
Trauma Therapy in Berkeley

CHANGING THE WAY WE APPROACH TRAUMA THERAPY Trauma is an emotional wound. At first the cut is deep and painful and it seems to affect everything. Over time the wound starts to heal and it may not hurt as often, but a simple brush up against something can trigger that pain again. If we are lucky it fully heals, but a scar may remain. HOW THERAPY FOR TRAUMA CAN HELP Do you feel like a radically different person ever since the trauma occurred? Victims of serious trauma often express a feeling of two different existences. One before, and one after the event happened. If you are experiencing these feelings, please know this is completely normal. While the original self was free and lived in the moment and enjoyed life, the second is cautious and reserved and mistrusting. The comfortability is gone and you start to wonder if things will ever return to normal. Life by Design Therapy  is a place that cares and we aim to help our clients recover from various forms of traumatic ex

Somatic Therapy in Richmond

THE MODERN RULES OF COUPLES THERAPY Relationships are important and require care, quality time, and secure attachment to be healthy ones. The choices we make and the responses we give one another set the tone in our relationships. Sometimes the increasing demands of daily living tax couples, leaving little emotional overhead for the most important ones in our lives. Often when there is conflict, this contributes to adverse reactions, thoughts, and feelings. WHO IS THE MODERN COUPLE? Times have changed in terms of the shift in traditional relationships. Today, more women are in the workforce, and more men have shifted to stay at home roles for the children. In addition, we have more same-sex, gender non-conforming, and poly-amorous couples who are navigating relationships and the various roles of parenting, managing household chores and juggling financial responsibilities. With these shifts in our society brings less exclusivity in roles between partners and those who are or

Teen Therapy

DEALING WITH TEEN DEPRESSION TEEN THERAPY As our children grow into teenagers, they go through many changes that can challenge even the most well-intentioned parents. Some teens deal with pressures with a few difficulties while other teens present symptoms of depression. When parents reach out to their struggling teens, this may lead to a negative outcome to what they intended was support. While teens are known for their moody and unpredictable behaviors, it is important to distinguish between typical teen behavior and teen depression. WHAT ARE THE COMMON CONTRIBUTIONS TO TEEN DEPRESSION? The first step in dealing with a teen who may have depression is to understand what contributes to teen depression. Lacks self-esteem — May not accept compliments or is defensive when you offer help. Bullying at school — Makes comments about altercations with other students or skipping classes to avoid the ones who bully. Struggles to fit in with peers and dealing with peer pressure

Depression Therapy in Richmond

The assistance of a skilled and caring therapist can have many benefits. While these benefits vary from person to person, just beginning the process of psychotherapy can help ease some of the isolation we all can feel when confronted with difficulties in our lives. Whether you are seeking assistance for  anxiety, depression  or a history of  trauma , need help coping with the stress and hardship of everyday life, or wish to become more accepting of yourself and others, our therapists are here to help. Life by Design Therapy  is committed to helping you build a new future, one that is founded on happiness and peace of mind. If you’re ready to work on your  depression  with one of our holistic therapists,  contact us today .

Couple Counseling in Berkeley

Is This You? Right now, you might be wondering if it’s possible to save your relationship. You might be feeling desperate to see if there’s a way to salvage the love, trust, and goodwill that once existed between the two of you but that now feels covered up by resentment, contempt, or stone-cold silence. You want to work things out but just can’t seem to do it anymore on your own. If you need support, contact us today for Couple therapy in Berkeley and Richmond by   Life by Design Therapy

LGBT Therapy in Berkeley

42% of people who are LGBT report living in an unwelcoming environment. 80% of gay and lesbian youth report severe social isolation. 6 in 10 LGBT students report feeling unsafe at school because of their sexual orientation. You can encourage your classmates to accept LGBT students by promoting your views on social media. If you need support,  contact us today  for therapy in Berkeley and Richmond

Grief Therapy in Berkeley

At  Life by Design Therapy  we believe wellness happens when the union of the mind, body, and spirit becomes inseparable in a way that is honoring and respectful. As a result, we utilize body-based techniques and mindfulness to support healing and growth. Are you ready to live life on your own terms? Is it time to free yourself from the limitations of your past? Contact us today to set up your initial appointment: