
Showing posts from August, 2020

Couples and Family Therapy

  Our relationships with our caregivers continue to affect our relationships as adults. This idea is known as "Attachment Theory," and for the next few weeks, we'll be discussing it in our three-part series "Understanding Attachment Styles" on the Life by Design Therapy blog. If you haven't checked out our blog from last week, we explore anxious attachment, which forms when a caregiver is inconsistent in their responsiveness and availability. As an adult, an anxiously attached partner may seem clingy, paranoid, or distrustful. To learn more about anxious attachment, read the full blog post at Life by Design Therapy -- link in comments❣️

Therapy for Individuals and Couples

  Did you know that Life by Design Therapy offers sessions for both individuals and couples looking to grow in their relationships? 👩‍❤️‍👩 We understand how frustrating it is when you and your partner get stuck in an unhealthy pattern. Animosity and resentment are in full bloom, and you barely recognize the person you are with anymore. Somatic therapy invites you to bring mindfulness and compassion into your relationship with your partner, as a way of exploring and bringing deeper awareness as to what might be getting in the way of having the relationship you want and deserve. Whether you are struggling in your marriage, seeking premarital counseling, or simply looking to strengthen your relationship, Life by Design Therapy can help .

Types of Trauma

  Trauma impacts us all. 61 percent of adults report experiencing at least one Adverse Childhood Experience (ACE), according to . But trauma does not look identical for everyone. Traumatic experiences can take many forms, including but not limited to:   Developmental Trauma: traumatic events occurring in early childhood.   Family/Cultural Trauma: the influence of our family and cultural environment on the experience of trauma. Relational Trauma: the lasting effects of hurtful or abusive relationships. Sexual Trauma: falling victim to a traumatic sexual event. Generational Trauma: the results of the generation we are raised in, which can be traumatic -- i.e. 9/11, school shootings Our professional therapists have worked with a variety of clients who have experienced different types of traumatic experiences. No matter what trauma looks like for you, healing is possible -- and we are here to help.

Somatic Therapy Near Me

  ✨ Why somatic therapy at Life by Design? ✨ We believe that healing and transformation happen within present moment experiences, and use this belief to shape our work. Our goal as therapists is to guide you towards accessing more information and lead you to the path of experiencing wholeness. We believe this is the road to growth, paradigm shifts, challenging unhealthy patterns, and, most importantly, to the FREEDOM OF CHOICE. Somatic therapy encourages you to choose yourself, every day, by choosing to be aware of your body in the present moment. Contact Life by Design Therapy today to learn more about our openings for somatic therapy.

Somatic Therapy in Bay Area

  "To be disconnected from our body is to be disconnected from ourself." - @_lisaolivera 💙 The connection between our bodies, our minds, and our concept of the self is of tantamount importance in somatic therapy .  We hold onto so much of our previous experiences as physical sensations, making our bodies one of the fullest expressions of our memories and identities. Your body stands as a monument to every accomplishment you have made; every challenge you have overcome.  Today, I encourage you to ask yourself: how is your body a reflection of YOUR innermost self? What does your body, its sensations, and the way you present yourself say about YOU? ✨

Therapy for Healthy Romantic Relationship

  UNDERSTANDING ATTACHMENT STYLES: WHAT IS ANXIOUS ATTACHMENT? by Melody Wright, LMFT Our partnered relationships are such an important part of our existence.  When our relationships are thriving, we often feel on top of the world and capable of tackling anything that comes our way.  However, when our relationships are filled with constant conflict and disagreements, it’s normal to feel off our game and not like our usual selves. WHY IS OUR ATTACHMENT STYLE SO IMPORTANT? Over 30 years of research supports Sue Johnson's Emotionally Focused Couples and Family Therapy (EFT), an approach to viewing relationships as driven by one of four attachment styles. According to EFT, our attachment styles are shaped during childhood based on our relationships with our parents and continue to affect our romantic relationships as adults. In our blog series "Understanding Attachment Styles," we'll be helping you identify your attachment style by posting about each of the four types of

Therapy Service for Trauma

  Muscle memory is a powerful thing 💪🏾 Like riding a bike, our bodies instinctively remember previous trauma, even when -- in the case of suppressed traumatic memories -- we ourselves do not. Somatic therapy involves the body in the therapeutic process to help it release traumatic shock. Through somatic therapy, your body learns to process trauma, just as your mind does. Life by Design Therapy offers a team of qualified somatic therapists to support you throughout your journey toward catharsis 💙  Contact us to learn more about how we can help you heal.

Childhood Trauma

  Coming soon on the Life by Design blog! 💙 Stay tuned for our brand-new series on Attachment Theory , explaining the four styles of attachment that develop in childhood and how they affect our relationships as an adult. You'll learn: Why our relationships with our caregivers are so important How childhood trauma impacts attachment styles The difference between anxious, avoidant, and disorganized attachment Ways to develop a more secure attachment style ....& more! Raise your hand if you can't wait to read this series 🙋🏿

Body Awareness

  Body awareness is about more than just our physical selves: it is the connection of our mind and body as one 💫 Having awareness of the body is important because our bodies hold onto past memories and experiences. Studies show there is a relationship between trauma and medical conditions; physical manifestations of trauma can include migraines, upset stomach, and hormone imbalance. Realizing your own breathing and physical sensations fosters a pathway to change, helping you feel more comfortable in your own skin. Somatic therapists help you track changes in your bodily sensations to recognize signs that give you clues as to what is going on in your internal mind. Today, we encourage you to ask yourself: what would it feel like if I was more aware of my body's responses to my memories and my surroundings? What would it look like? Describe it, visualize it, and manifest this body awareness in the present moment ✨

Racism and Mental Health

  ICYMI, July was BIPOC Mental Health Awareness Month. 6.8 million Black Americans have at least one mental illness, as do 8.9 million Latinx Americans and 830k indigenous Americans (source:  @mentalhealthamerica ). Systemic factors such as generational trauma, community violence, and health care disparity contribute to the high rates of mental illness among BIPOC. Racism undermines mental health, which is why it's so important to continue to further anti-racism in all that we do. We are proud to say that Life by Design Therapy is committed to providing holistic, accessible care to BIPOC in the Bay Area. But, as clinicians, we must continue to use our voices to advocate for better, more accessible treatment in the community.

Intersectional Frames

  What does your intersectional frame look like?  Our therapist Ashley Gregory explores the connection between the "personal" and the "political" in her latest blog post for Life by Design Therapy.  Click Here to read the full post ❣️

Somatic Psychotherapy

  Touch is a human need. As far back as the 1800s, researchers noticed that babies who were not cuddled failed to thrive. Humans are instinctively wired for touch -- which is why touch therapy can be such an effective component of somatic psychotherapy . Touch therapy, when aligned with your therapeutic goals and operating within ethical codes, can have significant benefits, but it may not be right for every patient. Contact Life by Design Therapy for an evaluation to determine if touch therapy could be helpful for you.

Therapy for Couples in Bay Area

  Non-violent communication emphasizes the feelings we experience when our needs are met and when they are not met. When our needs are met, we may feel interested, affectionate, or hopeful. When they are not met, we may feel agitated, disconnected, or vulnerable. In NVC, feelings are like colors: the more variety, the better. It's important not to label our emotions as "good" or "bad." Simply observe and sit with what you are feeling as you feel it. To learn more about NVC, check out our blog post.

Best Therapist Near Me

  It's amazing how often we don't realize how certain people and situations impact our mental, physical, and emotional well-being. Your body will tell you when something in your life is off. Practice awareness , listen to your body's cues, and assess when something doesn't feel right.

Holistic Mental Health

  Are you ready to let go of your limiting beliefs and live a life of fulfillment, joy, and abundance? Without a clear plan for success, you cannot achieve true freedom and confidence in your business or in your life. By working with us , you'll get well-rounded guidance that considers almost every single aspect of building a life you love.

Inviting Complexity

  INVITING COMPLEXITY: RESISTING INDIVIDUALISM AND ACKNOWLEDGING INTERSECTIONAL FRAMES  by Ashley Gregory, LMFT WHITE SUPREMACY CULTURE: INSIDIOUS INDIVIDUALISM  I can recall many times throughout my work with foster system-involved youth of color when I have heard the phrase, “I don’t mean to be racist, but white people…” What they speak to next is often a painful experience; one of being dismissed, harassed or blamed. In these moments, I honestly appreciate that this young person has shared their perspective with me. I usually respond with, “First, it’s okay to talk about race and white privilege, that doesn’t mean you're racist,” followed by listening, empathy and validation while at the same time acknowledging the limitations inherent in my own understanding and experience. Many of the youth I have been fortunate enough to work with are exposed to the same media representations that the rest of us have. The message is that bringing up race is the same as being racist. Talking a

Counseling for Marriage

  Marriage counseling , also called couples therapy, is a type of psychotherapy. Marriage counseling helps couples of all types recognize and resolve conflicts and improve their relationships. Through marriage counseling, you can make thoughtful decisions about rebuilding and strengthening your relationship or going your separate ways. Marriage counseling is often short term. Marriage counseling typically includes both partners, but sometimes one partner chooses to work with a therapist alone. The specific treatment plan depends on the situation.

Online Mental Health

Our online mental health program allows you to get the mental health care you need in a way that has never been more convenient. Connect to us using any device with internet access- phone, tablet, or computer. Take the first step and schedule your free phone consultation to discuss your online therapy and counseling options today! Call Now  510-646-0046

Life by Design

TAKING IT PERSONAL: WHITE SUPREMACY CULTURE by Ashley Gregory, LMFT As a queer-identified, able-bodied and cisgendered woman with class and race privilege, I strive to prioritize naming how social locations shape the ways we move and show up in our lives. I believe those of us with privilege(s) are presented with opportunities to examine our values and actions with honesty, humility and openness. My hope with this imperfect piece is to enliven anti-racist study and exploration. Focusing on racial formation and white supremacy culture in this writing is intentional, however, is not meant to downplay or discount the role of intersecting categories of gender, sexual orientation, ability, nationality/immigration status, age, class or religion. In upcoming pieces, I will discuss interlocking systems of privilege and oppression, the origins of identity politics and delve deeper into white supremacy culture.

Somatic Therapist

Hello, I am Ashley Gregory I received my Master’s degree in Somatic Psychotherapy from the Holistic School of Counseling Psychology at John F. Kennedy University. My background includes working in community mental health settings with youth and families impacted by the foster care system and prison industrial complex. I engaged in critical race, class and gender studies for five years at Humboldt State University for my undergraduate education.

Individual Therapy

One-On-One Therapy (Psychotherapy) and Counseling Ongoing one-on-one therapy and counseling is a common means of growth and healing for many people. Individual one-on-one therapy, often referred to as psychotherapy, involves meeting with a therapist individually in order to reduce internal suffering, which often causes problematic behavior. One-on-one therapy can help to break down barriers that interfere with emotional and mental well-being. Life by Design Therapy clients begin to value the journey to becoming more conscious about themselves, their inner world, and their relationships – where compassion, peace, joy, self-esteem, spiritual connections and love are imparted using the tools they’ve learned in one-on-one therapy.