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Resilience is a desirable trait -- one that protects against depression and anxiety and helps us cope with adversity. Why not make 2021 the year that you practice building your resilience? Here are four ways to get started with becoming more resilient:

⭐️ Look back on previous successes.
We can all think of at least one time when we were resilient in the past. Think back on your previous experiences with resilience. What did you do to cope? Why did it work so well? Try to replicate those successes in the face of future setbacks.

⭐️ Practice radical acceptance.
Distress often comes from fighting reality or our refusal to accept the situation we are in. Radical acceptance is the act of accepting the things you cannot change and releasing control over the things outside our sphere of influence. By practicing radical acceptance, you can learn to make peace with challenging situations.

⭐️ Focus on logical problem-solving.
While it's easier said than done when we are feeling overwhelmed or emotional, it's important to look at setbacks through a logical lens and ask ourselves what we can do to change the situation at hand. When we relinquish control of the things we can control about a situation, we often find ourselves feeling stuck. Instead, ask yourself what steps you can take to improve the situation, and focus on the things that are within your control.

⭐️ Use self-compassion.
One of the most important ways to develop your resilience is to practice self-compassion. Imperfection and mistakes are an inevitable part of being human. By learning to accept this, and to speak to ourselves with kindness and compassion when setbacks occur, we can improve our resilience.

If you're struggling to develop healthy coping strategies or to be resilient in the face of challenges, therapy may help you build your resilience. Contact Life by Design Therapy today for a free consultation with one of our skilled providers.


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