
Showing posts from June, 2020

Holistic Psychotherapist

HOW LIFE BY DESIGN THERAPY CAN SUPPORT YOU IN BECOMING WHO YOU WERE MEANT TO BE Not only do our trained holistic psychotherapists hold the holistic view near and dear to themselves, but our unique perspectives and abilities are mirrored in helping our clients by building greater body awareness, and developing mindfulness-based approaches using a variety of treatment methods. Contact us today to see how our therapists can support you.

Pride Month 2020

If you are evaluating your gender identity or sexual orientation, or if you are considering the “coming out” process, you are likely experiencing a great deal of anxiety and stress. Even if your families and networks are very supportive and progressive, you may be fearing the worst and expecting some fallout from your social circles. Life by Design Therapy Connects you with the Best Psychologists and Counselors Online for your Mental and Emotional Health Issues.

We Offer Family Therapy

Family therapy is a type of group  psychotherapy . In family therapy, "family" is defined as a group of people who care about each other and call themselves a family. This could include parents and children, partners, grandparents, brothers and sisters, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends, caregivers and other professionals that are close to the group. Healing Relationships With Family Therapy

LGBT Pride Celebration

An Annual LGBT Pride Celebration Every year, during the month of June, the LGBT community celebrates in a number of different ways. Across the globe, various events are held during this special month as a way of recognising the influence LGBT people have had around the world.  Life by Design Therapy suggests that LGBTQ individuals seek mental health treatment at a higher rate than their non-LGBTQ counterparts. This may be due to the stigma and discrimination LGBTQ individuals often face on a regular basis, from society, family members, peers, co-workers, and even classmates. This discrimination contributes to the higher rates of depression, anxiety, and other mental health struggles seen amongst LGBTQ.

Cultural Competent Therapists

Black Lives Matter "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that" -Martin Luther King, Jr. Offering Holistic Therapy to our Diverse Communities .

Therapy for Teenagers

A teen doesn’t have to a mental illness to want to see a therapist or counselor. There are a number of good reasons for an adolescent to spend an hour with a  mental health professional . Contact our holistic and somatic therapists that specialize with teenagers for an initial consultation.

Mental Health Therapist Near Me

Life by Design Therapy  Connects you with the Best Psychologists and Counselors Online for your Mental and Emotional Health Issues.

Anxiety Therapy in Berkeley

16 WAYS YOU CAN REDUCE ANXIETY TODAY Life can move at a fast pace and the inertia can take over, leaving us feeling empty without the steam to go any further. What exactly is anxiety? Anxiety is an overwhelming feeling that interferes with daily life. To each person, the experience is different and can be caused by public speaking, test taking or starting a new job or school. Sometimes anxiety can take over, but the good news is, there are quick and simple steps you can take to settle your anxiety, think better and feel refreshed. BEST ANXIETY REDUCING HABITS Yoga- Aside from the anxiety-reducing benefits of yoga, it also has other positive side effects, such as a better quality of sleep and circulation. Dance- If you are feeling anxious, try dance. Enroll in a class such as jazz, tap, and ballet; or take friends and dance for fun. Massage- For stiff or tight muscles from strain or tension, a 30 minute to an hour massage can help reduce tension so you can relax. Meditation- Calming the

Holistic Counselor in United States

The holistic treatment approach focuses on healthy eating habits and therapeutic practices. Stress relieving and self-relaxing exercises like yoga are also believed to be effective in improving your overall health. If you’re struggling right now to obtain balance, structure and a sense of normaly, call our holistic counselors today. Call  510–646–0046  or  Click Here  to Schedule your Free Phone Consultation.

Holistic and Somatic Therapy for Children

Sometimes children need therapy for circumstances where healing is involved. For example, in the event of an unexpected loss a child may have trouble dealing with grief and sorrow for the first time. On other occasions holistic and somatic psychotherapy is extremely helpful in helping build social skills and coping mechanisms for major events or transitions in their life. For example, dealing with a bully at school the next time they are threatened. Life by Design Therapy offers  holistic psychotherapy  in Berkeley and Richmond for people of all ages. We have no restrictions based on age, race, religion, or sex. Children are warmly welcomed and supported!

Online Therapy Services

Best Online Counseling and Therapy Services Life by Design Therapy Connects you with the Best  Psychologists and Counselors  Online for your Mental and Emotional Health Issues.

Therapist for Relationships and Marriage

NONVIOLENT COMMUNICATION (NVC), AN INTRODUCTION PERSONAL BEGINNINGS My initial reaction to learning Nonviolent Communication (NVC) was piercing skepticism.  Nonviolent Communication: A Language of Life  by Marshall B. Rosenberg was required reading for a service learning internship during my early college years. It took considerable effort to overcome my resistance to opening the blue book with an image of the Earth surrounded by the petals of a yellow daisy on the cover. I finally cracked the book open as I considered how important it was for me to keep up with my job expectations. One of the first lines from the book that I noticed was: “Through its emphasis on deep listening — to ourselves as well as others — NVC fosters respect, attentiveness, and empathy, and engenders a mutual desire to give from the heart” (p.4). As NVC began to resonate with me, I also soon discovered that putting it into practice was considerably more challenging than reading about it. About 17 years later, th

Marriage Therapy

A relationship may sour for a variety of reasons, including stress, infidelity, and incompatibility. Several types of marriage counseling methods have been developed and tested over the years, allowing you to choose the right type of marriage therapy to address your relationship’s unique set of issues. You may be tempted to try to work out the problems on your own, but using a  licensed professional  who can engage you and your spouse in one of the most successful methods in marriage therapy will give your relationship the best chance for success. Call Now for Help 510–646–0046

Individual Counseling

What Is Individual Counseling? Individual counseling  is a one-on-one counseling between a client and a trained therapist, in a safe, caring, and confidential environment. The client expresses whatever comes in his mind. The therapist here knows how to take out more of information from the client by making him comfortable enough to express his thoughts. By doing so, the client is able to identify those aspects of their lives that they would like to change. Thus, it helps them to have a better understanding of themselves and others. After counseling they know what is bothering them, and what they actually want from life.

Online Mental Health Therapy in California

LETS FACE IT. . . WE ARE LIVING IN CHALLENGING TIMES RIGHT NOW. Stress, worry and fear is at an all-time high. Uncertainty is the new normal and we are all just trying to get through the day with some feeling of normalcy. During times of stress and constant change, it’s natural to experience an increase in feelings of anxiety, depression and general overwhelm. No matter what you are going through right now,  therapy can help .

Rediscover Yourself

Life by Design Therapy Self-love refers to the act of valuing one’s own happiness and well-being. Self-love is a kind of acceptance that can be described as an unconditional sense of support and caring and a core of compassion for the self. It might also be considered a willingness to meet personal needs, allow non-judgmental thinking, and view the self as essentially worthy, good, valuable, and deserving of happiness. Those who find it challenging to practice self-love or have barriers that make it difficult for them to experience compassion or love for themselves may find the support of a  therapist  or  other mental health professional  to be beneficial as they explore the reasons behind these difficulties.

Holistic and Somatic Therapists

Life by Design Therapy Life by Design Therapy offers a range of holistic and somatic psychotherapy services to support your growth, healing, and empowerment. If you know which therapist you would like to work with,  Click Here  to access their calendar and schedule your free phone consultation. Otherwise, send us a message and we will be in touch shortly!

Working from Home?

ROUTINE MUST-HAVES TO GET THROUGH WORKING FROM HOME by  Melody Wright , LMFT Picture this: You’re at home. Your partner is at home. Your kids are at home — and feeling cooped up at that. And on top of it all, you’re expected to be productive while working from home, as if nothing was going on in your life outside of work. For many of us, this has become our reality. The changes that COVID-19 has brought have created a huge shift in the way we live our lives, both at home and at work. Many of us are struggling to grocery shop and stay connected with friends, let alone get any work done…. But that’s okay.  One of the benefits of going through a global pandemic (if there are any) is that everyone is going through the same changes that you are! All of our lives have been turned upside down — and we’re all trying to figure this out together. That brings me to something important that I’ve discovered: the importance of routine. As our lives are shaken and stirred like a dirty martini, many o