Psychological Trauma


The recent news has been stressful and anxiety-provoking for many of us. We've experienced a collective trauma by witnessing the violence and insurrection at the Capitol.

In situations like these, it's important to care for yourself. Here are four things to try to help you feel better in the aftermath of political trauma:

⭐️ Log off of social media.
While it's important to stay informed, it's also critical to limit the amount of news media you consume. Logging off of social media, and getting your news only from other sources, keeps you up to date, while minimizing the amount of additional stress and anxiety you feel.

⭐️ Control what you can control.
The events at the Capitol made many of us feel helpless because there was nothing we could do to stop them. In order to regain a sense of control, focus on the things you can change. This means your environment, like what you eat, what you do with your time, and how you cope with the trauma at hand.

⭐️ Look at the big picture.
Many news pundits have been saying things like "this is the end of American democracy." Anxiety likes to take those statements and run with them, a thinking error we call catastrophizing. To interrupt catastrophizing, try to keep in mind the big picture: studies show that elements of American democracy -- such as our court system -- are alive and well.

⭐️ Practice self-soothing techniques.
In the wake of any kind of trauma, it helps to ground yourself in the present moment. One way to do this is by practicing self-soothing techniques. These techniques use your five senses to engage you in the present. For example, you might use a weighted blanket to engage your sense of touch.

If you are still struggling to wrap your head around what has taken place, you are not alone. Life by Design Therapy can help you overcome the signs of psychological trauma in the aftermath of these political events. Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more.


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