
Talk Therapy Near Me

  We want to create space for you to reflect on your needs today. What can you do for your needs this week? Let us know what you decide in the comments!

Relationship Therapy in Berkeley

  So you've been dating this person for a while now and you're starting to wonder if you should take the next step with them. The questions start rolling around in your head...How do you know that you're ready? What does this actually look like? Do I know enough about this person to commit this deeply? If this is you KEEP READING ! Here are a few things you may want to ask yourself before committing to a serious relationship... Can they set healthy boundaries? Are they able to be honest when they're uncertain about something? What are their thoughts on marriage and children? Can they share the mental load or will you have to plan everything? How do they respond when they're angry? Are they capable of identifying their needs and emotions? What is their relationship with money and do you two share similar values? you think you're ready? What other things are important for you to know before committing to a serious relationship? Let us know in the comments!

Tips for Panic Attacks

  3 Tips for Panic Attacks. Try these Easy techniques for Anxiety and Panic attacks. Don't forget to join our community for all thing related to mental health, wellness and holistic healing! Subscribe to our channel for more relaxation music, guided meditations, and mental health tips .

Benefits of In-Person Sessions

  It's no secret that we, as a society, have gotten used to the world of technology. We communicate digitally, work from home and even receive healthcare over Zoom. With restrictions lifting from our Covid days, many places are making the effort to restore human interaction. That includes us, here at Life By Design Therapy. We are now open for in-person therapy sessions. So you may be wondering...why go back to in-person sessions? What are some of the benefits? Trust - trust is an essential aspect of therapy. There is a relationship that needs to be built between clients and therapists. Many people have found it challenging to connect over video. For some, meeting in person allows them to tap into their emotions, ground, and build relationships easier. Focus - If you are attempting to do your therapy sessions from your home, you may find that you're easily distracted by pets, children, and even clutter around your home. You may also hold back from sharing because you're con

Engage Your Teen

  Being a teen is hard, but being a teen's parent is even harder. Learning to communicate with your teen can be a challenge. Here are a few ways to engage with your teen. Ask Open-Ended Questions - these are questions that require more than a yes/no answer. Ask What They Need - this may be tough for them to answer, but it will promote thought within themselves about what they are needing at the moment. Avoid Criticizing Them - if you grew up with a baby boomer as your parent, this may have been their first response when trying to get your attention. However, as we've seen in our own lives, there is inner child trauma that comes from this "reverse psychology". Try Journaling Back and Forth Together - this is a great tool for a teen who doesn't want to talk. Sometimes expressing themselves through writing or doodles can create more confidence in communication. If your teen is struggling and maybe they've expressed the need to talk, consider having them meet wit

What is Imposter Syndrome?

  Have you ever been in a situation where you lacked confidence and it made you feel like you were a fraud or maybe playing pretend? Imposter Syndrome. Imposter syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which people are unable to internalize their accomplishments so they constantly fear being exposed as a “fraud” or as lacking the necessary skills for the tasks they have been doing. The #BIPOC community is one of the hardest hit when it comes to imposter syndrome. Many BIPOC individuals feel as though they don't belong due to the portrayed societal standards. There is a lack of representation, lack of support, and prejudicial attitudes found in the workplace and internalizations of microaggressions throughout society. Look at it this's like a community as a whole is a child and the parent is always telling them how they aren't good enough. This takes a massive toll on the mental health of someone. One of the best ways you can free yourself from Imposter S

Communication Issues in Your Relationship

  It's hard to have an open and productive conversation when two people are talking on different wavelengths. So many times people are fighting to be heard that they fail to realize the barriers being created by communication issues. The feelings are valid on both sides, they just are being communicated effectively. Here are signs that there are communication issues in your relationship... Criticism Defensiveness Silence Feeling Misunderstood If you are needing support with your communication skills with your partner, consider couples counseling with one of our therapists here a Life By Design .