Holistic Therapy

Become the Individual that You Were Meant to Be

You Deserve to Feel Safe. Empowered. Connected to Those Around You. You Deserve to Grow, and You Deserve to Thrive!
Research has shown that people who are accepted, loved and valued for who they are go on to live more fulfilling lives, and in doing so, better impact the lives of those around them.
But too often, many therapies approach the issue of those who feel detached, distant, unloved or ashamed as if you are broken and need to be fixed.
You are not broken. What’s broken is society’s approach to trying to segment everyone into nice, neat, predefined boxes, with labels that try to make a statement about you without giving you the chance to be heard.
The truth is, there has never been anyone in history who is exactly like you — who has your unique skills, your talents, your style, your beliefs and your ambitions. Nor will there ever be another you.
In the billions and billions of people in this world, you are uniquely suited to grow, develop and blossom into the person you were meant to be, and holistic therapy can help you by nurturing and empowering you to move forward with conviction and confidence.

What is Holistic Therapy?

In short, holistic therapy breaks away from the notion that people are broken, empty vessels that need to be filled. It does not concentrate on your flaws, but rather recognizes and honors you for the unique, independent and whole being that you are.
In being the kind of person you are meant to be, sometimes you can get stuck. You feel like everywhere you turn, there’s a barrier in your way, and you just don’t know how to move forward. And this can manifest in many different parts of your life: love and relationships, work and professional life, habits and lifestyle, and much more.

How Does Holistic Therapy Differ from Traditional Talk Therapy?

Modern medicine tends to approach common counseling issues such as past trauma, relationship issues and mental illness with a medical approach. Of course, this is not to say that there is no value in talking out your feelings. Talking is certainly a good way to “clear the air” and start fresh, but it won’t help prevent you from falling back into old habits or stop you from feeling trapped again the minute you start to move forward.
This is where holistic psychotherapy comes in.
At Life by Design Therapy, we specialize in psychotherapy in Berkeley and Richmond, and we believe in treating the whole person, through a unique series of approaches that cover all three major areas:
  • Mind — The mind-body connection is a powerful one, and even if you aren’t particularly religious, many people resonate with the passage, “as a man thinketh, so is he.” Your thoughts can control your actions as well as restrict them. By carefully unraveling these toxic roots that hold you back, you’ll be able to break through that “stuck” feeling and become the person you were born to be.
  • Body — Oftentimes, traditional psychotherapy tends to neglect the body, concentrating solely on the mind. But things like trauma, anxiety, depression and insomnia can all take their toll on the body too, and the emotions we feel are very real. By taking the time to recognize and become aware of your body and its actions (and reactions), you can work to identify maladaptive habits that distract you or sabotage your efforts.
  • Spirit — Many people, even those who may not ascribe to a particular religion, dismiss the power that one’s spirit has on their overall wellness. More than just pure willpower or mental fortitude, your spirit also needs to be nourished, and as part of holistic therapy, it is. This is your purpose, what gives your life meaning and what sets your soul on fire.

Who Can Benefit from Holistic Therapy?

There is growing research that evinces the benefits of holistic psychotherapy: for individuals, couples, children, families or anyone that needs healing, transformation, growth, or simply acceptance. In doing so, our Berkeley and Richmond psychotherapists at Life by Design Therapy help our clients explore issues beyond themselves — issues that go beyond the ego or the self.
This approach is essential in helping to heal even the deepest emotional wounds caused by traumatic experiences, including sexual violence, war, neglect and abuse, and more. But holistic therapy isn’t relegated to helping heal life-shattering experiences. Holistic psychotherapy can help everyone, from couples who struggle to communicate, to parents who feel like they’re out of options when it comes to raising their children.
Our therapists at Life by Design Therapy are proud to work with individuals and couples from a variety of backgrounds and lifestyles, including blended families, parents, people of color, abuse survivors, LGBTQ+ individuals and families and much more.
No matter who you are or where you come from. No matter who you love or how you see yourself, holistic therapy can help you become the very best version of yourself.

How Life by Design Therapy Can Support You in Becoming Who You Were Meant to Be

Not only do our trained holistic psychotherapists hold the holistic view near and dear to themselves, but our unique perspectives and abilities are mirrored in helping our clients by building greater body awareness, and developing mindfulness-based approaches using a variety of treatment methods.
Our greatest achievement is being able to see the individuals, couples and families we’ve helped become whole, happy, healthy beings living their best lives ever.
And we’d like you to be next. You deserve to be seen, acknowledged and loved for who you are and for what you want to become. Take the first step in seeing yourself as the beautiful, complete person you are.
Overcome the trials and tribulations that are holding you back through a proven, multi-faceted approach that is built on research and fulfilled by people just like you.


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