you relate to any of these, you might be seeing the repercussions in your day to day life. Having a safe place to discuss these issues can encourage healing and growth. If you live in California, go to the link in our bio to schedule your free phone consultation with one of our therapist.

Licensed Therapist in Bay Area

  Doing the same thing, expecting a different result? The cycle can become exhausting. Take a moment today and reflect on what some of your “old ways” might be. Are you expecting a different result from it? If you feel like you might need support figuring out a way out of your old ways, connect with one of our therapists today by scheduling a free phone consultation via the link in our bio.

Grief Therapy in California

  If you have ever grieved anything, you understand that the process is personal and complex. It is a unique experience that cannot be compared to anyone else's, and it can manifest differently for each individual. Grieving timelines, methods of coping, and the emotions experienced by the person can be completely different than another person's experience. It’s important to remember that there is no right or wrong way to walk this process out. It can be helpful to understand how people cope with grief so that you can be better equipped to support yourself or someone else who may be going through this difficult process. To continue reading this blog , head to the link in our bio!

Begin Your Healing Journey

  Here is your sign, it’s time to heal those wounds! It can be challenging to acknowledge the wounds and make the decision to heal, but we want to be here for you as a resource of positivity and light. 🕯 If you would like to work with one of our therapists and begin your healing journey, please connect with us. You can do so by scheduling a phone consultation via the link in our bio.